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Patrick - Excelsior

Yeah, good call Shan, the Monster of the Week is back. Well Eve is eavesdropping (or is it Eve’s-dropping) on Nick and Adalind. Awkward. She seems almost as obsessed with the magic stick as Nick is. So Renard can touch this Miesner thing, but coffee goes thru him. Whether Renard is going crazy or not, he is starting to look crazy. Monroe and his “One Eyed One Horned Flying Purple People Eater”. LOL That’s a song for those that don’t know. That stick may have healed Eve but it really doesn’t like her now. And why is she drawing on the tunnel walls. Is she casting a spell around the the sticks hiding place? Is she doing it or is the stick making her do it? I know you really do not like Monster of Week episodes, but I did find this one somewhat interesting. You don’t see this story line come up often. This monster’s back story is different from the legends from Europe. The El Cuegle is a mythical creature from Spain. It attacks livestock and steals babies from their cradle. Supposedly they can’t stand oak or holly leaves so parents would sprinkle them around baby cradles. There is nothing in the legends about them doing it to stop evil. Of course it doesn’t need to eat the baby, in this case, just eat that asshole of a dad, problem solved. And why eating, wouldn’t killing be enough. Sounds like an excuse to go off your diet. But it reminds me a little of what Roadie wanted to do to Thanos, kill him as a baby to prevent what he does later. It’s another of those philosophical thought exercises like the trolley exercise (the one with people on the tracks). Is it morale to kill a baby if by doing so you save five, ten or a thousand later in life? In this case I say, if you can see the future then fix it thru others means. Eat the dad.


I guess it might make sense for pups to have more than one at a time. I can't decide if Diana saying that was creepy or hilarious! This episode just started and I'm getting the sense that it's some kind of "perils of social media" situation or something. I appreciate that Hank is questioning what's happening and noticing that there are some things that aren't adding up. They've learned a lot about wessen, but they don't know everything yet, but sometimes they act as if they do and it can cause problems. I think this episode is actually representative of an old philosophical question about the ethics of killing a baby you know without a doubt will cause the deaths of many. In the end, there's a lot of weird things going on with Eve right now. Her behavior is getting kind of strange and I'm not sure what to think of it. Maybe she's just a little lost right now after Trubel leaving and HW in Portland dying.