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Patrick - Excelsior

WOW, you hit that ON THE NOSE Shan. Incredible. Juliette has to use potion to become Adalind and sleep with Nick. Great job Shan. For the spell to restore Nick’s Grimm, I say where a blindfold, both of them. OK, Adalind is tripping out. Did they slip her some LSD. Dude turned into a freaking key. Then her baby turned into Babe. “That’ll do pig, that’ll do”. It’s like Adalind in Wonderland. Trubel is a Badass. She had Mr. Tough guy there ready to pee his pants. Also loved how she pulled that machete out from her collar. Very kewl. So now Renard’s mom is looking for Nick’s mom. Is Nick going to get Monroe’s mom to help his mom. lol I do believe that was a split screen for the quadruplets. IMDB only shows one actor listed for the part. We have bad people burning a Wolfsangel symbol on Monroe’s lawn. Rude. Great, everyone is on board for get Nick his Grimm back. Let’s do it. Oh, and before I forget…TELL WU! Show is picking up the pace, lots of things going on with only a small amount of time spent on MOW (monster of week).

The Mad Titan

Hello. How are you? How's things? Or as Joey from Friends likes to say "how YOU doin? " just felt like nobodies asked, and checked in with you about it in a while. I do feel bad for Adiland, but at the same time, come on. The babys not going to be up some stairs at the bottom of some dungeon, especially built for hexenbeists. I do hate the trope shows use when they always take away the characters powers. On supernatural the boys lost bobby and baby so they would have nothing. How many times has the flash lost his powers, and green arrow lost his millions. Teal'c lost his simbiote and cant heal fast anymore. Anyways, I hope you really enjoy this season. I love it when you guess something right and get all excites and laugh and smile. You should do that more often, smile that is. I know I will. It's nice how as the show moves on, it gets more complex characters, and more story and seems like it's constantly getting better. Have a good day =).


The ultimate gaslight. That poor woman. Glad they caught the jerks. As for how he got in the car, that may have been a genuine hallucination. Convince someone that they are seeing things for long enough, and they may start seeing things for real. That lady is going to need tons of therapy.


For me, i like most of the MOTW episodes but it depends on the story. I dont just immediately judge the episode for being MOTW but only on if i like the story or not. I like these kind of episodes and think they can be alot of fun. I also like the way the incorporate the story and the cases together so if you dont like one aspect you can still enjoy the other aspect. It does a better job than most shows ive watched with MOTW like supernatural. I also think the MOTW episodes are really important this season so far, it shows nick that he does need to get his grimm back. Juliet just misses the way it used to be. Its not weird for her to want a normal life again but she also does know its his choice, shes not forcing him to be normal, thats why shes telling him if he wants to be a grimm again its the only choice but also she is telling him how she feels. I think thats fair for both parties to tell each other how they feel in a relationship. I like Juliet, i just feel like she was just so shocked that she wasnt thinking straight and she has been going through alot. She was never meant to be in that world that Nick is in so it can be very overwhelming and hard for her to be in it with Nick but she loves him and she always eventually does whats best for him. Yes, she made some mistakes when she found out what happened but i understand her train of thought.


Yeah, this season so far has done a great job at balancing the MOTW with the main storylines.

Ian Caudillo

I agree Trubel is the best. I love Nick but I wish she had her own spin off I would watch the hell out of that.

Linda McDonough Garcia

I disagree about Juliette & her decision about helping Nick. I don’t believe she’s doing it because it’s what he wants & I don’t even think she really wants him to be. I feel she’s only choosing to do it because of what’s happening to Monroe & Rosalie & that if none of that was going on with them I think she’d be perfectly happy with him Nick not being a Grimm & not because she thinks he wants a “normal” life but because she does