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The best of Wasted Talent is live! Wow!! 100 amazing people already subscribed on Webtoon and I'm over the moon with everyone who came out to show support for the comic. It's good to be back <3 Here's the launch post with all the details, if you missed it.

So far, the comics that have been posted are:

How amazing are Jon's colours by the way?? They're such a perfect match and I'm so grateful for all the hard work he did on this.

Here's what went down on Patreon this month...

$1 Patrons - Early Access

$2 Patrons - Sneaky Peeks

$5 Patrons - Behind the Scenes

Technical Links I thought were Interesting!

What is Jam up to this month, art-wise...

  • I've spent most of this past month getting everything in order to get Wasted Talent relaunched! That was huge... I probably spent several months just doing the back-end work to make this a reality. Now that it's actually live, I've been taking a step back to re-examine priorities and decide what the next big push is going to be. I think it's going to be a deep dive into Patreon and making it the best experience it can be :)
  • I was super fortunate to meet Joanne Hastie - a local artist who uses machine learning to train a robotic arm how to paint! She was super generous and invited me into her studio and told me a lot about her process. I was blown away!! Please check out her work, it's SO cool.
  • I've been reading Junji Ito's UZUMAKI for the next Tradewaiters. It's really long! Like over 600 pages of horror comics about spirals. Last week the queue for my bus curled in on itself and formed a spiral and I nearly lost it!!! I've also been catching up on some anthologies, specifically The Witching Hours which was really cool, and Sweaty Palms 2 which definitely resonates with my experience.


I've been playing a classic game of Dungeons and Dragons with a bunch of my friends, and I just wanted to mention that I have the coolest DM on the planet??

Alina is the creator of Weregeek... which is all about DnD... so maybe I shouldn't be suprised, but dang! She recently went to Gen Con and picked up these custom 3D printed versions of OUR CHARACTERS from HeroForge. I can't even explain how perfect all the characters are. And she made us these neat cards of our spells for easy reference! Anyway Alina is the best, I just had to gush U_U

That's about it for September, more posts coming :)) thanks for being here, you all rock!


Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-19 01:32:27 I just wanted to let you know that I really appreciate these monthly round ups! Also I'm glad wastes talent is (sort of) back! &lt;3
2019-10-04 23:08:56 I just wanted to let you know that I really appreciate these monthly round ups! Also I'm glad wastes talent is (sort of) back! <3

I just wanted to let you know that I really appreciate these monthly round ups! Also I'm glad wastes talent is (sort of) back! <3


This is all awesome! I remember seeing Sweaty Palms 2 when it was Kickstarted, but I vacillated and didn't end up backing it. Sometimes reading about anxiety actually makes my anxiety flare up (I know, I know: I'm anxious about anxiety!), but now I'm wondering if these will actually speak to me. I've been speaking out more about it, and it's been good to hear other people's experiences in ways that are similar or even different from my own. Off to check out those other links!


I have the same experience... I have to read that one kind of slowly XD