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Ok I disagree with that statement killing someone who honesty deserves it is not gonna make Barry a villain. He should’ve killed thawne, I mean every time they let him go or lock him up, he comes back and makes things worse. I understand why they don’t want him to do it but there’s gonna be a time where you don’t have no choice but to kill I mean Oliver and others have killed and people still see them as heroes. What team flash needs to realize is that you have to make the right call in order to save lives. For example in arrow, they sent Dhark to prison but in doing so it got Laurel killed and later on Oliver killed but my point is that at some point barry will kill someone

Andrew Polinski

Yes Shan it is a confusing mess of an episode/season as I said a number of weeks back the Showrunner Eric Wallace is fucking horrible at his job. This season is a 3/10 from me comparably season 7 was barely a 2/10. We knew by this stage it was coming back for a shorter 9th and final season and a lot of us couldn't have been happier.


Honestly, Eric has proven himself to be capable and a good writer but he just doesnt do it often for some reason. He even has a ton of great ideas but they dont execute them well at all. If he really tried and listened to the fans more than i have no doubt he could have made a great showrunner but sadly he just does what HE wants and doesnt care about what the fans want. He has written good episodes before so its just frustrating.

Andrew Polinski

I have no issues with his writing, it's just him as a showrunner, he is just not good at it.


Honestly, they should have just gotten the writers from superman and lois to write the final season lol just kidding (kinda) but I think my main problem with the show at the moment is the writing. Eric has some good ideas but the way its handled is just very lazy and sloppy. If we had better writers, i think this season would have been really good. I wonder why all the writers from the early seasons left. They should have stayed to keep it good. Also Eric Wallace literally writes comic books and created the character of Alegra in the comics. Its weird how he doesnt do a good job on a superhero show.

Brandon Wiesner

Yeah, the season started off just ok. Better than season 7, which was actually painful to get through. But it ended up and incoherent mess and they just seemed to throw stuff in there just because. The show is definitely past its prime and yet another example of a show that has gone on way too long. It's finally ending though with this next season, so we'll see if they wrap it up on a positive note but gotta be honest, I'm not too optimistic.


So yeah overall I think this episode was fine as an episode. As a season finale kind of underwhelming. There was a point in time, before season 9 was greenlit, where this could've ended up being the series finale and that would've honestly been pretty disappointing. The only thing that would've changed, had this been a series finale would've been the tail end of the episode. Meaning everything after Thawne was beaten. This episode had an above average amount of plot contrivances. Iris and the time stone being one of them. There were some cool things, imo, like Barry and Thawne's fight, Psych being the one who boosted Cecile's powers so that she could bring back the forces and Grant Gustin's acting was off the charts again this episode. But there were also alot of eh things, like the Caitlin plot being like an afterthought, Cecile suddenly getting telekinetic powers or the constant spelling out of people's emotions and intentions. Thawne's Negative forces suit is fine. It looks cool on the torso and legs, with the gold on black design and the armored pieces looking similar to Savitar's armor, but the mask looks like it's a size too small. With the wide, rounded cheek cut out and lack of a chinstrap his face looks kind of puffy in that cowl. I also think the cowl would've benefited from the glowing eyes being consistent and not just occasionally present. Thawne's death definitely left me with a bit of a "that's it?" feeling. But hey that teaser at the end seems to be hinting at Cobalt Blue appearing in season 9 so I'm excited to see how that unfolds. Maybe Eric Wallace will finally listen to fans and bring in Eddie as Cobalt Blue, that'd be cool. It's something fans have asked for literally since he died back in season 1. The episode definitely worked better on a rewatch, after I've had time to think about it and could appreciate it for what it is instead of judging it for not being what I wanted it to be storywise. Doesn't mean this is an A+ story, god no, but I've definitely found more of an appreciation for what the episode did do. Overall I quite enjoyed season 8 both back when it first aired and now on my rewatch with you. I'd give it like a 6.5/10, maybe a 7/10 if I'm feeling generous.


