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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/igutuyj7uti17nw/Stargate%20SG-1%20S07E10%20-%20Birthright%20FULL%20REACTION.mp4?dl=0

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Retro Tom

This was an episode idea Christopher Judge was pitching since he first started wanting to write an episode back in season 4. I'm not sure if he had to keep reworking the pitch or if he just kept trying till they finally said yes but he wanted to write an episode for years about a group of woman warrior Jaffa

Patrick - Excelsior

Shan just said she spent 40 minutes shitting all over previous episode. Now I just picture her reaction doing the Chaka dance the entire time.🤣 Tony, make it so for you tube cut.


Looks like the Jaffa have their own feminist movement going on. Born out of a desperation to save female children from being burned to death by a woman hating Goa'uld. You know now that I think about it.. we hardly ever see any female Jaffa. Literally the only time I remember seeing any serious female Jaffa was Teal'c's wife and Shan'auc. Both of which were Teal'c's love interests. I don't even remember Teal'c's wife's face. Talk about a lack of representation lol. There was something you said that confused me though. When Ishta brought out the two teenage girls and said once they hit puberty they will die without symbiotes, you were confused and asked why? Did you think they were human because they didn't have the symbol of their woman hating "God" on their forehead? Since the girls are Jaffa, they will eventually need symbiotes to live as their immunity system will become non-existent without one.


As we saw with Teal'c's son when he first appeared. He nearly died until Teal'c game him his own symbiote.


You've seen the actress who plays Nessa, the little sister, before, although so briefly that I'm not surprised at all that you don't remember. She was the piano playing neighbor girl in Kyle XY. Like all of the high school main cast, she was in the background for the pilot. Of especial interest is that her mother on that show is played by Teryl Rothery, who also plays Dr. Frasier on Stargate. They don't really interact in this episode though.

