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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/daa4xttgp2ps1n7/Ally%20McBeal%20S03E21%20-%20Ally%20McBeal%20The%20Musical%2C%20Almost%20FULL%20REACTION.mp4?dl=0

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Brandon Wiesner

Yeah, as someone that is not really a fan of musical episodes, this one was pretty weak. It was basically just the good singers in the cast doing most of the singing and the rest trying to sing. I guess we got spoiled with OMWF.

Patrick - Excelsior

The man playing the piano and singing at The Biscuit's part is Randy Newman. A famous singer and composer. He is best known for all the Toy Story movies, all the Monsters Inc movies, The Princess And The Frog, and Cars.


1. I meaaaaannnn... A bald Froots would be a Froots without curlies ...You are right about that ...But I wouldn't think any less of you ...Yeah... It might be cause of a mental break down ...In which case I'm either responsible for said break down or I perform my duties as bestie and will get you through it 2. Yeah this is a musical... Why? ...Nobody knows really... It just IS... And there's no explanation in the episode either ...They could've made SOMETHING up like maybe Ally went off her meds or some shit ....But no... For no valid reason whatsoever.. Everyone just started singing ...This got very mixed reviews from critics and fans alike cause it felt out of place 3. HA! His name was Brian!? Yeah I thought his name was British Dude 4. Hold up what?! Did British Dude just with a straight face admit to Ally's parents that he gave her drugs so she'd be loosened up later!?!? GHWAT?!?!? 5. Excuse me!? Ally: "..You are a man.. You are supposed to take it any way you can get it" ...I'm a guy and I just got offended by that ...Look... I might not have a lot of options... But what Ally just said there is fucking rude and I for some reason took that personal even though she ofcourse wasn't even talking to me ....As a guy who doesn't have a lot of options it DOESN'T! mean that I will just accept ANY woman who'd be willing to give me a chance ...And I don't HAVE to either ...I don't even know how to word this properly but holy shit that came off as really offensive 6. Really Nelle? So you broke up with John cause you were jealous of his relationship with Ally?? You're right Froots... He chose Nelle ...Nelle sounds insecure which is kinda sad ...Perhaps the 3 of them could've talked this out... Ally could've made it clear to Nelle that she only sees John as a friend ...Even though she really shouldn't have to ....Nelle should've just trusted John 7. Hold on what!? You: "But just know kids... You wanna try this with your friends they may not be so forgiving" .........WHO. do you think your audience is Froots!?! 8. True... He may be Ally's dad... But what IF she had come home with British Dude ...She's a grown woman ..You can't just show up in your daughter's house like that ...He might've seen some shit he would never be able to un-see 9. Good eye Froots... That was indeed Dakota Fanning ...Such a random appearance