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Ok so now that I've finished the drawing side of Shenzhen Fast, and I'm working through the inks of Career Zine, it's time to start thinking of writing for my next project. This time I think I'd like to do another technical piece. I'm thinking of A Gentle Introduction to 3D Printing. In essence, I'm interested in explaining technology that people hear about all the time that perhaps the everyday person hasn't been able to keep up with. 

A regular person might know that 3D printers exist, and they might know the sort of things that can be made by 3D printers, but are probably not sure how exactly they work or what the potential (and limitations) of that technology is. I'm hoping to make comics for that sort of person, so that they can be more informed about technologies that are already starting to make huge waves in industry and business, so that they can make informed decisions about the technology for themselves. 

Obviously it's a huge topic, and at this stage I don't really want to commit to making a huge book about this. I think it would be interesting to keep going back to this topic (and other topics) in 4 page chunks to see how I can build up various zines about them. 

This is the first spread I think I'd like to try to tackle on the topic, it's inspired by these DK Eyewitness style books. 

(This is a photo of the 'Buildings' book). I was obsessed with this series of books when I was a kid. Little me would go through every single one that my library had, and I just loved how every spread had a different angle on the topic. For some reason I absolutely loved the little lines that would point to things and name them... that's very specific but knowing the names of things and how they work held a certain sort of power and mystique to me. Awhile ago I was thinking about what kind of book I could make that would delight little-me. I think this would be that type of book. 

Now, this is clearly DK's thing and they've been doing it for a long time, so I don't intend to make a book exactly like this. I'd like these spreads to be an homage kind of the same way that Becky and Frank did their golden books. I think it would be really cool if other spreads were more instructional, or contained interviews with real people working in the space!

Lots of ideas for this project, the key for me will be to restrain myself to just these four pages for now :)




I think we are seeing the young brain of an engineer! ♥ As a librarian, I think you could really market this type of zine to libraries, particularly public and school libraries! It would be amazing and help people learn more about it in an accessible way. -jess


I'm hoping so! I see a lot of science-focused books that aren't very technical, or stay very surface-level. When I think about my young self, "age appropriate" didn't necessarily need to equate to "surface-level only." My favourite book was a visual dictionary that just explained stuff....