This isnt because the show stayed on too long, its because they have shit writers now. They need to get better writers.

Brandon Wiesner

James, well yeah obvioulsy there are shows that have went longer and kept their quality level (Smallville being one of them). But the writing is the one of the main factors why the show is past its prime and needs to end.

Joseph Jimenez

Honestly this season have been inconsistent with the rules that the flash set but that's nothing new Cecile gaining telekinesis powers for no spelling out people emotions when it's obvious Thawne negative flash suit looks so weird maybe because it's lack a chin strap with out it he looks awkward it's like how grant Gustin look weird and awkward in the season 5 suit like the suits needs chin strap Now Barry and Thawne being power up by all the forces could have worked by making the fight a little longer remember the days when speedster fight were special like the first fight between Thawne and Barry in season 1 episode 9 or the time when Zoom obliterated Barry and broke his back for good measure in season 2 episode 6 and when Barry fought savitar after Wally got sucked into the speed force in season 3 episode 15 also the final fight in Crisis on earth X good times But no let's have a 2 minute and 39 seconds fight scene because that's better oh wait no it's not that is stupid and dumb Barry like let me meditate because that's will defeat Thawne at least not a lightsaber fight even though I will take that fight over this one Don't get me wrong season 7 is a piece of sh*t it's just season 8 broke my brain 8 years BS the science doesn't makes sense anymore sure I mean sometimes it's hard to follow but at least I understood it back then Iris comes back because BS writing and let's have Damien Darkh come back because why not it's like this story didn't make sense before but let's make our characters look stupid, dumb and complete idiots Okay Eric Wallace has gotten on my last nerve right now he a terrible show runner he stories didn't make any sense after crisis you why blood work was good because Eric Wallace was supposed to write everything in season 6 before crisis that's crisis was supposed to be his finish line but now he writing new stories for the show which doesn't work Like what happened Barry isn't like the main character even though it's called the flash but there no flash at least with Superman & Lois when know who main characters and both of them get more screen time than the other characters because Superman & Lois main characters because the show is named after them The flash like let's Allegra, Chester and Cecile more screen time than Barry and I totally forgot about like her storyline if you even want it called that was on the back burner and totally irrelevant to main point At least the next season is the last like I'm the same age as Barry when he became the flash 26 which is insane I was a senior in high school when this show aried it's ever first episode Hopefully the show can stick the I doubt it but I'm still hopeful

Patrick - Excelsior

As of this episode, The Flash has surpassed Arrow as having the most episodes of any series in the Arrowverse.


At the beginning of the episode, all I could think about is how much I wished Matt was saying Thawne's lines. Wells Thawne has lost all of its effect on me. Cecile annoyed me a lot in this episode. To start, why are you saying you'll call Joe and let him know everyone's ok? Iris just died. Whether she comes back or not, she died. It wasn't a certainty she was coming back. To continue, it's so annoying how the writers use her to narrate the show. I don't need you to tell me the emotions or feelings of every character. Actors are there. Let them act. I didn't need Cecile to tell me Barry was upset. Grant and the lines told me. Lastly, another power for Cecile....Eric Wallace, why? This show isn't beating the Power Rangers comparisons. The new suit for Thawne looked terrible. Everything about Thawne in that new suit and the scenes that followed look like Power Rangers quality, especially that scene where he was destroyed. The writing is all over the place. The episode and the episodes before it are why I wasn't upset when it was announced season 9 would be the last. I would have loved it if they made it to 10 seasons, but I'm not mad at all. The space Damien was in with Iris was the same space from Armageddon that Nora Darhk was in when Damien traded places with her. I blame Caitlin's sidelined story on the writers not knowing how to properly write around Danielle's pregnancy. That's the main problem of The Flash, the writing. Great/good ideas, bad executions.


to be fair even if Barry killed Thawne he would just come back anyway he's come back from death so many times lol