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Back to Ithan and Mari! I really like these two /:) Here is some cleaner concept art for them. Also as a note, at some point I changed the goddess' name from Kali to Kela or... (I'm pretty sure I settled on Kela?) Anyway it might switch back and forth in the thumbs hehe. There's only one goddess. 


This is a fantasy comic I completed in thumbnail form in 2014-2015. Check the attachment for thumbnails!

For more background: https://www.patreon.com/posts/inventory-lost-7710527


  • DO comment as much as you like! 
  • DON'T share this work outside Patreon. It's incomplete and not intended for wider distribution. Thank you!!

It's rough! Sorry if the art or writing is illegible in places - feel free to call those places out and I can clarify :) 


For this scene: None! \o/ woooo




i don't really have much useful feedback this week lol 😅 i am interested to see where you are going with this though. i was wondering, have you planned out the release of these story chunks over a specific timeframe? or maybe just releasing them in smaller parts so people will feel less overwhelmed with the amount of reading you're asking them to do? it seems like it will take quite a while to get through the entire story at this rate, so i just thought i'd mention that i'm not averse to larger weekly updates :)


Hi Tim, exactly what you said - trying not to overwhelm people! But also trying these "scene chunks" for pacing. I don't think page -by-page works for this type of story format. chapters are a bit too much and I want to make sure there's enough space and time for discussion as required. I'll think about adjusting the rate tho! I also want to be getting more, other stuff posted too ^^ so there's balance (working on it today)


yeah if you're testing the pacing for the final project then i agree that this is a good format, as a reader i would prefer that to page-by-page updates even at the expense of longer gaps between posts. i guess it's just a question of how long you want to spend getting feedback from this stage of the project, considering it's like a 700+ page comic and we've only gotten through about 60 pages so far.