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Pretty big namedrop by Thawne when Diggle opened the box. "Break through the source wall." The source wall is the edge of the DC multiverse. It separates the multiverse from 4th dimensional space. The edge of existence. If the cube would've given Diggle the opportunity to break through the source wall he'd have been way beyond just a Green Lantern. That's New Gods level power. The New Gods like Orion and Darkseid are some of the few known beings capable of reaching and surpassing the source wall due to them coming from 4th dimensional space.


Matt Letscher back as a version of Eobard Thawne and Meena Dhawan as Negative Flash. Man what an episode. The stuff with Diggle needed to be wrapped up because when season 8 was in production it wasn't known whether it would be the last Arrowverse season or whether Flash would get a season 9. Also the higher ups at WB didn't allow CW to use Green Lantern which is why they had Diggle refusing the box. I think it's interesting to juxtapose this Thawne who without his obsession over Barry actually turned out to be a decent guy versus our Thawne who has been off the deep end for years now and is a broken shell of a man. Also it's just so good to see Matt Letscher again, even if he isn't psycho Eobard. Meena absorbing electricity to gain more speed is probably because of how her connection to the Negative Speedforce is created. The BLOC still uses atmospheric electricity to create that connection. Apparently that translates to her being capable of recharging her connection by absorbing electricity herself. The black lightning looks a little iffy in some scenes but it is a difficult effect to pull off as I said under last episode's comments. Overall I remember being so hyped for how this season would end when this episode came out. It is super intriguing to watch.


Seeing Matt Letscher back as Eobard Thawne is a surprise and if I'm being honest he my favorite version of the character So to not be confused I will call Eobard is the one with Meena and the reverse flash is the one on the island So technically reverse flash hates Barry so much he lives in his head rent free and he going crazy but don't worry Deon is here to help dude what the hell see Barry was being a dumbass this is why you should have let him died Honestly this episode was fine Allegra didn't annoyed me this episode I didn't want to strangled Chester What is Cecile doing like why does she have powers and why are they getting stronger I don't get Eric Wallace obsession of making Cecile strong and making her a essential part of team flash So Mark thought of a new way to frost back I'm interested so it's backfire on them so caltin can finally accept that frost is dead and nothing will bring her back So far this season isn't bad as last season but it not good but let see how this ends


When I first watched this episode, I was so excited to see Matt Letscher back. There's no excuse for why he hadn't been seen since season 3 when he was on Legends multiple times since then. Diggle's Green Lantern story honestly feels like the Arrow writers said "Why not?" and set up Green Lantern because it was the series finale. They wouldn't have to elaborate on it and it would give the fans something they wanted to see. If they wanted to incorporate Diggle into all of the shows, they could've just said he had an ARGUS case that brought him to town. No need to stretch this storyline out this long for a head scratcher of an ending. Barry losing his speed is an overused story. There has to be another way of defeating him without his speed temporarily going away. The Flash's logic is something I've been tuning out since at least season 5. Using flashbacks to show something from the same episode comes across as lazy. It makes me think flashbacks are used to make the episodes longer to the time amount required or they didn't have enough time to film more Eobard and Meena scenes.