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The thing with Alegra is shes not annoying to me, shes just boring. Which can even be worse sometimes.


Wells Thawne and the whisper has been annoying me for seasons. It's not effective to me. Honestly, Wells Thawne hasn't worked for me since Flashpoint. I prefer Matt's approach to Thawne way more. Episode 3x1 showed me that in addition to Legends season 2. It makes no sense how Allegra has more storylines at CCC than Iris when Iris is the founder. I actually like Allegra. I just feel she's better off as a B character. Her, Cecile, and Chester should not be the A plot of episodes. I felt the same way about Rene, Dinah, and Curtis in Arrow. It's the writers' jobs to make these characters interesting. Make them interesting before giving an entire episode to them. Don't dedicate an entire episode to them in an attempt to make them interesting. Also, an entire Allegra episode spent, yet she still doesn't have a hero name or costume. Eric Wallace, why waste my time?


Im assuming Allegra is such a big part of the show because Eric Wallace is the one that created her character in the comics. Thats why she first appeared in season 6, the first season Eric became showrunner. He wants to make us love her lol


I never been a fan of Allegra to begin with so having a whole episode focusing on her was never going to work honestly CCC Media storylines should only be in episode when Iris is there since she the founder So when finally got introduced to meena dhawan she one of the speedster from the comics who struck by a speed force lightning storm and I believe she becomes the speedster fast track Like the storyline with barry and thawne should have been the A plot and give a storyline to Caitlin so I won't fall asleep I don't get Eric Wallace thinking like why is he spending so much time introducing new characters no one cares about and giving them storylines no cares about Chester because he a dollar store version of Cisco no one cares about Allegra because she a horrible character that always needs to be right which is annoying and Cecile why don't she need powers and needs to be on the field Ever since Eric Wallace became the show runner in the beginning of season 6 this show has fallen from grace but it's going downhill since season 4 episode 9 This episode gave nothing to get excited about so honestly I wish this was season so I'm happy it's ending


All the Barry and Thawne scenes I really liked and the introductory scene of Meena Dhawan was fun too. Barry very casually keeping up with and outrunning Meena is honestly a blast to watch, especially since Barry seems to be having alot of fun with it as well. Also appreciate that they attempted to recreate the black lightning she has in the comics when she absorbed the negative speedforce from Barry. It's a similar effect as the darksaber from Mandalorian and very difficult to pull of well because it's so unnatural to have something black give off intense white light.

Brandon Wiesner (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-29 17:32:07 Yeah, I have to agree with you and everyone that is talking about the flashbacks and saying's they're infuriation. It's kind of like watching a kid's cartoon, where they over-explain everything, because it's for a young audience, so they need to constantly fill in the gaps, because you don't know if they are watching every episode or remembering things that happen. This show is a prime time show based on comic book characters that go way back before most of us were alive. The average viewer isn't going to be between 5-7 years old. Also, it is live action. So yeah, they need to stop with insulting our intelligence. But you know, the writers themselves don't seem to be intelligent as it is, so yeah..... Well, one more season to go anyway.
2023-04-29 12:15:48 Yeah, I have to agree with you and everyone else saying that the flashbacks are infuriating. It's kind of like watching a kid's cartoon, where they over-explain everything, because it's for a young audience, so they need to constantly fill in the gaps, because you don't know if they are watching every episode or remembering things that happen. This show is a prime time show based on comic book characters that go way back before most of us were alive. The average viewer isn't going to be between 5-7 years old. Also, it is live action. So yeah, they need to stop insulting our intelligence. But you know, the writers themselves don't seem to be intelligent as it is, so yeah..... Well, one more season to go anyway.

Yeah, I have to agree with you and everyone else saying that the flashbacks are infuriating. It's kind of like watching a kid's cartoon, where they over-explain everything, because it's for a young audience, so they need to constantly fill in the gaps, because you don't know if they are watching every episode or remembering things that happen. This show is a prime time show based on comic book characters that go way back before most of us were alive. The average viewer isn't going to be between 5-7 years old. Also, it is live action. So yeah, they need to stop insulting our intelligence. But you know, the writers themselves don't seem to be intelligent as it is, so yeah..... Well, one more season to go anyway.