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Forgot to comment this last week, but you seem to be doing alright when it is just 1 walker on screen but then this episode happened.

Patrick - Excelsior

If you think about it, Lori got Glenn laid. He was looking for the test kit and said he was getting condoms to cover it up because Lori wanted it secret. Those condoms led to his having sex with Maggie. What would the ship name be Glenmaggie? lol Like the lake. Shane being asked to talk at Otis's funeral, no that's not awkward. "Otis, what a good man, just ask the zombies that ate him." Daryl with the flower, ahhhhh.


> > > !!!FOR SHANNAN!!! < < < 1. You say we don't really know if Shane manipulated Lori into having sex with him ......Eeeehmm.. Froots.. We DO. know ...Remember Lori's reaction when she found out Rick was still alive ...And the confrontations she had later on with Shane ...One of which had her get really pissed with him saying and I'm paraphrasing here cause it's been a few weeks since I edited the episode "You made me think he was dead!" .....Lori CLEARLY. got manipulated ....Which I suppose scores her SOME. points .....Were it not for the fact that she moved on QUICK. ...Yeah in my opinion 50-ish days is NOWHERE. NEAR. enough time to move on 2. I'll make sure to keep you explaining why sometimes there are no after-thoughts in the edits IN. the edit for 2x04 ....Maaaaaybe that person who complained about it (and others) will see it and realise that a lot of the "after" thoughts go into the comment reading section for the next episode now ......But yeah... People kept complaining about the long comment reading section hence why it was taken out ...Cause ...Apparently the time stamps are difficult to find for some people (even when I made them pop-up on screen several times) ...Oh well 3. HA! Shane is telling his "heroic" story about how Otis saved his life and we get a shot of Dale looking like "Really Mah dude?? Really?" ....I don't think Dale believes that shit 4. Like I said ....She's NOT. your twin... AT. ALL. ....You just fit a certain "look" (even with the different hair colour) ....And Beth "looks" the same as you ...It's difficult to explain ....I think the best I can describe it is... Imagine if you'd feed a certain somewhat detailed description into an A.I. image generator or describe a person to a sketch artist and the image/sketch you get is of several people with different faces but the rest of them is the same-ish ...Regardless though.. Even if you don't see it yourself.. It was enough of a similarity to have me click and end up here ...Best decision I made 5. Yeeeeeah you gave Shane shit for acting like a lost puppy around Lori ....But you're right... You're a bit of a lost puppy yourself Froots .....I've seen you bite though ...You CAN. stand up for yourself 6. You: "I don't know why no one is ever calling out for Sophia" ....Walkers Froots ...They are attracted to noise ....And yeah.. That place Daryl is scoping out.. I'd loot that place too if there was anything worth looting ...Everyone for themselves amiryt!? 7. You were wondering how the Glenn and Maggie relationship started ...Welp... It went fast ...They got busy on their first day out looting 8. But also... Glenn.. Mah Dude... You're taking an aweful big risk there ...Having an erection during a zombie apocalypse!? I'mma put this out there Froots... I'd advise all guys out there to NOT. go dicksploring while you're out looting ...If a walker shows up you're just giving those undead mothertruckers more to chew on! 9. I looked it up since you asked how long it's been since Rick woke up in the hospital ....Sooooo.. Rick woke up on day 59 of the outbreak ....And this episode takes place on day 68... 9 days later .....Sooooooo... Lori might have some 'splainin to doooo 10. Also.. Lori went to the well for privacy and had a knife on her since ...Just in case you didn't know ...They're living in a world where the dead have risen ...You kinda want protection on you at all times just in case ...Yknow?