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I went back to an older watercolor sketch from my sketchbook. I think I did this last year. Even though I based the painting on this sketch, I like how distinct both pieces are from each other. It means that I could do another painting based on this one and it will still be something new and different.

Here's the original sketch.

I did an Alla Prima study of it. 

I believe it took me 2 hours or so. Here's another picture of that one.

I used a variation of the Zorn Pallet for this one. 

The Zorn pallet is a minimal, limited color pallet made up of white, black, yellow ochre, and red.*

I'm sure I'll do a video about the Zorn pallet at some point. I modified it a little bit by adding Red Iron Oxide to the mix. That color is somewhere between the bright red and the yellow ochre, so I don't have to constantly be mixing those two together. 

I think this character looks like Mike from Breaking Bad. Like if he took up painting in retirement and did a bad self portrait. 

Post Session Automatic Drawing

To finish the Routine and clear my mind after the painting session I did another automatic drawing. This is how that turned out.

Then I cleaned my brushes and called it a night!

Have Fun. Goodnight Sweeties!

*The artist who the Zorn pallet is named after, Anders Zorn used Vermillion I think. I used Napthol red Light, but cadmium red light works. Any vivid red that leans more orange.



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