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This is just for fun... I recently played the game Later Alligator by Pillowfight (you can get it here or on steam). It's a great game, and I thought I'd share some of the things that really resonated with me about it! :D

First of all, if you've never heard of this group, Pillowfight is a game studio run by two (2!!) devs. That's about as indie as I gets, I think! They've made a bunch of really cool games, so far I've played this one and Rose of Winter by Magnolia Porter which was also fun. But the reason I was so excited for this game is because it was ALSO made by Smallbutera - a two-person animation studio best known for Baman Piderman and some incredible guest work on Cartoon Network shows. 

The key reason I was so excited for this game to come out is that it is FULLY ANIMATED by Smallbutera. The game is FULL of buttery-smooth and hilarious animations that are core to the gameplay. I was blown away with HOW MUCH animation was in this game considering that it's a four person team. 

The main character is an adorably anxious bean (Pat, shown above). Everyone in the game is an alligator (and it takes place in "Alligator New York City"). The game is "point and click adventure" style (like Monkey Island if you've ever played that), but it also has a strong minigame component, like Wario Ware. I'm sorry if this description is simplistic, I'm not really a gamer... but the mini games were really unique and fun!

Some other things I really liked about this game:

  • Initial playthrough is about 2 hours. One big reason I'm not more of a gamer is because I spend all my free time drawing comics, so I REALLY appreciated that I could get through this and have a good time in an afternoon. 

  • It's REALLY funny. The humour was really light and fun, and also "meta" in a way that I really appreciated. Little jokes like "please don't point and click on the grass" and other fun references made the writing a treat.  Beyond my expectations!

  • It had a fun sprinkling of the occult that was never really explained (and that was fine). My favourite minigame was one where you had to help fix a character's broken cell phone... that was haunted. XD

  • The art style was limited pallete... I almost want to call it "sepia"? Except using green instead of yellow. It REALLY worked to give it an "old timey" feeling... that contrasted well with the fact that it was a world with cell phones and social media. It's funny how in media I love it when there is a really STRONG sense of place/time... or a really absurdly abstract sort of nonsensical "timelessness".

  • Did I mention the animation?? And how cute everything is??

So yeah, I LOVED this little game, so I made some fanart :) Enjoy!

(And just to be crystal clear...  this is not sponsored, and there will never be sponsored things on Patreon. I bought this on my own and just loved it so much that I wanted to spread the word! ✌️)




Okay, you've totally sold me! I love click games and was just saying the other day that I wanted something kind of like this, so thank you for sharing it! (Jess)

Juan Chanco

Exactly what they said! Now that the long, cold, dark, winter is closing in, I wanted something to get lost in.


Yessss it's perfect for winter! I think this one has a lot of replayability but I have only played it once so far :)


What did you think of Rose of Winter? I was looking at their other games, and this one was another that I thought might be interesting, but I'd love to hear your take on the play-through. (The demo had mostly discussion and only two clicks for leading the conversation anywhere, which was a bit sparse for a demo.)


OKAY, so.... Rose of Winter was okay. In my opinion. I thought the premise was really good, and I liked the plot and the art and music. I only did one play-through. The actual gameplay is a lot like you described. I thought it took foreverrrrr to get to any dialogue option (a thing to click/a choice to make) and it was hard to tell if those options were having any effect on the gameplay whatsoever? I told myself that I should look to see if there is an ending tree to tell if there IS some kind of effect of choice, but to be honest I forgot to do that. But my suspicion is that it's pretty minimal. So my PERSONAL review is that I wish it felt more like a game. If you like your visual novels to be "novelier" I think it was fine.


I just looked at other reviews and some ending options, and it sounds exactly like the demo. I do prefer my games to be a bit more gamified, so I think I'll get Later Alligator and skip RoW this time around. Thanks for confirming that the demo was a good example of the visual novel "gameplay"!