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Samantha Bailey

The sheriff became suspicious when the FBI was camped out in the sheriff's station and when he tried to contact the FBI agent, he gave Liz's dress to he got no answer so as a precaution he took the key from the file and hid it in case the government did anything.


Julie Benz! Wasn't expecting that. Also Max and Isabel's dad is an actor I know from The West Wing.


I love her face saying "Hi Darla!". More faces like that I'm sure when the various other guests you may recognize start popping up. Pleasure watching with you and hopefully next week's episode will start with the "proper" episodes Tony said he made sure you have. Watching with the alternate DVD music always bugs me.

Jeremy Burch

Yes, he was in West Wing. I also didn't remember that Richard Schiff. who I'm a fan of from West WIng, Jurassic Park: Lost World and Good Doctor, plus he was also in Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, was in this as the main FBI guy.


My thoughts on 1x2 - - Ok episode nothing super great. - A bit of a dumb idea to have the guidance councilor pretend to be a teacher. Wouldn't you want your students to trust you if you were a guidance councilor? why start by lying to them? - I like seeing them use their powers even if they are pretty minimalistic. Hope we get to see something flashier in the future. - Two actors from The West Wing so far, that's awesome. This show came out at the right time for a lot of potentially interesting appearances - Darla!! I saw her name in the opening credits so I wasn't too shocked, but noticed her immediately from the voice alone. I hope she has a big role. - I get slight Twilight vibes from the first two episodes, but done way better and not totally stupid like Twilight lol - Feel bad for Michael growing up in a not so happy home compared to the other two. Kinda like Faith vs. Buffy in a way. - Wasn't a huge fan of the opening theme song - Looking forward to more!


This episode already had the proper music, it was only the pilot episode that had DVD music since that was watched a long time ago and not provided by me. UNLESS, for some unknown reason her media player doesn't start the episode with the default audio. Then it's not my fault.


It wasn't original music here. No Cardigans when "Czechoslovakians" term first introduced, no Smashing Pumpkins in eraser room scene, no Dido at the end when journal writing.


You're right I went back and checked and it is indeed the wrong audio track, I'll make a note of this for her to change tracks


👍👍👍. I'm assuming she's using the Kel163 version from the looks of it if it's got both tracks (been looking for that). The only other reactor I've seen who's done Roswell had the original music and didn't even know that she did until I pointed it out, she just downloaded what she downloaded. The restoration I did in 2018 is ready to go if needed.


The person I got it from did mention someone replacing all the DVD music manually with the OG music so yeah that might have been in reference to Kel163 Added: Yup I looked it up it's part of the restoration project


I downloaded a Kel163 version a few years ago but for some reason mine only has the original music track on it like the restoration I made, not with the option to switch. Not that I'd ever switch, but it would be nice to have for demonstration purposes to the unknowledged.


I don't know if you're on our Discord, but if you're willing to let me download that copy it'd save a lot of time fixing this problem just in case she doesn't remember to change tracks Just DM me, Tony


Ok. I'm late for work. I've never join Discord so I'll do that when I arrive.


In 2008, I knew absolutely nothing about Twilight until I saw the 1st TV spot during Monday Night Raw. The words I said in my head were "this so feels like Roswell". Some 12 hours later, the commercial was still on my mind as I'm going down the escalator at Virgin Megastore in Times Square and there's a humongous Twilight display greeting me at the bottom of it. So on a whim I bought the 4 books conveniently on sale and plowed through it in a month even though I'm not much a reader. I was then sucked into that universe for the 5 year run because nothing had made me feel the Roswell vibes as closely as Twilight did. I maintain to this day what I said to myself when reading it for the 1st time - Twilight is just Roswell on steroids with a studio that actually gave a damn about them.


This is the only episode he plays Papa Evans. All other episodes he's played by another actor. The recasting is an inside joke amongst some of us die hards when bringing up a future thing. 😉 Wasn't he also in the 1st episodes of 24? And Good Doctor is my favorite show currently airing.


Actually, never mind. Turns out fixing the audio was easier than I expected. The following episodes will have the correct audio. :)


Please no spoilers for anything beyond the episodes posted. I haven't see this show before and would have prefered to find out that fact on my own from watching.


