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Hello lovely Patrons! This winter has been a rough one but spring is slowly approaching and I'm very excited about that. I can't wait for it to be warm enough that I can spend more time in my beloved forests, I had fun playing with the shades and colours in the header image (an update from the inked version I had last month.)

Welcome new patrons! 🎉Thor, 🎉Randy, 🎉Nicolas, 🎉Geoffpb, 🎉Joshua, 🎉brock, 🎉Sean , 🎉Josh, 🎉shawn, 🎉eo, 🎉Rasmus, 🎉Chris, 🎉Max, 🎉Sean W, 🎉Humungus, 🎉Elliott, and 🎉Rachel V! Woo!🎉🎉🎉

If you're one of the new Patrons, Hi!! This is my round-up newsletter: every month, I post an update that collects everything that happened here on Patreon and also around the internet. Life is busy, so I wanna make sure you don't miss anything good :) 

Here on Patreon...

$1 - Early Access

We're getting into the fun stuff with Shenzhen Fast! Here are pages 5, 6 and 7, and then 8! Gonna have a lot more pages about PCBs this month, it was exciting to really break down how those are made since they're in everything these days :0

$2 - Sneaky Peaks

The career zine pencils are done! Next we're moving forward in inks. Hey, did you want to be in this comic? I made a piccrew that anyone can use, but post your cat on that page and I'll use it in the comic :) 

Cattes at Work - Piccrew!

I also did some fanart and wrote a little review of Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken :)

$5 - Behind the Scenes

Hey, remember those cats? Did you also want a sticker of your cat!? Here is the post for that :) I'll be mailing those out this month. 

I also wrote about some Corgi Coasters I made with a friend of mine.

$10 - The LAB

Hourly Comics Day was February 1! And I made some comics :) I've posted them here as a Lab Exclusive for now. 

Around the Internets

The Tradewaiters updated: Saga part 2! (This is a podcast that I'm one of the hosts of. It's kind of like a book club, except it's about comics and all of us talking about it are cartoonists. So we get pretty inside baseball with it, if that's your thing.) Our next book is going to be Laura Dean Keeps Breaking Up With Me.

Hey this is neat

Recently I've really gotten into Sabrina & Friends on Youtube. She does these really fun and in-depth "explainer" videos about all sorts of things. She's done a few fun ones about machine learning and AI, but this recent one about Small Talk was quite poignant and nice. 

I also really like Two Minute Papers (which is another AI-specialist channel), if you ever want to scare the shit out of yourself for how good dee/pfak/e/s are getting, but this recent paper about animating monster shapes was really fun. 


I have a new foster catte! :) He is a super shy boi that I named Choji who right now is staying in a kennel in my studio until he feels more comfortable. It took him days to be willing to let me near him at all, but now he is getting more calm and accepting scritches and eating from my hand. It's lovely to have him here. 

Okay, stay safe everyone! Let's get to spring!!!




Hello to Choji! I keep meaning to catch up with the Tradewaiters reboot, and I am curious about everyone's opinion on Saga. I need to read Laura Dean myself, so maybe this is good incentive. Still love the catte maker on Picrew, too!


Yeah, Saga was a good discussion, I think! I came away from it with a renewed perspective which is always the mark of success for me. Just a note to everyone tho: Tradewaiters has no throughline! Feel free to jump around to whatever books seem interesting :) (But Laura Dean comes with a STRONG recommend from me.)