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Hi everyone! I hope you enjoy this month's cool and peaceful blue monochrome header image. This time I spontaneously decided to go with a much more "flat" style than the painterly one I've been playing with in these headers, I'm interested to know what you think! High resolution desktop and iphone wallpapers are attached :)

Let's have a look at what went down in the month of May!

Quality Testers

Another page of the chill zine (Moat Method) went up, along with a rather startling amount of spontaneous moody journal comics. That's just the life of a cartoonist...

I also shared this month's DIY Art Degree accountability post, and even showed off my new "pngtuber" that I'm using on Twitch.

Lab Techs

I shared about my interpretation of what Solarpunk Fashion could be! This post was a lot of fun :) I also went into much more detail about the type of colour studies I've been doing this month. 


...are in the process of receiving their quarterly shipment! This time it was some cute post it notes, washi tape and stickers~!

These will be available to everyone when the Career Zine launches for sale (soon).


Wasted Talent randomly got added to a tumblr poll ranking of "obscure webcomics" (I... lost? I think?) and a few people tagged me to link where I'm hanging out there! I am very appreciative :') Instagram is Also Here (I'm trying to get better at posting but it's not going great).

I continue to be silly on Mastodon 

I suppose mostly this month I had been focusing on Twitch. My schedule is slowly coalescing into Tuesday/Thursday as being a bit more reliable, and I'm still experimenting with other things.

Hey, Neat

I'm not going to lie, I've just been watching this Waluigi fan-animated video over and over again for like three weeks now. (cw: suicidal ideation themes)


Weirdly I did a bunch of commissions this month! I'm not "open" for commissions but occasionally a friend needs something :) In this case a friend was moving and asked for a postcard to let people know where she was going!

And Phil (who was in Shenzhen Fast) with me is making some "3D Printed Art" based on my work:

Here it is in motion - this is the earlier version without lineweight correction 3D Printed Drawing

But the big thing was draw/walk for the kitties!! So many of you came out in various ways to support 💜 Your donations, shares and even just hanging out and saying hi means a lot! Together we raised over $1,000 and that put us in the top ten of all of the fundraisers!!! (#7). The walk itself was a lot of fun, and I'm so happy! I've never done a fundraiser like this before :)

And here's the star of the whole affair, in her natural element, high AF on catnip:

Stay cool this month everyone, lots more to come! Thanks so much for supporting my work!




Don't feel bad about "losing." The one contest I had a really good chance of winning and I wasn't listed. (Guess I'm *too* obscure.)


This contest even listed Questionable Content as 'obscure' 😂 so I'm definitely not taking it seriously. I am just not sure if being more obscure is winning or losing in this case. I lost the poll but by losing do I win? I'm so confused...


I should have put "winning" in quotes. Yeah, QC is definitely a first round elimination (although it did get some "never heard of it" votes; go fig). No idea how they got their initial slate. It *is* rather confusing.