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I need your help! What type of "Behind the Scenes" stuff interests you most? (see poll)

The Wasted Talent rerun has finally launched!! I'm sure you could all tell that it was a LOT of work to get going. But now that it's off my plate, I'm turning my attention to Patreon! :))

The first thing I'm doing is pulling together a "content calendar". If you haven't heard of this before, it's basically just writing everything you need to post out on an actual calendar so you don't forget anything. I've never had to do this before... Wasted Talent was always just "post it on Mondays" and then repeat that all over the different social media feeds. Not complicated!! But Patreon is a lot more difficult to wrap my head around... so many different types of posts at different levels. I spent some time brainstorming types of content and planning out when it would be best to post them. 

One thing I wanted to ask everyone at this level was... what did you think of the posts I did about making the new website/pulling Webtoon together? Was that interesting? Or was it a bit too far off the process of making comics?

When it comes to making all of this happen, there's lots that I *could* talk about, but I'd love to get your feedback on what you're keen to see more of. I put some options of what I KNOW I can talk a lot about in the poll, but feel free to suggest anything I might have missed!

(And with regards to $10... I have some ideas now!! I will be running those past you next week :) )



Thanks for your votes so far everyone! 🙏💜🙏