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AshLand Writer

You can definitely go 3 weeks without eating anything. Depending on your body, you can even go 3 months without food. Fasting is actually a lot more healthy than calorie restriction, because when you reduce calories your body is still looking for glycogen and will try to take it from muscles like your heart once you run out. If you fast, though, your body will change its fuel source to ketones and use your stored fat for energy. So, if you properly fast and have a lot of body fat, you can survive a while without eating anything. You can even go up to 3 days without water— unless you’re a wuss like me that can’t survive a single hour without water and will choke on straight up air. Bellamy’s experience in the cave and on the mountain amounts to a vision quest, where you go a long time without food or water in the wilderness in hopes of receiving spiritual guidance. Some people believe that fasting opens you up to the universe (kind of like some drugs). Others believe that it just causes you to hallucinate. Do you think the creatures made of light were real or just a shared hallucination?


1. How am I feeling about the show coming to an end? Glad.. Excited.. Happy.. Ecstatic.. Exuberant.. ...Actually ...snort... I'm depressed so that's just me using humour to entertain myself... Sorry not sorry... The show isn't that bad... But... I'm definitely looking forward to the next part in our journey Froots 2. Ok.. What?? No... There's about 10 different sources all on the first search page alone backing me up on the following.. Sci-fi is JUST. an abbreviation of the word science fiction.. They're NOT. 2 different things /facepalm 3. I guess I should've deleted the "Previous Leon" from 7x11 so you wouldn't be spoiled about Bellamy's appearance.... Buuuuuttt... Meh... His "death" wasn't really believable anyways 4. I suppose Shepard Dude came to Bardo.. Found the address to Etherea right next to the anomaly stone.. Put two middle fingers up and deuced out that bish to Etherea ALONE... His followers were just ok with that cause they needed a minute to process what the fuck just went down ...Then a couple months later he came back... Said he was feeling a bit woozy while mumbling about a great war or some shit and decided to take a little nappy nap in what turned out to be the cryo pod .......Cause yeah... If not... Then you're right and he SHOULD look older 5. Yup... Stargates and DHD's weren't enough... Time to bring in The Ancients ...You: "This season has borrow heavily from Stargate.. Has anyone else made this connection!?" ...looks at you stoically... 6. Bellamy you're a dumb-ass... This isn't the first time you got told some shit and were like.. Yup.. That sounds about right ....You need to not trust everything you read and hear and learn to form your own opinions 7. Yup.. The actress playing "Bellamy's mum" also played the character back in Season 1 8. Yeah they should've shown at least one or two confrontations with animals on this planet to show HOW. Bellamy and Other Dude (who by the way.. I figured it out.. He played Robert Queen on Smallville) got their clothing and some of their other stuff 9. How fucking awkward would it be if they'd have made it all the way up this fucking mountain and Other Dude was like "Ok Bellamy.. Put the address in" ..Bellamy: "I thought you knew it?" Other Dude: "Well..... Shit." 10. It wasn't Bill who appeared in Bellamy's vision... Just as much as it wasn't Bellamy's mum ...Whatever these ascended beings are who we saw.. They have the ability to appear as whoever they want .....In a way to make the person who sees them more comfortable ...Not sure WHY. Bellamy would see Bill though ...I'd have MUCH. preferred it to be solely his mum but yeah... I don't think it indicated Bill was a god ...Although given that Bellamy was being manipulated into thinking that way I suppose THAT. is why his mind conjured up Bill 11. Children Of Gabriel Dude was helping Abaddon after she crashed the party... I very much doubt he'd ever willingly help Sheidheda given he was against The Primes and their claim to being gods 12. Yeeeeeaaahh... Bellamy looks weird without a beard now ...It's weird.. Once you introduce the beard and then go back to clean shaven.. Clean shaven just always looks so weird ...I know the feeling ...Seeing myself without a beard has taught me to never want to go back to that look 13. Yeah the flashback of Bellamy talking about his experience on Etherea was kind of odd ...We didn't really need it... I figured maybe they did it cause of a large break between episodes ....Nope... 7x12 came out a week after 7x11 ...I guess they needed to fill some time 14. Sheidheda's throne looks kinda lame... Too many skulls.. Also when he's on it it looks like it's too big or he's sitting in it like he's slouched back and about to accidentally slide off that bish ....They should've tried re-making the commanders throne from Polis 15. I went searching for this and found an article giving the following explanation... Generally speaking most adults can survive around a month without food with known exceptions lasting over 2 months... Children usually can only survive for a few days to a few weeks... However, these are only rough estimates and your actual survival time will depend on many individual factors ...Ofcourse this being a TV show... And Madi surviving a radiation storm cause she's "special" ...But sure.. Yeah... A 6 year old survived for 2 weeks without food (after which the first food she'd find would be EXTREMELY radiated cause of the whole... Y'know.. Earth being covered in radiation for quite possibly hundreds of years if not more.. BUTTON TIME!) 16. I meeeeeeannn... No... None of them would survive blowing up the reactor... Nightblood or not... You don't survive a nuclear blast to the face... I believe Ra proved this in the movie ...Oh wait... I forgot... This ISN'T stargate... My bad