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My goal is to have Shenzhen Fast finished by TCAF, so we're entering a bit of a crunch time now!! I'm planning on hiring a colourist for this piece just to make sure it can happen on time (and because digital colouring has never been my forté.)

An essential step of digital colouring is called flatting. All this means is filling in the large sections of colour with different tones, so a colourist can do their work more quickly and efficiently. Many artists/colourists will do their own flat work, but the task is kind of tedious and doesn't need the skill of a colourist, so in recent years it has split off from colouring and become its own task. These are not the final colours! The colourist will decide what they want to do with the colours when they receive these pages. 

Sfé has generously stepped up to help me flat this piece. I ink stuff for them often, and it has been really awesome to have a creative partner who can step in on stuff like this when there's a crunch. Every artist has different strengths and weaknesses! 

I won't be showing this stage to all Patrons because it's an odd intermediate step, but I thought you would appreciate knowing what's happening behind the scenes :)



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