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I dont see this episode as filler because its doing alot of groundwork on the groups relationships that i think will be important for the finale. They also had the Ada storyline that helps big time with the main story. Its not always black and white with these "filler" episodes. They do end up being important to the story in the long run. You are letting expectations of what you wanted cloud your judgement on it. It was never promised dean would show up at the end and penultimate episodes dont always have to be some big epic thing. They set the groundwork for an epic finale. Its just a different style of penultimate episode youre used to. Maybe you should just look at it like that. Im sorry but i just cant agree with you. Im also sorry you hated the episode. I just hope you still like the show. I hope you enjoy the finale.

Brandon Wiesner

I agree that as penultimate episodes go, this was kind of a let down. With them about to face the big bad, you would think it wouldn't be contained in just one ep. But it looks like that's what we'll be seeing next week. The thing to remember is though that they weren't really sure how far the show would go. Maybe they would get a full season one order. Maybe they would get a season 2. There was no way to know these things going in, so they probably did the best they could to make a cohesive season, while also leaving enough of more story to tell. I doubt next week will be a satisfying finale but I guess we'll see.

Tony (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-06 00:45:15 1. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhmmm... Don't give me shit for spelling Cas with ONE S Froots ...I VERY CLEARLY remember us BOTH finding out it was spelled with 2 S's VERY. late into the show ...Look at this little shit... Trynna act like she knew all along... Nah Froots.. If I'm going down.. I'm taking you down with me .....You: "Just so you know.. It's literally wrong" ...And just so YOU know... I'mma spell it with 1 S from now on JUST to mess with you ...Yeah that's right... Get wrecked! 2. Yeeeeeaahh... I obviously couldn't say WHY. this person on YouTube was asking for the episode... And perhaps it might not even be for this reason... But remember I told you to try and avoid the comments to The Winchesters until the next episode came out? ....Good job... For me... Not so much... Cause I got spoiled on a certain red haired witch showing up ...But oh well... It gave me the opportunity to keep you safe which in my mind is worth it 3. Seriously??? This dude sees a creepy looking clown at night.. In a circus tent ...One which his friend says ISN'T there... And this mofo goes TOWARDS it??? .....That is some white people shit 4. Leave it up to SPNverse to have a filler episode just before the Season finale ...The Akrida are about to take over the world but this kid turning into Joker 2.0?... He's MUCH more important... Right??? ....Wrong! ...added later... Yeah... They trynna make it better by including Rowena but this is still just a filler episode RIGHT before the finale .....How about we don't do this and maybe just say we did? 5. Clown: "He goes from carnival to carnival.. Pitching his tent" ...I nearly choked on my food 6. Aight... Just after Ada gets shown the door... BEFORE Rowena shows up... We see "her" in a shot ...She's wearing the cloak she was wearing when she shows up moments later.. It's clearly a shot indicating THIS. person is interested in Ada and that this IS. Rowena ...However... I paused the shot ....That CLEARLY isn't Ruth O'Connell.. It's a stand-in ....They shouldn't have used that camera angle 7. Also... Rowena shows up and her voice is so recognisable ...They should've done something with this scene cause the "reveal" wasn't as revealing cause of the voice I feel ...But then again I got spoiled... Clearly hearing her voice was more shocking for you than it was for me 8. Yup... This episode was meh.. It's gonna be a bore to edit... But ya boi's got this... Also... Y'know what would have made this worse? Imagine this would be episode 11... It ends with Lata saying the alignment has already started and then episode 12 is ALSO. a filler ...I think that would be a VERY. Supernatural thing to happen ...Filler episodes! GGGGRRRRRRRRR!!!
2023-03-05 23:21:41


we wouldnt necessarily know if its canceled or renewed yet. Some shows dont get renewed until a couple months after the finale. The CW used to do alot of early renewals but with the new owners they are probably doing what most networks do and waiting for all the numbers for the final episode to make a decision. I heard its doing really well when you factor in the DVR ratings. They are apparently renewing a few shows this year and they only announced one so far. Im prepared and accepted it as being canceled so im not hurt when its announced but im still hoping for the best.


I'll take Robbie's word over yours though :P


Did i contradict what Robbie said?? I dont think so but if i did can you please explain?


Why did you delete your comment Tony? Now i cant delete my replies to the comment bc it wont show up.


1. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhmmm... Don't give me shit for spelling Cas with ONE S Froots ...I VERY CLEARLY remember us BOTH finding out it was spelled with 2 S's VERY. late into the show ...Look at this little shit... Trynna act like she knew all along... Nah Froots.. If I'm going down.. I'm taking you down with me .....You: "Just so you know.. It's literally wrong" ...And just so YOU know... I'mma spell it with 1 S from now on JUST to mess with you ...Yeah that's right... Get wrecked! 2. Yeeeeeaahh... I obviously couldn't say WHY. this person on YouTube was asking for the episode... And perhaps it might not even be for this reason... But remember I told you to try and avoid the comments to The Winchesters until the next episode came out? ....Good job... For me... Not so much... Cause I got spoiled on a certain red haired witch showing up ...But oh well... It gave me the opportunity to keep you safe which in my mind is worth it 3. Seriously??? This dude sees a creepy looking clown at night.. In a circus tent ...One which his friend says ISN'T there... And this mofo goes TOWARDS it??? .....That is some white people shit 4. Leave it up to SPNverse to have a filler episode just before the Season finale ...The Akrida are about to take over the world but this kid turning into Joker 2.0?... He's MUCH more important... Right??? ....Wrong! ...added later... Yeah... They trynna make it better by including Rowena but this is still just a filler episode RIGHT before the finale .....How about we don't do this and maybe just say we did? 5. Clown: "He goes from carnival to carnival.. Pitching his tent" ...I nearly choked on my food 6. Aight... Just after Ada gets shown the door... BEFORE Rowena shows up... We see "her" in a shot ...She's wearing the cloak she was wearing when she shows up moments later.. It's clearly a shot indicating THIS. person is interested in Ada and that this IS. Rowena ...However... I paused the shot ....That CLEARLY isn't Ruth O'Connell.. It's a stand-in ....They shouldn't have used that camera angle 7. Also... Rowena shows up and her voice is so recognisable ...They should've done something with this scene cause the "reveal" wasn't as revealing cause of the voice I feel ...But then again I got spoiled... Clearly hearing her voice was more shocking for you than it was for me 8. Yup... This episode was meh.. It's gonna be a bore to edit... But ya boi's got this... Also... Y'know what would have made this worse? Imagine this would be episode 11... It ends with Lata saying the alignment has already started and then episode 12 is ALSO. a filler ...I think that would be a VERY. Supernatural thing to happen ...Filler episodes! GGGGRRRRRRRRR!!! ------ Added 7th of March Turns out The Winchesters still isn't renewed/cancelled here's a little something Robbie Thompson (showrunner) had to say about it in an interview with TVLine “We’ve talked about places…that we may have to look to down the road [if the show is not renewed and needs a new home]. But the short-term answer is I don’t actually know and probably won’t for a little while. I can only say that, as uncertain as these times have been, our partners at The CW and and Warner [Bros.], in particular, have just been really awesome to work with.” I'm still betting on the fact it's cancelled... Maybe they just want some viewers for that last episode ..Considering not even the showrunner knows what's going on to me says "cancelled" cause if there was still hope for a renewal then we'd have known by now