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Brandon Wiesner

Even though I didn't see the episode before, I was spoiled on Billy's death. Glad that you weren't though! The episode did a good job of showing the grief and emotions from everyone after he died. Seeing Fish's character break down to John was something indeed. In fact, I don't think I've ever seen the actor in a role where he was serious and emotional like that before. Even though he was an asshole, the show was doing everything to convince us that beneath it all, he wasn't such a bad guy. They really pushed that hard in this one, for obvious reasons. It will be interesting to see how the show carries on now that Billy's dead and Niscuit broke up lol.

Patrick - Excelsior

When I had my brain tumor I didn't have any hallucinations. But it is not uncommon to get them. After my surgery I did have a few, but only while in a lucid state (half awake). It stopped after about a year. They were not like the ones Billy had. I would see people standing in room next to me, twice I saw a spider the size of a dog, most common was my TV running when it was off.

Gaius Frakking Baltar

Gil Bellows left Ally McBeal to star in a new CBS spy drama called "The Agency". Eerily, the script for the pilot episode of the new series was written in March of 2001 and it involved the CIA's response to a planned al-Qaeda terror attack. The pilot was set to air on 9/21/01 but it was temporarily pulled from the network schedule after the 9/11 attacks. The pilot is available on YouTube, check out the scene at the 4:40 time stamp: "These men are all part of al-Qaeda, sworn to wage holy war against the United States". Gil Bellows was just 10 days too late! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=02A15EmG05I


1. FULL DISCLOSURE.... As you're aware about a year ago someone on YouTube tried spoiling you about this show with 4 messages and you quickly DM'ed me asking if I could take care of it ..We've now made it to the 2nd huge spoiler this person posted... Billy dying ...Some people sadly can't keep their mouth shut and want to ruin it for others 2. (About previous weeks notes) I mean I get it... This show is called Ally McBatman and so it's a show ABOUT. Ally ...But she was being very disruptive in that court room with her screaming ....You want to make the episode about Ally? Put her in some OTHER scene... That was just cringey 3. True... Georgia and Billy ...The hair... They might as well be twinsies ...Although knowing what happens in this episode... Kinda came up with that observation last minute ...We always seem to do that hey Froots? 4. I can't believe I'm saying this... But in defence of Billy (fights the urge to regurgitate) ...The joke he made to Ally how his tumour was probably her fault ....That's the kinda joke I'd make ...In MY. defense however ...When I'm sick or am going through depression or WHATEVER. is bringing me down ...I use humour to cope with shit ....So I can get that it was a joke ...Obviously Billy isn't funny like me though.. So I can understand your frustration 5. Ok I'mma just put this shovel back in the shed Froots... Seems like you're perfectly capable at digging further with the whole comment about not making jokes about tumours but how you COULD make jokes about people getting shot ....Keep digging Froots... Keeeeeep digging ....But no worries... Unlike you... I'm probably gonna make fun of Billy this episode... Y'know meeee... Zero fucks... I hope you're ready 5. I feel like I see room for John to be able to get up into the elevator or get out without much of a problem but ok.. They're going for a gag here and can't hurt the actor ofcourse 6. I think Billy and Ally's hallucinations are made to look eerily similar ...Yeah.. Like you said.. One could question whether or not Ally has a tumour too ...I mean... That's what they're making it look like on this show with how Billy now sees shit in the same way that Ally does ......I'm not sure if people with a brain tumour actually experience this... Last time I checked it was flashes of light and not full blown hallucinations (I stand corrected by Pat's comment) 7. True... Anyone has the right to change things about themselves IF they want to... This guy faulting that woman for having fake boobs... Redonkulous ......Just FYI... I'm NOT. saying this cause I like boobs ...I don't like fake boobs ...But I AM. defending your statement that everyone deserves the right to look the way they want to look 8. Yeah you're right... Everything Billy has hallucinated so far has in some form or another been linked towards his Pig persona and thus been about sex ....This whole thing is just done for laughs ...But so far it had zero effect 9. Nelle... Dick move... Dumping John while he's stuck like that ...What? Are you too afraid to confront him face to face?? ...I thought you were the "Ice Queen" ...You're a coward 10. HA! The shoe thing STILL cracks me up ...John 1 - Nelle 0 .....Her breaking up with him ....Meh... Given she did break up with him in a stupid way... John can do better 11. Yeeeeeaaahhh... Religious Dude is against his wife altering her body but you bring up a good point... What if she had 3rd degree burns... I BET... That religious dude would change his mind right then and there! 12. Billy about Ally: "...And I will love her for all my days" ....Jeesh.. This is about to get awkward in 3... 2.. 1. 13. Is it too early?? Ally came in telling everyone about Billy ...And first thing I ask is "Ok... But did they win though?" 14. This is kinda bullshit though... Ally is having an imaginary talk with Billy in her office and he's looking like he used to look before he went blonde ...Acting normal ...It's like they're quickly trying to redeem his character now ....This wasn't really him though ...This whole scene just comes off wrong cause they're trying too hard to redeem him 15. Ally: "He said tell Georgia I love her" ....I meaaaannn... Maybe that's kind... But also... This all happened in a court room.. Where someone writes down everything ...And even if that person didn't write that down.. Cause of being shocked about him dying... Stuff is probably being recorded and there's a fuckton of people around who can tell Georgia he didn't say anything like that ...In fact they can tell her he said he claimed he was married to Ally ....And I dunno ...While it MIGHT be kind ...It also further tries to redeem Billy ...Did he deserve that? (in a real world situation.. sure... but I'm talking solely fictional character-wise.. did Billy.. the character.. deserve to be redeemed like this so quickly?) 16. Yeah this is the 2nd time he's shown up after dying ...They're making him look like some sort of guardian angel to Ally or whatever... That's not who he was though! ...In all honesty and this might sound kinda fucked up but I don't care... It's Billy.. Let's be real here... The kinda person he truly was ....IF there was a hell ...He wouldn't be standing around smiling 17. His entourage is there!?!? GHWAT!?!?! Who invited THEM. to the funeral!?!? That's kinda fucked up honestly ...Did Georgia approve of this? ...They're leaning in so heavily on making him look like a good guy but then they also have this random group of women there who arguably were part of some of his worst moments 18. True... Another episode where Renée is a no show... She's supposedly Ally's best friend but she's not there... If this kinda thing would happen to my bestie... You can be DAMN sure I'd try my best to be there for you 19. Also true... Georgia hasn't been around much this season and the actress IS a main for this season so it's weird ...It was focusing very highly on Ally ...I mean... It's HER. show but still ...You're right... There ARE. other characters as well