Tony (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-03 14:45:40 1. Some of MY least favourite type of episodes? (I have several) ...Westerns ..Yup.. I share that big-time ...Black and white shit.. No thanks.. Return that noir crap to the store please I don't want it ....Penultimate episode where they DON'T further the plot.. Gross ....There's probably more but those 3 I think are probably at the top of my dislikes 2. You're most welcome Froots ...I'll endure watching Avenger 2.0 TWICE and any other episode you find boring (this one was very boring indeed) ...shrugs... I bear it so you don't have to 3. The full story is... You walked past the shop... Saw the smart watch ....Figured you'd message me so I'd talk you OUT of it ...Buuuuuutttt... I'm a bad influence ...And so you ended up buying it cause I hyped up my own watch ...Fairly certain you haven't regretted it yet... Sooooo... You're welcome 4. Ok... Froots... Let's be real here... I watched that episode TWICE cause of editing it ...You're claiming that the Yoke reaction was a joke ....Nah bish... The look on your face betrays you ...You were having a case of the stupid ...You: "I guess I gotta crack some more" ...Ok THAT. was a yoke 5. Yeah Chaka not pronouncing the first letter in his words when he speaks ....You make a good point that maybe Chaka isn't his full name... Maybe it's actually T'Chaka (Father of Black Panther) 6. Alright.. Comment reading section done... I've got an episode to get in to (ups the speed to 2x the speed) 7. Yup... While you were talking you missed the explanation to your own question dum dum ...They said the entire gate network was down but the SGC gate was the ONLY. one in the network still able to dial cause they build their own dialing computer instead of using a DHD ...THAT. is how they were able to dial out and talk to O'neill and Daniel 8. Felger was a scientist who had LITERALLY. only been off-world ONCE. before ...While yes it's true that there's people behind the scenes who will teach the actors how to properly hold/use a gun ....Again... Felger was a scientist who'se been off-world twice now ...The fact he doesn't really know how to hold a gun wasn't a gag.. He's not trained to do this shit ...You went on a bit of a nitpick with this one Froots ...But I get it.. You were frustrated ...Sometimes you gotta let it all out 9. True... For Carter to go off-world with Felger alone was a dumbass decision to make ...They went to a planet they KNEW. was being controlled by Ba'als forces ...She SHOULD have brought back-up <---- Now that's a legit nitpick 10. Yeah normally I'd be VERY. annoyed you'd try to look shit up on IMBD ...Potentially spoiling yourself is a high risk when looking shit up so hopefully you can stop yourself next time (Cause... Well... I can't say why)... But Felger was about as annoying as Urgo ....You're off the hook THIS. time Froots ...But be careful!!!!! Please? 11. Indeed... SG-1 was meeting some Jaffa dude who wanted to be free.. They got ambushed and then saved by these Jaffa women ...You got it right.. The word you were looking for WAS. "ambush" 12. Yeeeaaahh... Lynn is all like "There's no time to explain" ..But I'm seeing a fuckton of pauses in between people talking... There's a LOT. of time to explain mah gurl! 13. Hmmmmm... I dunno Froots ...I think there's been plenty of scenes where we've seen male Jaffa wearing outfits with exposed arms.. Even seen male Jaffa just NOT. wearing shirts I think... Plus we've seen female Jaffa before I think in the episode where Bonnie's dad shows up as a Goa'uld ...But if you're referring to the full get-up ...The metal armor I believe it normally just a warrior thing if they're in battle ...IS IT a bit sexist to NOT show these women in full armor... OR.. Does it actually set them apart from those warriors... Put them above it... A message saying these women are such bad-asses they don't NEED. armor 14. Ok Chris... I'm seeing a pattern here... You write an episode and it has you ending up kissing some actress again ...An actress who by the way Froots.. He specifically asked for cause he envisioned HER. in that role ...I dunno what to think about that 15. Speaking about this actress... This doesn't really mean much to you... But this is another appearance of a well known Star Trek actor... In this case... Ishta is played by Jolene Blalock who played the Vulcan named T'Pol on Star Trek Enterprise /randomnerdfact 16. You about Moloch: "Just put him in a book... Buffy will take care of him in