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James jackson

The face-ripping scene reminded me of the opening scene to the Harley Quinn show when joker was wearing the bankers body like a costume.

Brandon Wiesner

I find it hilarious how, in Superman and Lois, Clark and his family are so careful and guarded about who knows his secret identity. Meanwhile, Barry seems to reveal himself to people in like every episode now. He might as well just be running around without a mask at this point.


Okay, so alot happened this episode but let's concentrate on the main thing: what the fuck happened with Iris and Eobard. Best I can tell we gotta look at things a bit more non-linearly. Part 1 of the negative forces plan: kill the imprisoned Eobard and turn his essence into negative still force particles. Part 2: Infect Iris with the particles and let them fester inside her, creating a time sickness that would take out the positive forces. Part 3: Track down a remnant Eobard Thawne and put events into motion so that he gets a connection to the negative speedforce. Part 4: Kill Iris while in the vercinity of Eobard. Icing on top, make Barry do it himself. Part 5: Iris' death frees the still force particles filled with evil Thawne's essence. The particles transfer into the existing Thawne, thus rebirthing evil Thawne with a connection to the negative speedforce. That's the best I could put together. As to why good Thawne had the old suit and evil Thawne the new suit: The Reverse Flash ring that's been in Star Labs ever since season 2 has always carried the old suit inside it. The new suit evil Thawne wore when he lost his powers is probably stashed away in some Argus facility, thus team Flash does not have access to it. We know the speedforce can recreate suits (it did so in season 2 when Barry got desintegrated and was stuck in the speedforce) so the negative speedforce probably did the same for evil Thawne when he was reborn. Btw, the face ripping scene is a reference to a Flash cover from the Joshua Williamson run. I believe it was the arc "Running Scared", that has the iconic cover of Thawne literally tearing through Barry in a similar vain to this scene. Really fun way of paying omage to that cover. Those are the kind of comic references I live for. I cannot tell you how insane watching that episode live was. Like we were all aware that the show was gonna get Iris back somehow, no way are they gonna kill one of the shows leads, but still that moment when Iris appeared in front of Deon had me with my chin down. What an incredible cliffhanger. Also rip good Eobard, sad to see you go.

Joseph Jimenez

Okay this might be a unpopular opinion but I like the old suit better it might be outdated but sometimes old stuff is better than new stuff The face ripping scene is like something out of a horror movie and I actually even though I don't like Tom Cavanaugh playing the anymore I said it once I will said it again makes no sense after season 1 So Iris have negative particles in her body which gave birth to the negative forces which does makes sense since thier a negative speed force so of course there is going to be negative counterpart of the other forces But Barry killing his own wife kinda dark Confusing episode overall to see how this All ends and finish this graphic novel arc that Eric Wallace been doing since season 6 which is splitting up the season into 2 parts with filler in middle so we can have a break betweens the arc Which they did good with blood work but it's all the villains after him sucks

