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Ah yes, another entry in the category of "so simple that I literally forget it exists for months at a time." Quesadillas! So fast!! So easy! So delicious :)

Exciting to be into the fall series of this zine :) I feel like I'm getting momentum with this now. 




Never miss an opportunity to get more avocados in your life! :o


Currently having some difficulty falling asleep right now. Figured a snack might help. Felt a great need to make a quesadilla, but was also in the mood for a pizza. So, I put a light smear of pizza sauce on a flour tortilla, threw on some turkey pepperoni, some pizza cheese, and some black olives, lidded it up with the second flour tortilla, and toasted it in the pan. Obviously, replace the pepperoni with onions, peppers, mushrooms, tomatoes, or any one of a number of vegetable pizza toppings if so inclined.