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I love the way this episode ended. It opened up a billion possibilities for future seasons and stories but also gave us closure so it fits perfectly as a series finale. I even think this episode made the series finale of supernatural better. I knew from before the first episode that they would reveal everything in episode 13 and it took alot for me to not tell you but im glad i didnt. They were actually tempted at one point to have them go 10 feet farther and get into a car crash to be an epic callback but they opted out of that for a more satisfying ending. Bobby has shown up in every single season at least once so im glad they kept the tradition with this show. Bobby and Jack were the only cameos they didnt announce before the episode aired so im happy it was a surprise. Im actually glad this is an alternate universe. I love that they now have freedom to do whatever they want and i want to see how the story differs from the original. The scene with Jack, Dean and Bobby felt like a sequel show that made the last 2 episodes of the original better in my opinion. I like that chuck had a failsafe and it makes sense. Deans motivation for what he did makes perfect sense and is in character. They also made this series better in retrospect. I liked seeing some more details from the original world. I like the idea of dean wanting to find a world where his family has a happy ending and im excited to explore this new world. I would love if they did end up going to the original world at some point in the future. Im hoping for a second season but im satisfied if this is the end. I trusted Robbie and im glad he delivered. (Also im hoping we get a baby sam and dean at some point) (Also im sorry for my comment in the prevous episode. I had time to think about it and you were right about the episode not being a great penultimate episode. It was still a good episode in my opinion but it could have been better maybe as episode 11 even.)

Brandon Wiesner

I don't know if there will be more episodes, so this may or may not be read aloud and if it does, there will likely be a big break between eps so just a refresher, before Dean left he said his name was James Hetfield, who is the lead singer of Metallica.


Okay. This finale gave me what I've needed. It felt really good to see Dean again, and to actually see him for more than just a glimpse. If felt right. I got the answers I needed too. I originally didn't want a multiverse situation, but I'm warming up to it. Probably because the OG characters are involved. This really opens the door for a lot of possibilities/stories. I hope there's a way to keep OG Dean coming back. And eventually Sam too. And Cas. Jack should let them. I've always had a head canon that Dean would continue being a Guardian after death. That he would evolve. Jack should realize that it's not messing with his rule for humans to stay involved, even after death. Jack can stay away, and just let the humans keep doing what they do. Hunting.

Patrick - Excelsior

Yeah, leave it to Dean tp use a member of a rock band as a false ID, but in some ways more real to Dean.