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Another month bites the dust!! And hey, we all made it through! :) I'm glad you're here. Let's take a look at what happened around Patreon 💪

Welcome to new Patrons! RJAR 🎉

This month on Wasted Talent, we got to the end of book 1! Woo :)

And here on Patreon...

$1 Patrons - Early Access

I shared two more pages of the food zine (soup! and tomato rice!) Really exciting to be in the final phase of this piece!

$2 Patrons - Sneaky Peaks

I shared two more pencilled pages of Shenzhen Fast - one about Shenzhen's Future and another about high volume manufacturing that spurred some interesting discussion :) I've finished the pencil phase of this comic and I'm rolling into inks now, which is super exciting.

$5 Patrons - Behind the Scenes

Ever wonder how the soup is made? No, literally, have you wondered how I drew the soup drawing? 😂 I did a detailed breakdown of my colouring process! I also shared a bit about my plans for how I'm going to put this zine set together :)

$10 Patrons - the Lab

In the lab this month, I shared a brand new science fiction short story! It's about how technology is going to change how we grieve and process the passing of our loved ones. 


This month, our podcast group posted the first half of our review of Naoki Urasawa's MONSTER -- a great book for anyone who is into the thriller/suspense genre. 


As the cover photo implies... this month the weirdest thing I did was attend a Tarot reading event at the local Cat Cafe! 

I really want a cat... but while it remains impractical, it's really lucky that I live so close to a cat cafe where I can go visit furry friends :) Tarot was interesting to, I'm not super sure it's for me, but I did learn a lot about the practice. 

That's about it for this month! Have a good one :D




I wish you could get a kitty, because I'd love to see drawings of it. (I love Danielle Corsetto's images of her cats, especially curmudgeonly Ellie.) That said, I really wish we had a cat cafe near us, because one can't have too many cats to pet nearby! :) -jess


Me too :'( having a cat is still one of my greatest unfulfilled dreams, and I hope it's one I can close the gap on soon. Cats you really need to have a relationship with, imo, so while it's lovely to be able to visit them it really isn't the same.