Jordan (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-02 22:22:22 For context, when signing on for season 8, Candice had it written in her contract that she would get a break should the Canada and US borders closed again due to COVID. If they were closed, it would be difficult for her to go home in the US, which was important to her. At the time of the signing, her and her team made it known that should the borders remain open, she would be happy to appear in all episodes. The borders didn't close again. The powers that be (whether it's CW, Eric, etc.) still chose to write her out of 4 episodes. With that out of the way, even if the writers planned to write Iris out as a precaution, this was a horrible way to go about it. Iris is missing and the characters barely mention her. Instead of searching to find her, they give up due to the fact she's in the future, like the future hasn't changed before. Then we get to the time sickness. I watched this episode when it first aired and a year later, I don't have an answer to my question. How is Armageddon responsible for Iris's time sickness when she got sick in season 7? It makes no sense. Also, Joan in 2049 is able to identify negative tachyons in Iris. Could Barry and the team not notice that in the present??? Nora used negative tachyons in the beginning of season 5 to prevent herself from leaving Barry. Given that they've known about them for years, why would they not be able to spot them now? As for your question of who wanted Cecile this powerful? Eric Wallace. There's 2 things in this episode that had me highly upset when watching. 1) Iris. This means her main storyline this season was to be Barry's sacrifice.....while Allegra got storylines at the company Iris founded. I just want the writers to do right by Iris and they never fail to disappoint. The second thing...the writers finally bring Matt Letscher back only to replace him with Tom once again. It's so frustrating how they don't use Matt. Tom shouldn't have been Reverse Flash past season 1 unless Barry traveled back in time to season 1. Yet another thing that makes no sense.
2023-05-02 18:12:29 For context, when signing on for season 8, Candice had it written in her contract that she would get a break should the Canada and US borders closed again due to COVID. If they were closed, it would be difficult for her to go home in the US, which was important to her. At the time of the signing, her and her team made it known that should the borders remain open, she would be happy to appear in all episodes. The borders remained open. The powers that be (whether it's CW, Eric, etc.) still chose to write her out of 4 episodes. With that out of the way, even if the writers planned to write Iris out as a precaution, this was a horrible way to go about it. Iris is missing and the characters barely mention her. Instead of searching to find her, they give up due to the fact she's in the future, like the future hasn't changed before. Then we get to the time sickness. I watched this episode when it first aired and a year later, I don't have an answer to my question. How is Armageddon responsible for Iris's time sickness when she got sick in season 7? It makes no sense. Also, Joan in 2049 is able to identify negative tachyons in Iris. Could Barry and the team not notice that in the present??? Nora used negative tachyons in the beginning of season 5 to prevent herself from leaving Barry. Given that they've known about them for years, why would they not be able to spot them now? As for your question of who wanted Cecile this powerful? Eric Wallace. There's 2 things in this episode that had me highly upset when watching. 1) Iris. This means her main storyline this season was to be Barry's sacrifice.....while Allegra got storylines at the company Iris founded. I just want the writers to do right by Iris and they never fail to disappoint. The second thing...the writers finally bring Matt Letscher back only to replace him with Tom once again. It's so frustrating how they don't use Matt. Tom shouldn't have been Reverse Flash past season 1 unless Barry traveled back in time to season 1. Yet another thing that makes no sense.

For context, when signing on for season 8, Candice had it written in her contract that she would get a break should the Canada and US borders closed again due to COVID. If they were closed, it would be difficult for her to go home in the US, which was important to her. At the time of the signing, her and her team made it known that should the borders remain open, she would be happy to appear in all episodes. The borders remained open. The powers that be (whether it's CW, Eric, etc.) still chose to write her out of 4 episodes. With that out of the way, even if the writers planned to write Iris out as a precaution, this was a horrible way to go about it. Iris is missing and the characters barely mention her. Instead of searching to find her, they give up due to the fact she's in the future, like the future hasn't changed before. Then we get to the time sickness. I watched this episode when it first aired and a year later, I don't have an answer to my question. How is Armageddon responsible for Iris's time sickness when she got sick in season 7? It makes no sense. Also, Joan in 2049 is able to identify negative tachyons in Iris. Could Barry and the team not notice that in the present??? Nora used negative tachyons in the beginning of season 5 to prevent herself from leaving Barry. Given that they've known about them for years, why would they not be able to spot them now? As for your question of who wanted Cecile this powerful? Eric Wallace. There's 2 things in this episode that had me highly upset when watching. 1) Iris. This means her main storyline this season was to be Barry's sacrifice.....while Allegra got storylines at the company Iris founded. I just want the writers to do right by Iris and they never fail to disappoint. The second thing...the writers finally bring Matt Letscher back only to replace him with Tom once again. It's so frustrating how they don't use Matt. Tom shouldn't have been Reverse Flash past season 1 unless Barry traveled back in time to season 1. Yet another thing that makes no sense.

Just James

Nope! Can't do it, I thought I could but I got as far as stealing emotions from other people and powers from nearby psychics before I checked out, see you for the finale when I raise a glass to the end of what started as a good race but fumbled in the later half, Shan I don't know how you do it, Peace be with you and your future endeavours.