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Andrew Polinski

It's great to see you love Trubel as much as us other Grimm fans, and if I was to do a top 5 favorite supporting character list it would be a 2 way tie for no.1 with Monroe and Trubel, with Rosalee an extremely close 3rd. As for the monster of the week stories been the least interesting thing in each episode, unfortunately it has to be that way because this is network television and having to fill 20-24 episode orders each year they need to add all this filler, if this was cable tv then we wouldn't have so much. Can this mysterious person with Adalind be trusted or is this just a trick created by Viktor, honestly I don't know because I can't remember so no chance of spoilers YAY!! but it does feel a little too easy. Can we have the number for Sean Rinard's mothers plastic surgeon. Juliet has really stepped over the line this time round and is being very selfish, I'm glad Monroe recognized the fact and that they still need to work on finding a way of getting Nick's grimm back.

Steve Quast

I love Trubel. It was a good idea adding another Grimm to the series and, besides that, she's just a great character. Sadly, I have to agree with you about Juliette. I really don't like the way she's been written lately.

Andrew Polinski

I'm not talking about how she is being written because she is acting as a lot of people would also act, I'm looking at it from the perspective of if this happening in real life, and how would I personally feel about her actions. The writing is accurate.


You keep talking about Nick looking like he was dead as if it were an ongoing storyline. It's not. It never was. It's just like his super hearing. It an ability that he has, or had until he lost his Grimm powers. Like in the Little Mermaid episode, it lets him go extending periods of time without breathing, let him run without exhaustion, and other such things. I call it a death-like metabolism. Those earlier episodes were just establishing his new abilities. They weren't going anywhere else with it. It's just a regular power of his. Or was. Presumably he's lost it and his super hearing along with his other Grimm abilities.


One things I do about this is that we finally get a good Hexenbiest, or at least one that isn't overtly evil. The show's been been about how Wesen are people who don't have to act like monsters, yet until now, every single Hexenbiest has been completely evil.

Patrick - Excelsior

Tell Wu damn it! I get Nick’s dilemma. He’s protective of Trubel. Especially now that he doesn’t have as much ability to protect her as he did before. But on other hand, not utilizing her abilities endangers everyone. So there really is no choice. Eeeew, Renardmon just ate that stuff out of the pot. Dried green goo, knowing full well what kind of creepy stuff a hexenbiest might put in there. There’s a reason they call her Trubel…lol. What Trubel did was NOT fighting according to Queensbury rules (typical boxing rules), although it was legal Mixed Martial Arts. Only reason I could think why Hurricane didn’t see Trubel was a Grimm is her head was down and the helmet might have obscured her eyes. As soon as the fighter changed Trubel put her head down. She did look horse like, but everyone here appears to be bovine-Vesen (bulls). SO I guess she could be a cow-vesen … I assumed any Hexenbiest blood would open the spell book. Why do they always cut the palm, it’s the hardest part to cut thru (callus) and its something you use a lot. Cut the back of the forearm. Yeah, that “misdirection thing” is lame, too predictable. Maybe we’ve seen too many supernatural shows but they need to try harder if they want to fool you. Renard’s mom is coming in quite useful. I kind of hope she sticks around. Hmm, who are these mask dudes?

Patrick - Excelsior

I think the implication is that the dark magic used by by the hexenbiest makes them evil. Its a common supernatural trope. Maybe because of her age the Captain's mom has learned to control it better? Not sure to be honest. We don't know much about them.

The Mad Titan

It's good that we are finally here in season 4. It's one of the few shows that seems to get better every year. You get better stories, more characters for the show, like you remember in the beginning it was like the Nick and Monroe show...lol. then we got Rosalie, and then hank new and got more involved and then juliette. This episode was ok for a filler. I look forward to when the season gets going and we learn more about what it's about. When watching along with you, it seems like you're enjoying it more than you were in the beginning. I'm happy to hear that, and it makes watching the episode with you that much better. Is it weird when I write to you on here, that I hear it in what did you call it, a kiwi 🥝 accent. Is that right? You did an excellent job with this episode. Hope it got a little cooler down there. Thank you 😊 Me