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Patrick - Excelsior

Are you saying to me you don't absolutely love that song "I Want Your Cray Cray". I love song about a girl and a 1970s Supercomputer. I do believe they could have explained Jessica not recognizing her mother in a better way but its not totally unbelievable either that a person whose face was that disfigured might come out of it unrecognizable. Poor Jessica, every single person in her life has either died horribly, used her, insulted her, degraded her, or raped her. And some people have done all of those to her. The scene where Jessica was asked if she could fly was funny because in comics she could. I still wonder if Jessica's bf in the alley really was lying to the thugs about letting them use Jessica for muscle or not. But because her mom lost it again, we will never really know. I like how they tied in the nurse that Hogarth was watching and showed how she got the scars on her back when Jessica's mom threw her in the glass case in the past.


The Cray Cray song was so dumb… This episode gave us a back story on Jessica’s mom. It slightly gave us a Jessica Jones origin story with her iconic leather jacket, and she used her bf club name for her PI business. I don’t feel that her Bf sold her out at the end. He was trying to get rid of those guys. Jessica Jones is tragic character, and bad stuff happens to her. 😭

Narutoanime16 (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-07 08:13:42 Its annoying but I like how real everyone is in this show the tropes aside nothing is black and white and there's no right or wrong answer for everything like Jessica isn't perfect and neither is anyone else and I like that same with Daredevil. I liked the flashbacks this episode giving more context to stuff but Trish is the only real negative I have her character annoys me so much I wish she'd die least this season sure they set it all up in S1 with her abusive pagent style mom, her having an addiction as a teen and a major Hero complex we've seen evidence of anytime her and Jessica have an argument, in the comics she's an anti hero named Hellcat
2023-03-07 06:51:13 Its annoying but I like how real everyone is in this show the tropes aside nothing is black and white and there's no right or wrong answer for everything like Jessica isn't perfect and neither is anyone else and I like that same with Daredevil. I liked the flashbacks this episode giving more context to stuff and the recast of the mom I'm fine with since we barely saw her parents anyway in S1 outside of the Kilgraive house episode arc and that was quick. Trish is the only real negative I have her character annoys me so much I wish she'd die least this season sure they set it all up in S1 with her abusive pagent style mom, her having an addiction as a teen and a major Hero complex we've seen evidence of anytime her and Jessica have an argument, in the comics she's an anti hero named Hellcat

Its annoying but I like how real everyone is in this show the tropes aside nothing is black and white and there's no right or wrong answer for everything like Jessica isn't perfect and neither is anyone else and I like that same with Daredevil. I liked the flashbacks this episode giving more context to stuff and the recast of the mom I'm fine with since we barely saw her parents anyway in S1 outside of the Kilgraive house episode arc and that was quick. Trish is the only real negative I have her character annoys me so much I wish she'd die least this season sure they set it all up in S1 with her abusive pagent style mom, her having an addiction as a teen and a major Hero complex we've seen evidence of anytime her and Jessica have an argument, in the comics she's an anti hero named Hellcat