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This episode definetely felt like a series finale but still keep in mind, they had another season planned. I just dont want you to get your hopes up. They wanted this to be the "calm before the plundge" as they described it. If they altered the ending of this then it could have worked very well and possibly be a perfect series finale. Im so glad Gary grew on you. Gary becoming an alien was unironically the best thing they ever did to his character, even if it doesnt make much sense. Its the one thing that doesnt make sense but is universally accepted haha. One of my favorite episodes. Really great seeing the glimpses into the future. I just wish they knew for sure it was getting canceled so they could have wrote a more satisfying final season but i still think this season was pretty good. Who knows, maybe they will make a movie some day in the future to wrap everything up. Alot of shows seem to get movies nowadays on streaming. I wouldnt hold my breath but i also wouldnt be surprised if it did happen. The CW actually wanted to renew the show but the sets licensing expired and it was too much money to renew the license. I wish there was a way to talk to you after the series finales bc theres alot i want to say about the finale that i cant now bc of spoilers. I hope you enjoy the finale but remember it wasnt intended to be the series finale.


i also want there to be like a brief video where she reads the comments of the finale for Legends & Batwoman because there's a lot I want to say about them and hear her thoughts for.


I feel the same way. A quick comment reading video after the series finale would be great.

Patrick - Excelsior

Interesting series. Its not my favorite but it was funny at times. It had some interesting surprises. I think my favorite character had to be Mick, then Followed by Prof Stein and Jackson. Then of course Beebo. If I had a complaint it was it didn't mesh well with the other series even though they are in the same universe. They would show the President of US in one show then it would be someone else in this show. That sort of thing. As for this episode, why is Nate showed writing a book in the future. I thought he was going to live in the bottle with with Zari. I figured Alun was a robot the Gideon created. She didn't have the dog tags that Gwyn needed to find. I don't see why bringing Alun forward in time violates the fixed point as long as everyone in that timeline thinks he's dead and he is not there to disrupt things.

Mark Chrisco

There is a lot of emotion out there regarding Legends and as others have suggested, it would be a very good thing to have a post for those who want to, to vent, or share their feelings. The Legends deserve that last bit of respect.

Brandon Wiesner

The show for me had a lot of decent moments and there were times when it could be called a great show. Sadly, that time has passed by at least a couple seasons ago. I guess though, the same can be said about much of the Arrowverse. Arrow, The Flash and Supergirl all hit their stride at one point and then started to really dip in quality, without ever recovering. I think Black Lightning and Batwoman never really got to the point of being really good, while Stargirl and Superman & Lois were consistently good. I don't know if they knew that the end was coming or even possible when they made this season but this episode leads me to believe that maybe they did, because it did kind of feel like a goodbye. I just wish we could see past characters again, because let's face it, the show was never as good after Firestorm, Mick, Constantine and Ray Palmer left. I guess we'll see how the finale ends up but even as boring as this season has been for the most part, it's still sad to see the show finishing.


I actually think Legends if the most consistently good arrowverse show. Considering it had 7 seasons and not any of them are nearly unwatchable or bad really shows how great this show really is. I personally believe the first 2 seasons are the worst but still good. I just feel like the wacky nature they became suits them way better. Its a time travel show, lets have them do wacky and creative things and have fun with it.


Man I loved this show from start to finish I remember people didn’t think it would last one season now look, as decent as this season is it shouldnt have been the final season im really sad the they didn’t get a full season to wrap 7 yrs up the cast and production deserved it. Still remember the day I woke up to the news it was canceled. I was heartbroken . But man for a wacky time traveling over the top superhero show. It was one of my most favorite show to watch the legends never failed to entertain. If I had to say season 2 and 3 were my favs but man imma miss all the characters from Gary-(Grew on me this season) to stein ,Wally, rip, John, ray, jackson, mick, astra , spooner, Gideon, Charlie, Amaya, zari ,nate, Ava and of course the one and only Sarah. Shan I wanna know what you thought of legends as a whole? Favorite season ? And favorite characters?


legends was the perfect comfort show. Its light hearted, wacky and fun. It isnt a show that is super serious and takes itself seriously. It knows what it is and it goes with it. Thats why its such a comfort show. The other arrowverse shows get super serious so im glad legends was the show to kind of take a break from that kind of tone and just be mindless fun. You dont have to think too hard on this show and thats a positive for me.


It's the end of Legends and I'm not feeling anything ...I mean... Relief maybe? ..Perhaps that's a bit harsh ...As with Batwoman.. I DIDN'T hate the show.. But more often than not I'd find myself resisting the urge to yell at the screen shouting "The FUCK. are you guys doing?!!?" Flying around all-thoughout time UNCLOAKED. while trying to protect the timeline was one of the most idiotic things that REALLY. bothered me about this show ....Stay in space! Send a cloaked shuttle down! And for crying out loud STAY. ON. THE. MISSION.! Most of the bad things that happened were the result of the Legendary Screw-Ups going super off the books ...I gave them a nickname ...I normally don't give out nicknames ...Unless I guess there must've been SOMETHING. about the show that a DID. really like I suppose? Maybe I just loved to hate on the show sometimes This show became the joke of the Arrowverse when they decided to lean too heavily into humour for the sake of some cheap laughs ....And again don't get me wrong... SOME. of the humour landed for me... But a lot of it didn't Did I like any of the characters? I liked Mick but he left... I liked OG Zari but they changed her too much... Replaced her with a version that I didn't really care for and put the actress in too many potential relationships I think... Or maybe that was just what the show did with many of the characters.. Out of nowhere relationships... Also... Why was future Nate not in the totem with Zari?? ......I liked Nora but she's gone.. Then again she wasn't really a main I think so does she even count? Honorary mention I suppose ...I can't really say I like current Sara ...She was a bad-ass in the beginning but the show made her into a joke too and then cloned her ...I still don't see current Sara as the OG Sara and they pretty much just glossed over that At some points I feel I just kept watching this show for the sake of completion since all of my characters were gone but I still didn't hate it if that makes sense So will I be sad to see it end? Nope... But then I feel that way with a lot of Arrowverse... Any show these days really And one last thing... Knowing how you feel though Froots.. Today being the day you're ending 2 Arrowverse shows.. I'm reminded of when Smallville ended.. I was sure I'd NEVER. see a good superhero show again ...But then another show came around.. I gave it a shot and it gave way to an entire verse ...Some of which I very much enjoyed What I'm trying to say is... Maybe right now you might feel hollow and sad that some shows are ending... And you feel that there won't be much of anything left any more to look forward to... But there will come a time that a new show comes around (not Arrowverse.. But.. Anything... Regardless if it's a superhero show or whatever) and I guarantee you it will fill the void you might be feeling Things WILL. get better.. I promise