1. Yup.. You did tell the story during the pilot... Of Dad not getting you the episodes and how you couldn't get the DVD (which led you to binging Lucifer instead) ....Good thing though... The DVD has different music due to copyright issues.. It's a thing that Roswell fans are upset with cause the DVD music doesn't fit the scenes ....Sadly you watched the pilot with DVD music ...BUT... No worries... I got you Froots... The episodes I provided you with are the good ones with OG music ...You AND everyone who watches will get to enjoy the show how it's meant to be watched! ....You're welcome 2. Yeah it was pretty clear that Liz and Kyle were dating ...What kinda girl is writing in her diary about some other guy like that??? ...added later... Ok they're trynna write this like "We left it casual" ...But they ARE. in a relationship ...Liz... Mah gurl... If you have feelings for some other guy... SORT. THAT. SHIT. OUT. 3. Agreed... Maria's hairdo looks like she stepped straight off the set of Star Trek... She looks like a Vulcan 4. Sooooo.... Confession time... About a week or so ago... We were in voice... Prepping for Roswell and I was going through some of the episodes and without thinking I said out loud "Oooooh... Interesting" ...You asked me what I was talking about... I ofcourse couldn't tell you ...Soz not soz.. I speak my mind .....The truth is.. I was going through 1x02 and saw Darla 5. True.... Given how INSANELY large the universe is... Anyone who thinks we're alone in the universe ...To me... Is an absolute moron ...I mean... Just OUR. galaxy alone has between 100 to 400 BILLION stars (side note: our sun is a star) all with potential planets around them ...It's estimated about 40 Billion (with a B.. NOT. million) of those are Earth like planets ....And that's OUR. galaxy ....There's Billions of galaxies out there in the KNOWN. observable universe all consisting of Billions of stars ....To say we're alone is one of the DUMBEST. things someone could say 6. So I looked it up and pulled this from the FBI website.. "No. State and local law enforcement agencies are not subordinate to the FBI, and the FBI does not supervise or take over their investigations. Instead, the investigative resources of the FBI and state and local agencies are often pooled in a common effort to investigate and solve the cases." ....Seems Sheriff Valenti was right.. He didn't have to cooperate with that FBI agent ....Which in my mind seems kinda counterproductive to solving crimes and shit but whatever 7. Yeeeeeeaaaahhh... Some people SUCK. at keeping secrets hey Froots? ..smirk.. But that's besides the point ...Maria is thinking about telling everyone and their oma about Max .....If you wanna keep shit a secret... Don't tell Maria ...But also.. Know who to trust 8. Also... Alex... The guy you don't know yet but who was clearly credited in the intro... Just a random side note... The actor is Colin Hanks.. The son of Tom Hanks 9. Ok Liz... If Darla didn't see you CLEARLY. hiding behind the top of Max's Jeeps windshield then she's fucking blind 10. Also... Kyle has trust issues ...Yikes ...But then again... If my girlfriend for no good reason decided to fish around some guys crotch with her face for a ring ...I dunno... I'd find that kinda sus too ....Why wasn't she just wearing it? 11. So far Max can heal people and he supposedly opened those bars up the same was as Michael did... But neither Max nor Isabel had a vision when touching that key ...Some powers are shared while others apparently aren't 12. Holy shit Liz's handwriting looks like chicken scratch ...She's bound to become a doctor with that terrible handwriting ------- NOTE: Added later... First of all.. Thanks to one of your new subs who goes by Leonard for making me aware of this once more.. Ok since your media player for some reason defaults to the wrong audio track (even though it's not supposed to) I've taken the entire first season through handbrake... You are now watching Roswell the way it's intended to be watched.. You're welcome.. Again ....But also thanks Leonard for looking out for us!


I wish we could actually discover life on other planets that look and behave like us. Be intelligent and think on their own. It would be so cool to see real life aliens.


