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so Barbara Kean getting a name drop was so cool and fun for me especially as a long time fan of the Gotham show. In the comics, Barbara is Jim's wife and the mother of their two children, James Jr and Barbara. James Jr is a notable Batman villain and a general creep. His psychopathy is what caused Barbara Kean and Jim Gordon to divorce. Barbara Kean is very much a minor character and she mostly just gets used in stories as a weepy woman Jim cheated on (he did in Batman Year One when she was pregnant with James Jr, Barbara was born/adopted yet). Barbara Gordon is only Jim's daughter sometimes, other times she's his niece he adopted. The Gordon family is messy, back in the 50s, Jim had a son named Tony who disappeared in the 70s, he was last seen as a spy for the US government. It's very weird.


Mario Falcone (he's one of the Black Glove members) is a real horrible guy in the comics. Besides being the son of Carmine Falcone (basically the Italian mafia head in Gotham comics), he's also the horribly abusive uncle of Kitty Falcone aka Catgirl (a girl who tried to be Selina's sidekick for a hot minute, I liked Kitty, she was fun).


the other members of Black Glove are all tied to comic characters Marla Elliot - the founding member and mom to Tommy Elliot/Hush, self explanatory Burton Crowne - the Crownes were a rich Gotham family that were tied to the Court of Owls, they feature prominently in the backstory of William Cobb, one of Court's Talons. Jeremiah Arkham - he's usually the current head of Arkham Asylum in the comics and he has a daughter, Astrid Arkham/Arkham Knight who was raised in the Asylum with the villains meaning she protects them against Batman. Also Jeremiah was the second Black Mask for a hot minute in the comics

Brandon Wiesner

I touched upon this in my Legends comment but to me, the show never really piqued my interest. It's safe to say that basically no one was a fan of Kate Kane. Ryan was better. But the character by itself does not a show make. There were some interesting characters, like Alice and Mary was just too adorable. It was hard for me to take her seriously as the new Poison Ivy. Overall, it just seems like the show just never really got exciting. It seemed like it was chronically building toward something and just couldn't get there. Even considering the fact that it only had 3 seasons, it should have found its footing by that time. I am curious what the finale is going to be like. Will be looking forward to it next week.

Patrick - Excelsior

This show has been a bit of a rollercoaster for me. I would really like it for half a season, then get bored for half a season. I do feel the Ryan Wilder Batwoman was better done than the Kate Kane. There were parts of the Kate Kane part of the show that I really enjoyed. I don’t know if the fault was Ruby Rose or the writing, its hard to say. Might just have been a character/actor mismatch. Again it wasn’t a bad portrayal just not as good as Javicia Leslie. I don’t like it when shows keep the same villain throughout the series. I like closure in my series, not just at the end on the series. But at least with Alice they changed her up a bit so that she wasn’t always a villain necessarily. But still, I’d be lying if I said it still didn’t bother me a little. It also helped she played a very entertaining Alice. I loved many of her jokes and how she delivered them. Favorite character is tough. It seemed to change throughout the show. But overall if I had to pick, it would have to be Mary. I will say my favorite season over all has been season 3, even though it contained my least favorite episode. This season won due to the bringing back many of the traditional Batman villain/props. I always enjoy that sort of thing as well as I feel one of the more interesting villains in Marquis Jet.


