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Yeah, dont break windows during a fire. The sudden burst of oxygen can make an explosion. The vesen that exploded kind of made me miss charmed when they vanquished demons. I kinda wish they would make another charmed reboot thats more faithful to the original. Maybe they could make one thats set in the same universe of the original so we can get cameos of old characters and demons etc while being a new story. Sorry for going off topic, i ramble alot lol People tend to overlook details when it comes to personal issues, which is why cops, doctors, etc arent allowed to take on personal cases. That could be why Nick didnt put it together. You could tell in previous scenes that he was sus of her but he had no reason to believe she was a vesen.

Patrick - Excelsior

Yeah, that’s a problem with building fires, open a door or window in a burning room and the sudden rush of air causes the fire to flare-up towards the source. It’s referred to as backdraft. Hey, call back to season 1 piggy cop. Hehe, that cop really was a pig. Back in Season 1 we had the dragon guy and his daughter (Kaitlyn Snow). Why aren’t they thinking this is one of those. Or the lava monster from season 2. Or back then why didn’t we learn about this thing. Minor plot hole. When the arson cop said he almost got fried while investigating the fires, I kept thinking, did you smell like bacon? You had to know Monroe was going to walk in the spice shop once the Bauerschwein got there. Yes, ROSALEE was being lovely. Great job being the morale compass. Its good to stand by your spouse but you also have to show him when he’s wrong as well and help him do the right thing. My man Monroe, it took a minute but he did the right thing in the end. Gotta love that man. The squirt guns hilarious. Those could be battery powered squirt guns so would need pumping. Wow, Juliette wiped the floor with Adalind. Throwing the knives was a bit dark though. I’m glad you enjoyed this one. I like this one as well. Everyone looked good in this episode. Rosalee for putting Monroe in his place and Monroe for listening. The Arson cop for not being a bad guy. Wu being Wu … “Maybe he had a homemade bomb strapped to him?” Everyone doing great, well except Nick. He wasn’t doing his best Batman impression (World’s Greatest Detective). But thanks to Juliette finally outright showing him, he got there.


Absolutely loving this season! Of course minus the ghost story. My point has been proven though, the show is always better with Monroe and Rosalee as their story of confronting the past and learning to work with someone you may not forgive for the better of others just hit me hard. And Rosalee is without a doubt one of the best characters ever! Her patience and love is always a joy to watch. And then there’s Juliet. Wow, what a fight. I liked the look of the fight and I thought a lot of the elements were really creative like throwing knives or each other into the stairs. And now Juliet told Nick. No more secrets, just what to do next.

Linda McDonough Garcia

No matter how many times I’ve rewatched Grimm I always have an issue with the “way” Juliette showed Nick that she’s a hexenbiest. I was already upset with her for telling Sean before telling Nick & then she pulls this just making me hate her more. Juliette has known for a long while that Nick is a Grimm & she has several Wesen friends that she has seen woge so she knows she doesn’t have to woge the way she did for Nick to see she's a hexenbiest. She didn’t even woge like that when she showed Sean or by the time she turned around to show Sean she had at least softened her woge. But, when she showed Nick it was in a very hateful & antagonistic way.