1. Yup.. You did tell the story during the pilot... Of Dad not getting you the episodes and how you couldn't get the DVD (which led you to binging Lucifer instead) ....Good thing though... The DVD has different music due to copyright issues.. It's a thing that Roswell fans are upset with cause the DVD music doesn't fit the scenes ....Sadly you watched the pilot with DVD music ...BUT... No worries... I got you Froots... The episodes I provided you with are the good ones with OG music ...You AND everyone who watches will get to enjoy the show how it's meant to be watched! ....You're welcome 2. Yeah it was pretty clear that Liz and Kyle were dating ...What kinda girl is writing in her diary about some other guy like that??? ...added later... Ok they're trynna write this like "We left it casual" ...But they ARE. in a relationship ...Liz... Mah gurl... If you have feelings for some other guy... SORT. THAT. SHIT. OUT. 3. Agreed... Maria's hairdo looks like she stepped straight off the set of Star Trek... She looks like a Vulcan 4. Sooooo.... Confession time... About a week or so ago... We were in voice... Prepping for Roswell and I was going through some of the episodes and without thinking I said out loud "Oooooh... Interesting" ...You asked me what I was talking about... I ofcourse couldn't tell you ...Soz not soz.. I speak my mind .....The truth is.. I was going through 1x02 and saw Darla 5. True.... Given how INSANELY large the universe is... Anyone who thinks we're alone in the universe ...To me... Is an absolute moron ...I mean... Just OUR. galaxy alone has between 100 to 400 BILLION stars (side note: our sun is a star) all with potential planets around them ...It's estimated about 40 Billion (with a B.. NOT. million) of those are Earth like planets ....And that's OUR. galaxy ....There's Billions of galaxies out there in the KNOWN. observable universe all consisting of Billions of stars ....To say we're alone is one of the DUMBEST. things someone could say 6. So I looked it up and pulled this from the FBI website.. "No. State and local law enforcement agencies are not subordinate to the FBI, and the FBI does not supervise or take over their investigations. Instead, the investigative resources of the FBI and state and local agencies are often pooled in a common effort to investigate and solve the cases." ....Seems Sheriff Valenti was right.. He didn't have to cooperate with that FBI agent ....Which in my mind seems kinda counterproductive to solving crimes and shit but whatever 7. Yeeeeeeaaaahhh... Some people SUCK. at keeping secrets hey Froots? ..smirk.. But that's besides the point ...Maria is thinking about telling everyone and their oma about Max .....If you wanna keep shit a secret... Don't tell Maria ...But also.. Know who to trust 8. Also... Alex... The guy you don't know yet but who was clearly credited in the intro... Just a random side note... The actor is Colin Hanks.. The son of Tom Hanks 9. Ok Liz... If Darla didn't see you CLEARLY. hiding behind the top of Max's Jeeps windshield then she's fucking blind 10. Also... Kyle has trust issues ...Yikes ...But then again... If my girlfriend for no good reason decided to fish around some guys crotch with her face for a ring ...I dunno... I'd find that kinda sus too ....Why wasn't she just wearing it? 11. So far Max can heal people and he supposedly opened those bars up the same was as Michael did... But neither Max nor Isabel had a vision when touching that key ...Some powers are shared while others apparently aren't 12. Holy shit Liz's handwriting looks like chicken scratch ...She's bound to become a doctor with that terrible handwriting ------- NOTE: Added later... First of all.. Thanks to one of your new subs who goes by Leonard for making me aware of this once more.. Ok since your media player for some reason defaults to the wrong audio track (even though it's not supposed to) I've taken the entire first season through handbrake... You are now watching Roswell the way it's intended to be watched.. You're welcome.. Again ....But also thanks Leonard for looking out for us!

Patrick - Excelsior (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-04 12:28:07 You don't just go to the eraser room to kiss. Some people go there to learn to play chess. 😉 ♛ Why would Darla's office have a vent grate that immediately connects to eraser room. That would cause eraser dust to vent into her office. Messy.
2023-04-04 10:08:12 You don't just go to the eraser room to kiss. Some people go there to learn to play chess. 😉 ♛ Why would Darla's office have a vent grate that immediately connects to eraser room. That would cause eraser dust to vent into her office. Messy. I hate when they show people following behind in car 25 feet back on side streets at night and the driver doesn't notice. No way. So now they have the key. If there's a key…then there must also be a lock!

You don't just go to the eraser room to kiss. Some people go there to learn to play chess. 😉 ♛ Why would Darla's office have a vent grate that immediately connects to eraser room. That would cause eraser dust to vent into her office. Messy. I hate when they show people following behind in car 25 feet back on side streets at night and the driver doesn't notice. No way. So now they have the key. If there's a key…then there must also be a lock!


Yeah, that spoiler is annoying. I watched the show but it was several years ago now, so I don't remember everything, and that seems like a pretty big spoiler that would make anyone start questioning things and kind of ruins the natural flow of the show.