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Ok, and here's the end of the career zine, yay! Now with your generous help providing cattemodels, I have everything I need to start on INKS!

I'm wondering now whether this ending is a bit too saccharine, maybe I'm bitter and jaded about this but I wanted it to be positive and hopeful :) I feel like this topic gives a lot of people anxiety! It's very hard and uncertain and it feels so Serious and Important and Life-or-Death, right? I don't want to undersell the uneven challenges that people face trying to navigate it, but my goal is to instill confidence and calm. 

Maybe someday I'll make a zine of "the inevitable s&h*t that you (or someone you know) will encounter and some options to navigate it" haha...... that one could be a BOOK though OTL.

I also love that "person growing through their career" on page 17, very cute. I'm excited to fill in details there. 



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