a couple years" ...Aaaaactually Froots... That Buffy episode came out in 1997 ...THIS. episode came out in 2003 ....Turns out Buffy's methods weren't good enough and SG-1 might have to clean up after her 17. Ishta to Lynn: "You are brave and true" Some random Jaffa woman: "I too will go" ...HA! Did she just say that cause of what Ishta told Lynn??? She might as well be like "I'm brave toooooo.. I wanna gooooo" 18. You: "The editing of this episode is a bit bizarre" ...I must remember to use this somehow (all I did was add "Tony: Rude" to the edit.. I suck) 19. Y'know what I just realised... Daniel wears glasses cause his eyesight is a bit fucky ...But... There was an episode early on in the show where he frequently used a sarcophagus (and went a bit mad) ...Now I can understand that no longer using it would turn him back to normal perhaps... But why did his eyesight diminish again??? My logical conclusion here and I've joked about it before but am now thinking it might actually be true .....Daniel doesn't need glasses... He just thinks it makes him look smart ....Wouldn't be the first time I heard of someone who tried that ..Right .......Froots? 20. Honestly... This whole time I was thinking this woman who is pointing her staff weapon at Daniel was Nyssa's mum ....SHE. is her sister?!?!! ....That HAS to be in a tribe kinda way like they're all "sisters" ....Ain't no way they look even remotely the same age 21. Jaffa Woman: "If I challenge Ishta who will follow me?" Some random extra: "Me!" ........Who dis bish!? Also HA! nobody else said fucking ANYTHING. ...added later... Oh ok... That extra didn't say "Me" she said "Neith" which was Jaffa Woman's name ....Oh that's awkward... So nobody was willing to follow her AND. she got her ass handed to her by Ishta 22. Yeah Nyssa.. Don't strive to be like Neith.. She's not nearly as great a warrior as she claims to be... She got her ass WHOOPED! 23. Adding another ally to the list... The Hak'tyl Resistance ...Slowly Teal'c is gathering quite an army of Free Jaffa 24. You: "You live and you learn or in this case you die and you learn" Yeah eeehmm.. That's not how life works Froots... If you die.... You're dead... Which means you haven't learned SHIT. ...Cause ...Of well... Y'know... The whole being dead thing
2023-04-03 10:13:32 1. Some of MY least favourite type of episodes? (I have several) ...Westerns ..Yup.. I share that big-time ...Black and white shit.. No thanks.. Return that noir crap to the store please I don't want it ....Penultimate episode where they DON'T further the plot.. Gross ....There's probably more but those 3 I think are probably at the top of my dislikes 2. You're most welcome Froots ...I'll endure watching Avenger 2.0 TWICE and any other episode you find boring (this one was very boring indeed) ...shrugs... I bear it so you don't have to 3. The full story is... You walked past the shop... Saw the smart watch ....Figured you'd message me so I'd talk you OUT of it ...Buuuuuutttt... I'm a bad influence ...And so you ended up buying it cause I hyped up my own watch ...Fairly certain you haven't regretted it yet... Sooooo... You're welcome 4. Ok... Froots... Let's be real here... I watched that episode TWICE cause of editing it ...You're claiming that the Yoke reaction was a joke ....Nah bish... The look on your face betrays you ...You were having a case of the stupid ...You: "I guess I gotta crack some more" ...Ok THAT. was a yoke 5. Yeah Chaka not pronouncing the first letter in his words when he speaks ....You make a good point that maybe Chaka isn't his full name... Maybe it's actually T'Chaka (Father of Black Panther) 6. Alright.. Comment reading section done... I've got an episode to get in to (ups the speed to 2x the speed) 7. Yup... While you were talking you missed the explanation to your own question dum dum ...They said the entire gate network was down but the SGC gate was the ONLY. one in the network still able to dial cause they build their own dialing computer instead of using a DHD ...THAT. is how they were able to dial out and talk to O'neill and Daniel 8. Felger was a scientist who had LITERALLY. only been off-world ONCE. before ...While yes it's true that there's people behind the scenes who will teach the actors how to properly hold/use a gun ....Again... Felger was a scientist who'se been off-world twice now ...The fact he doesn't really know how to hold a gun wasn't a gag.. He's not trained to do this shit ...You went on a bit of a nitpick with this one Froots ...But I get it.. You were frustrated ...Sometimes you gotta let it all out 9. True... For Carter to go off-world with Felger alone was a dumbass decision to make ...They went to a planet they KNEW. was being controlled by Ba'als forces ...She SHOULD have brought back-up <---- Now that's a legit nitpick 10. Yeah normally I'd be VERY. annoyed you'd try to look shit up on IMBD ...Potentially spoiling yourself is a high risk when looking shit up so hopefully you can stop yourself next time (Cause... Well... I can't say why)... But Felger was about as annoying as Urgo ....You're off the hook THIS. time Froots ...But be careful!!!!! Please? 