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Hey hey everyone it's that time again - once every year I host a Patron-exclusive request event and it's now! ^0^

This year I'm feeling a bit of an underdog vibe, if I'm being honest. What if we had a webcomics round? :) The pair above are Tre and Olly from EK Weaver's Shot and Chaser! I frickin' love EK's work. Right now they're kickstarting a saucy sidecomic for it. EK is phenomenal at drawing humans interacting and that is underscored in their erotic works.

And it exists because one person decided they wanted it to exist and did whatever they could to make that happen.

Webcomics!! They're good, imo. So I'd love to draw some characters from YOUR favourite webcomic! Past or present :)

How it works:

1) Post your request in a comment! One request per comment, please, but you can post multiple comments.

2) Vote for other requests that you also like!

3) I will draw as many as I can by the end of the month, starting with the most-voted ones.


There are a tonnn of webcomics that I feel like I owe fanart to. I'm going to draw whatever you would like, but here are some that I also love in case you'd like some reccs: Questionable Content's been killing it lately, Barbarous, Third Voice, Golden Boar, What Happens Next, Yellow Brick Ramble, Fanlee and Spatzle... I know the second I post this I'm going to remember a dozen more



Rasmus Kaj

Pia from Little Tiny Things! https://www.littletinythings.com/


I have no idea why I didn’t see this post till now, but I’d love to see your rendition of Eggie from Adventures with Eggie https://adventureswitheggie.com/