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I thought the murder case of the week had some really nice, tender Trubel moments that I really enjoyed. We got to see a different side to her that I would like to see more. I loved Juliet's response as she has always been sidelined only now to be the main centerpiece and her reaction of "What?" is so natural I laughed out loud. I would also like to defend Adalind. I don't think she is evil. She has had a rough life growing up with a terrible mother who exploited her without a second thought. She finally has someone who loves her unconditionally in her daughter, and she is taken from her. Of course, she would do almost anything to get her back. But now she is suffering. Perhaps if someone had tried to take the time to gain her trust and communicate how she needed to protect her daughter by giving her up, none of this would have happened.


Another non-Wesen monster. I always kinda like these. The golem story explained here is a real legend, and they summed it up quite accurately.

Patrick - Excelsior (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-05 06:05:31 I’m glad Trubel told Nick what happened with FBI. Hey, its Wesley’s girlfriend Virginia Bryce (well for a short while). The monster of the week is a Golem. We’ve seen those on Supernatural but they just looked like big dudes. This one looks like Malivore. (If you know, you know). I got to say, I kind of like Renard’s mom, she funny, but when she puts on her Hexenbiest face. Yikes! Decent monster, the effects were ok, not great but not bad. Better than that snake. Yes, being a Grimm does require Nick to push some boundaries but I like that he doesn’t do it lightly. So Juliette is an ingredient in the potion to cure Nick. I hope it doesn’t require a whole lot of Juliette. For one, I don’t think she will fit in that pot. Adalind put Juliette’s hair in the original spell so maybe that’s all they need.
2023-03-04 22:30:28 I’m glad Trubel told Nick what happened with FBI. Hey, its Wesley’s girlfriend Virginia Bryce (well for a short while). The monster of the week is a Golem. We’ve seen those on Supernatural but they just looked like big dudes. This one looks like Malivore. (If you know, you know). I got to say, I kind of like Renard’s mom, she funny, but when she puts on her Hexenbiest face. Yikes! Decent monster, the effects were ok, not great but not bad. Better than that snake. Yes, being a Grimm does require Nick to push some boundaries but I like that he doesn’t do it lightly. So Juliette is an ingredient in the potion to cure Nick. I hope it doesn’t require a whole lot of Juliette. For one, I don’t think she will fit in that pot. Adalind put Juliette’s hair in the original spell so maybe that’s all they need. lol, yes. I've seen these before. But when discussing them in the comments, I reply with the thoughts I had when I first watched it. That's why I say things like, "I hope we see more of her." or "Who are these guys". That's what I was thinking at that time. It in no way implies what will come. To be honest, I have trouble remembering a lot of what is to come because it was 9 years ago that I watched this. I remember things as I watch.

I’m glad Trubel told Nick what happened with FBI. Hey, its Wesley’s girlfriend Virginia Bryce (well for a short while). The monster of the week is a Golem. We’ve seen those on Supernatural but they just looked like big dudes. This one looks like Malivore. (If you know, you know). I got to say, I kind of like Renard’s mom, she funny, but when she puts on her Hexenbiest face. Yikes! Decent monster, the effects were ok, not great but not bad. Better than that snake. Yes, being a Grimm does require Nick to push some boundaries but I like that he doesn’t do it lightly. So Juliette is an ingredient in the potion to cure Nick. I hope it doesn’t require a whole lot of Juliette. For one, I don’t think she will fit in that pot. Adalind put Juliette’s hair in the original spell so maybe that’s all they need. lol, yes. I've seen these before. But when discussing them in the comments, I reply with the thoughts I had when I first watched it. That's why I say things like, "I hope we see more of her." or "Who are these guys". That's what I was thinking at that time. It in no way implies what will come. To be honest, I have trouble remembering a lot of what is to come because it was 9 years ago that I watched this. I remember things as I watch.