11. Indeed... SG-1 was meeting some Jaffa dude who wanted to be free.. They got ambushed and then saved by these Jaffa women ...You got it right.. The word you were looking for WAS. "ambush" 12. Yeeeaaahh... Lynn is all like "There's no time to explain" ..But I'm seeing a fuckton of pauses in between people talking... There's a LOT. of time to explain mah gurl! 13. Hmmmmm... I dunno Froots ...I think there's been plenty of scenes where we've seen male Jaffa wearing outfits with exposed arms.. Even seen male Jaffa just NOT. wearing shirts I think... Plus we've seen female Jaffa before I think in the episode where Bonnie's dad shows up as a Goa'uld ...But if you're referring to the full get-up ...The metal armor I believe it normally just a warrior thing if they're in battle ...IS IT a bit sexist to NOT show these women in full armor... OR.. Does it actually set them apart from those warriors... Put them above it... A message saying these women are such bad-asses they don't NEED. armor 14. Ok Chris... I'm seeing a pattern here... You write an episode and it has you ending up kissing some actress again ...An actress who by the way Froots.. He specifically asked for cause he envisioned HER. in that role ...I dunno what to think about that 15. Speaking about this actress... This doesn't really mean much to you... But this is another appearance of a well known Star Trek actor... In this case... Ishta is played by Jolene Blalock who played the Vulcan named T'Pol on Star Trek Enterprise /randomnerdfact 16. You about Moloch: "Just put him in a book... Buffy will take care of him in a couple years" ...Aaaaactually Froots... That Buffy episode came out in 1997 ...THIS. episode came out in 2003 ....Turns out Buffy's methods weren't good enough and SG-1 might have to clean up after her 17. Ishta to Lynn: "You are brave and true" Some random Jaffa woman: "I too will go" ...HA! Did she just say that cause of what Ishta told Lynn??? She might as well be like "I'm brave toooooo.. I wanna gooooo" 18. You: "The editing of this episode is a bit bizarre" ...I must remember to use this somehow (all I did was add "Tony: Rude" to the edit.. I suck) 19. Y'know what I just realised... Daniel wears glasses cause his eyesight is a bit fucky ...But... There was an episode early on in the show where he frequently used a sarcophagus (and went a bit mad) ...Now I can understand that no longer using it would turn him back to normal perhaps... But why did his eyesight diminish again??? My logical conclusion here and I've joked about it before but am now thinking it might actually be true .....Daniel doesn't need glasses... He just thinks it makes him look smart ....Wouldn't be the first time I heard of someone who tried that ..Right .......Froots? 20. Honestly... This whole time I was thinking this woman who is pointing her staff weapon at Daniel was Nyssa's mum ....SHE. is her sister?!?!! ....That HAS to be in a tribe kinda way like they're all "sisters" ....Ain't no way they look even remotely the same age 21. Jaffa Woman: "If I challenge Ishta who will follow me?" Some random extra: "Me!" ........Who dis bish!? Also HA! nobody else said fucking ANYTHING. ...added later... Oh ok... That extra didn't say "Me" she said "Neith" which was Jaffa Woman's name ....Oh that's awkward... So nobody was willing to follow her AND. she got her ass handed to her by Ishta 22. Yeah Nyssa.. Don't strive to be like Neith.. She's not nearly as great a warrior as she claims to be... She got her ass WHOOPED! 23. Adding another ally to the list... The Hak'tyl Resistance ...Slowly Teal'c is gathering quite an army of Free Jaffa 24. You: "You live and you learn or in this case you die and you learn" Yeah eeehmm.. That's not how life works Froots... If you die.... You're dead... Which means you haven't learned SHIT. ...Cause ...Of well... Y'know... The whole being dead thing