Tsukiakari1203 (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-30 04:34:13 i have a lot of mixed thoughts on Legends s7, because I loved it while it was airing, I thought it was fresh, new, and it shook up the formula. but then when it got cancelled, I had a really hard time making myself rewatch one of my favorite shows. and then you got to Legends s7 for your watch, and I decided I would rewatch along with you. I haven't regretted that choice but with hindsight and knowing it got cancelled makes this season so bitter for me because while I love the story they told, there's part of me that wants to yell at them that they won't get a chance to end on their own terms and that they should have planned it. When Legends and Batwoman ended, I dropped out of the Arrowverse and CW shows as a whole, seeing the CW treat these two shows I loved that horribly made me not want to continue watching Arrowverse stuff. Too much of the arrow verse is tied into my getting into comics so like, it's very bittersweet to me. I'm also very mad that the CW kept fucking Riverdale alive for two more seasons and gave them proper notice of "hey you get one last season" and did the same thing with the Flash which hasn't been good since s2 (i stopped watching circa s5 and only came back to it for crossover stuff mostly bc the Flash felt like such a chore to watch.), similar deal to Supergirl, I fell off there with the evil Lena arc. I don't think I'll ever want to watch Superman & Lois, that show just tastes bitter to me with some of it's choices. So thank you Legends and Batwoman for being the two Arrowverse shows that kept me watching week after week. and thank you to Sara Lance for showing me that queer people could exist and be awesome. i miss you so much.
2023-03-11 01:46:19 i have a lot of mixed thoughts on Legends s7, because I loved it while it was airing, I thought it was fresh, new, and it shook up the formula. but then when it got cancelled, I had a really hard time making myself rewatch one of my favorite shows. and then you got to Legends s7 for your watch, and I decided I would rewatch along with you. I haven't regretted that choice but with hindsight and knowing it got cancelled makes this season so bitter for me because while I love the story they told, there's part of me that wants to yell at them that they won't get a chance to end on their own terms and that they should have planned it. When Legends and Batwoman ended, I dropped out of the Arrowverse and CW shows as a whole, seeing the CW treat these two shows I loved that horribly made me not want to continue watching Arrowverse stuff. Too much of the arrow verse is tied into my getting into comics so like, it's very bittersweet to me. I'm also very mad that the CW kept fucking Riverdale alive for two more seasons and gave them proper notice of "hey you get one last season" and did the same thing with the Flash which hasn't been good since s2 (i stopped watching circa s5 and only came back to it for crossover stuff mostly bc the Flash felt like such a chore to watch.), similar deal to Supergirl, I fell off there with the evil Lena arc. I don't think I'll ever want to watch Superman & Lois, that show just tastes bitter to me with some of it's choices. So thank you Legends and Batwoman for being the two Arrowverse shows that kept me watching week after week. and thank you to Sara Lance for showing me that queer people could exist and be awesome. i miss you so much.

i have a lot of mixed thoughts on Legends s7, because I loved it while it was airing, I thought it was fresh, new, and it shook up the formula. but then when it got cancelled, I had a really hard time making myself rewatch one of my favorite shows. and then you got to Legends s7 for your watch, and I decided I would rewatch along with you. I haven't regretted that choice but with hindsight and knowing it got cancelled makes this season so bitter for me because while I love the story they told, there's part of me that wants to yell at them that they won't get a chance to end on their own terms and that they should have planned it. When Legends and Batwoman ended, I dropped out of the Arrowverse and CW shows as a whole, seeing the CW treat these two shows I loved that horribly made me not want to continue watching Arrowverse stuff. Too much of the arrow verse is tied into my getting into comics so like, it's very bittersweet to me. I'm also very mad that the CW kept fucking Riverdale alive for two more seasons and gave them proper notice of "hey you get one last season" and did the same thing with the Flash which hasn't been good since s2 (i stopped watching circa s5 and only came back to it for crossover stuff mostly bc the Flash felt like such a chore to watch.), similar deal to Supergirl, I fell off there with the evil Lena arc. I don't think I'll ever want to watch Superman & Lois, that show just tastes bitter to me with some of it's choices. So thank you Legends and Batwoman for being the two Arrowverse shows that kept me watching week after week. and thank you to Sara Lance for showing me that queer people could exist and be awesome. i miss you so much.


It’s over. Now maybe we can have a proper DC tv series adapted that repeats the source material not have to worry about the standards of the CW