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I know this looks exactly like the last website update I posted. But that's a good thing! Because this one is real! I spent all my long weekend in the CSS mines translating a pretty photoshop image into a less-pretty but functional thing :) You can go to wastedtalent.ca and check it out! It's not finished yet and a lot of things are broken, but I am proud of myself for getting the biggest pieces done. 

If you've never made a website before it basically looks like this on my end: 

I didn't write hardly any of this, I'm just systematically deleting lines and nudging pixels back and forth until it does what I want hehe. I have built websites from scratch before, but most of this is Trevor's handiwork that I am wrangling into a new shape. It's very boring! And frustrating?

Anyway, hopefully with another weekend or two of work this will have all the cleanup done :)




Yaaaay! The amazing logos are live: https://www.wastedtalent.ca/shop