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Okay, hello patrons it is Sunday night! Finally had a weekend to myself after I've worked the past four weekends in a row... but not this weekend! And I'm very very happy for it. We've been working like crazy trying to get this tight turn prototype out the door, I think I've mentioned it before. Thankfully, finally, we're starting to get some good results back from this prototype. So, I can't tell you everything about it, but I can tell you that it's a waterproof device. This is the first waterproof thing that I've ever designed on my own and... I don't know how much you know about mechanical design but waterproofing is actually pretty tricky. This particular design has three separate sealing points and we had to test them all independently to make sure that this thing can go down to... I think our design-- I should know this off the top of my head-- but our design guideline for this round is 1 m and in the next round it's gonna be 5m. 

So we just tested the prototype at 1 m and 2 m and we did a static test and a dynamic test... so that means, like splashing it around and like diving into the water with it, which it's gonna have to withstand... and just moving around very quickly in the water which can give you more pressure than just static underwater. But it passed that. That was great. And we also subjected it to 2 m for 15 hours straight... and that came back green! So I'm really really happy because I've been putting everything I can into this design and hoping it will work... Well, I did the calculations and simulations and I did it based on the guideline but I didn't know for sure whether this design would work. There were a few uncertainties around whether the machining tolerances would be good enough in the type of prototyping that we're doing to use this seal... or whether the types of threads that we were using in this material would be strong enough to get the sealing force correct. And all of that's been validated-- it's great! It's good... I'm so happy to be shipping out this prototype soon...

And so thankfully I took this weekend to recover. Pretty much spent most of Saturday asleep... I also read Scott Pilgrim which is gonna be one of our next Tradewaiters books. Some exciting news if you're a Tradewaiters fan: We're gonna be reading all six  Scott Pilgrims. So we're gonna do that in a three episode series: 2 books,  2 books, 2 books. So if you're looking for summer reading... I gotta say.... I read the whole series when it came out and I was like "this is so good and groundbreaking" and reading it again... I'm still really impressed with the series! Because it's very different from a lot of comics I've read before or since. I think the only thing that comes close is probably Octopus Pie in terms of-- so I'm sure Meredith and a lot of cartoonists hate people saying "oh this is just like Scott Pilgrim". But Octopus Pie specifically has a voice of the twentysomething generation where it uses real speech patterns that actual 20-year-olds use and it feels very authentic... and Octopus Pie also has a surreal kinda bent to it. It's not quite the same (Octopus Pie versus Scott Pilgrim) but if you read Octopus Pie,  Scott Pilgrim's kinda similar and if you read Scott Pilgrim, Octopus Pie's kinda similar. Octopus Pie just wrapped recently as well so it might be an interesting thing to go through and read. 

So yeah we're gonna be reading all six Scott Pilgrims and if you want some summer reading highly highly highly recommend. It's gonna be fun and I think it'll be really fun to talk about but I guess we'll see...

The other thing we'll be reading soon is ShadowEyes by Sophie Campbell. Another book that I've read before so I'm kind of happy that I've got a bit of a break that I don't have to dig up and read something new... I can just refresh myself on the book that I already know (SCORE... Always nice when you can do that in a book club.)

And then today I spent all of today on Beyond inks so that's gonna be my major focus point for the short term. I really want to crush up those sinks ASAP. This is a big change from the way that I've worked in the past. I've always had Wasted Talent as a baseline and then the other projects are just kind of slide in however they fit and it's always been really really stressful... but now I'm gonna be working in a way that's closer to the way work at work and I've found over the years works much better for me. Which is I just sink a lot of energy into something over a shorter period of time.  And just like -- you start-- you finish. And that's I've I like it happier because you get to see progress much more quickly. So I've been posting some snippets of the previews and I will be posting a few more previews of that. 

Okay I think that's all I have to say. Gonna keep it short and sweet. I hope you've had a wonderful weekend... I hope the weather is heating up but not too much it was pretty hot here this week... and I will see you guys on the internet! Ok. baiee <3


vlog 2017 6 25


Stuart Telfer

I need to re-read the Scott Pilgrim series now, it's been a couple of years. Have you ever read Bryan Lee O'Malley's Lost at Sea? That book grabs me by the heartstrings every time I read it, and I've read it many times.


Yes!! I really enjoyed Lost at Sea. I also enjoyed his follow up work, Seconds! We did a tradewaiters ep on that ones too :) (I think it was #1 or 2...? It was #1! <a href="http://www.thetradewaiters.com/post/132919845449/this-is-it-the-first-official-episode-of-the-new" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.thetradewaiters.com/post/132919845449/this-is-it-the-first-official-episode-of-the-new</a> )