Aight I'll chime in since we're ending the show. What did I think of Batwoman? Honestly not even remotely as bad as some people claimed it was. Was it good? No. It was just a regular Arrowverse show to me... They all seem to be mediocre these days with the exception of Superman & Lois which I love for obvious reasons Did I have a favourite character? I thought Alice was pretty fun.. I didn't like the fact that she was trynna become sane ....I like a girl who'se a bit crazy (or a lot crazy) ...I'd rather she not get nerfed even though it's the end of the show ...It's not an end I had envisioned for her.. If anything perhaps she could just remain "out there" creating chaos instead Mary was another character who at times was fun.. But the whole Poison Mary thing was just a bit meh so she gets 2nd place Did I like any of the other characters? Meh... Not "meh" as in I didn't like them... But just "meh" as in I'm indifferent about them Do I have a favourite moment of the show? I'm not sure I do ...I'm sure there's some funny Alice moments in there somewhere but I legit just can't think of one What would I have LOVED to see though would be 3 things... In this order... Joker, Harley & Batman (the real one.. not Nolan) ...But I guess they weren't allowed to use those characters Will I miss the show? No.. I'm good to move on But Froots.. I know you're worried about people leaving sometimes... But whatever comes next.. You.. Me... Whatever happens we'll face it together ...I'm looking forward to MANY. MORE. years of shannanigans ...You're stuck with me Sorry not sorry (most decidedly NOT. sorry)


My favorite season was season 3. It felt like the show was starting to find itself in season 3. But sadly it got cancelled just when it started getting good. Now we won't get to see if the show would truly find it's rhythm. What I liked about season 3 was the pacing was really good. We started of with the copycat villains, then we had Marquis. A really good start to the show. Then we put Marquis aside for a bit and had to deal with Poison Ivy. I preferred Posion Mary over the real Poison Ivy. The relationship between Pam and Montoya was kinda boring. The actresses had no chemistry so it felt weird. But then we dealt with Poison Ivy and we got Mary back. I like what they've done so far with Mary's character. Having her deal with the consequences of what she's done and processing everything. How her relationship with Alice changed when she turned back to normal. Now all we have left is to deal with Marquis. My favorite character has to be Alice. Her actress is amazing and her character was a lot of fun. It's because of Alice that I continued this show in season 1. Season 1 was definitely the worst season. It had some interesting ideas but overall it was a bit boring. I prefer Ryan as a main character over Kate Kane. Kate wasn't at all interesting to me. Ryan might actually be my second favorite character. Her backstory was more intriguing and Javicia Leslie did a better acting performance than Ruby Rose in this show. I liked how Ryan also got her own Alice, in the form of Marquis Jet. I like Marquis actor and he's a fun villain. Overall it was an okay show. Sad that we lost it once it started getting good. I would have been fine if they cancelled it back in season 1.


This was Batwoman's best season, without even considering the finale. Although it's very disappointing they didn't get to do a proper final season, I'm glad the show ended at its best. One thing I can appreciate about the show is that is continually got better each season. When season 3 was airing, I was confused as to why the season was so short. After watching it, I see this was the best decision to make. 13 episodes cuts down on a lot of filler. I'd rather a show have less episodes with more quality than 20 episodes with significant filler. During season 1, I enjoyed the show, but I had a hard time watching Ruby as Kate, especially when it came to dramatic/emotional scenes. When Ruby left the show, I was against bringing in a new character. I actually wanted Wallis, the actress who eventually replaced Ruby as Kate, to replace Ruby from the beginning of season 2. She was a fan cast before Javicia that I was on board for. After watching seasons 2 and 3, I think introducing Ryan was a great choice. I found myself connecting more with Ryan and Javicia. I'd also like to highlight Rachel, who plays Alice. She did an amazing job throughout the series and was one of the best Arrowverse actors, in my opinion. Her portrayal of Alice really made me care for the character, which is not something that can be done based on the scripts alone. It also required a great performance by the actor, so props to her. Overall, I enjoyed this series. In my opinion, it didn't deserve all the hate it got, especially when I could tell people were hating on it without even watching it. I'm sad it got cancelled, but glad it's end was a high, without even considering the finale.


i watch batwoman when it first started airing and while I liked Kaet, I never really clicked with her and season 1 was rocky to me even if i enjoyed it. then came all the stuff in between s1 and s2 and i was so sure the show was gonna go to shit. but it didn't, i fucking loved ryan. and i have adored rewatching with you Shan. i'm glad Batwoman got to go out with it's best season and we got some great characters from this show. I'll always miss Ryan, Sophie, Luke, Mary, and Alice.