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Hi everyone! I got a bit overloaded again... 😬 Some unexpected non-optional things got dropped on me and getting it all done took more energy than I had. It put me back into "dead battery" mode again.

So what I've done is I've paused payments for July since I figure we can all use a break (you won't be charged but you'll still be patrons and you'll still have access and all of that) and I'll use that time to try to get myself back to a regular posting schedule.

Sometimes the guilt of having falling behind paralyzes me from moving forward, so taking this payment pause is just a way for me to forgive myself and get back on track :)

Jam what happened

Not to spoil the punchline of what I was trying to explain (poorly) in journal comics, but I think I might have autism. The "smoking gun" symptom for me is autistic burnout, which is what I think I've been dealing with for 2+ years now. 

It's very hard to explain. It's like I have physical energy, but not mental energy. Like right now it's 2pm and I know I need to eat but I'm having trouble putting the steps together of making something that I want to eat. (But I just remembered that I have some Ensure, score.) This morning I could make waffles. But it took me wayyyyyy longer than usual. 

I could go to the gym tomorrow and deadlift 60kg and that's fine, because the steps for doing that are now a well-worn path in my brain (and exercise helps this particular issue a LOT). But if I wanted to go to a nice quiet park, which would also help, (or god forbid the grocery store, which I had to tackle yesterday), the steps involved in getting that done are borderline overwhelming. Getting to the grocery store yesterday was the only big thing I managed to do. 

I can write this post, but it's extremely rambly, and it's probably not going to land well. 😅 I can drawwww...? But the drawings aren't..... good. imo. And it feels like pulling teeth. 

I have trouble breaking bigger tasks down into steps and focusing long enough to execute them. This is not normal for me, these are skills that I'm normally quite good at, which was one of my big tip-offs that something was unusual and wrong and it wasn't just an innate way of being for me.  

It "feels" like I'm tired. Like I have to lay down between tasks to recover a bit before I can do something else. But I'm not physically tired. Just my brain. 

So what

So, I'm still getting used to how this works. There isn't much research to help, and the community is still working it out, too, so I've been testing stuff and just being careful but sometimes I misjudge the energy needs or something unexpected like this happens. 

I know what I have to prioritize to get myself back on track now, but it takes time, and it's not exciting :( Today I'm going to try and clean out my fridge.... h aha...... ew. Hopefully sweep too 🤞And that's a big ask for myself when it gets like this.

If I disappear again please know that I am ok but most of my energy is going towards keeping myself fed and clean and employed. I promise to always get back as soon as I feel like I can get a post together.

You know what has been saving my tired butt? Moat method...

I'll post the studies and stuff I managed to do this month as well and then we'll try to pick this up again in July and hopefully be back to normal by August :)

Thanks so much everyone 💜



Thor Wilbanks

Bah! I am so sorry. Being mentally fried sucks, whatever the cause, and to have it be recurrently triggered . . . bah! I hope you can hunker down and recuperate and give your "what's with all this achieving?" self a break. Suggestion for this weekend that is explicit so may require no thought: Go out after 6 pm for an hour to the nearest park, just for a 30 minute sit. To ignore until later: Maybe next high-mental-reserve time you can make a explainer / checklist for going to the park or beach, so that can be on autopilot another time. Destination choice can be rotated or random. If you provide the list, I'll put up a php page to randomly tell you which park to visit in your part of Vancouver, or a template so you can be discrete about what parks and which part of Vancouver.


❤️ take as much time as you want, and I hope you find community and support that helps


Aw well a lot of your comics really have spoke to me, also autistic, so that makes sense. I still love your dragon quest professional engineer comic so much. Sending autistic virtual hugs 😊


I understand this burnout well. Hope you’re able to rest well and recover. Your well-being is our priority too. ❤️


This is sweet of you Thor, thank you. I'm still learning what the major barriers are and how to set myself up for success in this regard, I think I will get there eventually :)

Jeph Jacques

Greetings, fellow late in life autism realizer

Matt Zweig

This sounds familiar too. I hope you feel better soon. ❤️