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Steve Quast

A really bad CGI snake, Alexis Denisof playing a character everyone loves to hate, a creature with tentacles coming out of its face...it's season 3 of Buffy all over again! Gotta agree, we really don't need these side plots. They don't add much and there's more than enough going on with plot oriented storylines to fill up an episode. I feel like we're on the cusp of so many things that are about to happen, but we're just not there yet. I love this show, but they do like to tease things out sometimes until we just can't take it anymore.

Patrick - Excelsior

I get what you're saying but at same time, he is a cop. It would look weird on show if he never investigates any crimes. Plus it does build suspense. They could drag out some of the cases to last 3 or 4 episodes, that way they could dedicate more time each episode to main plot lines.

Patrick - Excelsior

Yeah, that snake was bad even by my standards. They would have been better off using a rubber practical joke snake. Well, we now know that was Renard’s mom. Wow, his mom is a MILD – Mother I’d Like to Date (gotta keep it clean 😉 ) It’s weird but I kind of feel sorry for Adalind. It is no excuse for what she did to Nick but she was doing it to try and get her child back. She had no way of knowing that everyone was lying to her about the Royals having her. Juliette being a little selfish again. More concerned with how she feels then what Nick is feeling. First with Nick being taken advantage of, now telling Monroe/Rosalee (Monrosalee? Better than Rosaroe lol) to stop finding acure for him without his consent. They had to go back to hotel. They had no idea where she had gone. She had walked a ways down the street before she followed the squid dude in the house. How would they even know if she was in any of those houses, he could have put her in a car and drove off. I was wondering if “brain sucking” a Grimm would have a detrimental effect on him. After all drinking Grimm blood caused a Hexenbiest to lose her powers. What the heck? Nick and Adalind doing a Freaky Friday thing? Adalind better not have sex with Juliette while in Nick’s body! Trubel in trouble, got nabbed by the FBI agent with a beak. Hmmm, FBI – Free Bird Investigator?