1. Some of MY least favourite type of episodes? (I have several) ...Westerns ..Yup.. I share that big-time ...Black and white shit.. No thanks.. Return that noir crap to the store please I don't want it ....Penultimate episode where they DON'T further the plot.. Gross ....There's probably more but those 3 I think are probably at the top of my dislikes 2. You're most welcome Froots ...I'll endure watching Avenger 2.0 TWICE and any other episode you find boring (this one was very boring indeed) ...shrugs... I bear it so you don't have to 3. The full story is... You walked past the shop... Saw the smart watch ....Figured you'd message me so I'd talk you OUT of it ...Buuuuuutttt... I'm a bad influence ...And so you ended up buying it cause I hyped up my own watch ...Fairly certain you haven't regretted it yet... Sooooo... You're welcome 4. Ok... Froots... Let's be real here... I watched that episode TWICE cause of editing it ...You're claiming that the Yoke reaction was a joke ....Nah bish... The look on your face betrays you ...You were having a case of the stupid ...You: "I guess I gotta crack some more" ...Ok THAT. was a yoke 5. Yeah Chaka not pronouncing the first letter in his words when he speaks ....You make a good point that maybe Chaka isn't his full name... Maybe it's actually T'Chaka (Father of Black Panther) 6. Alright.. Comment reading section done... I've got an episode to get in to (ups the speed to 2x the speed) 7. Yup... While you were talking you missed the explanation to your own question dum dum ...They said the entire gate network was down but the SGC gate was the ONLY. one in the network still able to dial cause they build their own dialing computer instead of using a DHD ...THAT. is how they were able to dial out and talk to O'neill and Daniel 8. Felger was a scientist who had LITERALLY. only been off-world ONCE. before ...While yes it's true that there's people behind the scenes who will teach the actors how to properly hold/use a gun ....Again... Felger was a scientist who'se been off-world twice now ...The fact he doesn't really know how to hold a gun wasn't a gag.. He's not trained to do this shit ...You went on a bit of a nitpick with this one Froots ...But I get it.. You were frustrated ...Sometimes you gotta let it all out 9. True... For Carter to go off-world with Felger alone was a dumbass decision to make ...They went to a planet they KNEW. was being controlled by Ba'als forces ...She SHOULD have brought back-up <---- Now that's a legit nitpick 10. Yeah normally I'd be VERY. annoyed you'd try to look shit up on IMBD ...Potentially spoiling yourself is a high risk when looking shit up so hopefully you can stop yourself next time (Cause... Well... I can't say why)... But Felger was about as annoying as Urgo ....You're off the hook THIS. time Froots ...But be careful!!!!! Please? 11. Indeed... SG-1 was meeting some Jaffa dude who wanted to be free.. They got ambushed and then saved by these Jaffa women ...You got it right.. The word you were looking for WAS. "ambush" 12. Yeeeaaahh... Lynn is all like "There's no time to explain" ..But I'm seeing a fuckton of pauses in between people talking... There's a LOT. of time to explain mah gurl! 13. Hmmmmm... I dunno Froots ...I think there's been plenty of scenes where we've seen male Jaffa wearing outfits with exposed arms.. Even seen male Jaffa just NOT. wearing shirts I think... Plus we've seen female Jaffa before I think in the episode where Bonnie's dad shows up as a Goa'uld ...But if you're referring to the full get-up ...The metal armor I believe it normally just a warrior thing if they're in battle ...IS IT a bit sexist to NOT show these women in full armor... OR.. Does it actually set them apart from those warriors... Put them above it... A message saying these women are such bad-asses they don't NEED. armor 14. Ok Chris... I'm seeing a pattern here... You write an episode and it has you ending up kissing some actress again ...An actress who by the way Froots.. He specifically asked for cause he envisioned HER. in that role ...I dunno what to think about that 15. Speaking about this actress... This doesn't really mean much to you... But this is another appearance of a well known Star Trek actor... In this case... Ishta is played by Jolene Blalock who played the Vulcan named T'Pol on Star Trek Enterprise /randomnerdfact 16. You about Moloch: "Just put him in a book... Buffy will take care of him in a couple years" ...Aaaaactually Froots... That Buffy episode came out in 1997 ...THIS. episode came out in 2003 ....Turns out Buffy's methods weren't good enough and SG-1 might have to clean up after her 17. Ishta to Lynn: "You are brave and true" Some random Jaffa woman: "I too will go" ...HA! Did she just say that cause of what Ishta told Lynn??? She might as well be like "I'm brave toooooo.. I wanna gooooo" 18. You: "The editing of this episode is a bit bizarre" ...I must remember to use this somehow (all I did was add "Tony: Rude" to the edit.. I suck) 19. Y'know what I just realised... Daniel wears glasses cause his eyesight is a bit fucky ...But... There was an episode early on in the show where he frequently used a sarcophagus (and went a bit mad) ...Now I can understand that no longer using it would turn him back to normal perhaps... But why did his eyesight diminish again??? My logical conclusion here and I've joked about it before but am now thinking it might actually be true .....Daniel doesn't need glasses... He just thinks it makes him look smart ....Wouldn't be the first time I heard of someone who tried that ..Right .......Froots? 20. Honestly... This whole time I was thinking this woman who is pointing her staff weapon at Daniel was Nyssa's mum ....SHE. is her sister?!?!! ....That HAS to be in a tribe kinda way like they're all "sisters" ....Ain't no way they look even remotely the same age 21. Jaffa Woman: "If I challenge Ishta who will follow me?" Some random extra: "Me!" ........Who dis bish!? Also HA! nobody else said fucking ANYTHING. ...added later... Oh ok... That extra didn't say "Me" she said "Neith" which was Jaffa Woman's name ....Oh that's awkward... So nobody was willing to follow her AND. she got her ass handed to her by Ishta 22. Yeah Nyssa.. Don't strive to be like Neith.. She's not nearly as great a warrior as she claims to be... She got her ass WHOOPED! 23. Adding another ally to the list... The Hak'tyl Resistance ...Slowly Teal'c is gathering quite an army of Free Jaffa 24. You: "You live and you learn or in this case you die and you learn" Yeah eeehmm.. That's not how life works Froots... If you die.... You're dead... Which means you haven't learned SHIT. ...Cause ...Of well... Y'know... The whole being dead thing