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They actually do have a lore expert on the team, the person who runs the supernatural wiki is involved with the show to help with canon but They specifically said each change is deliberate and will make sense sometime in the future. Its more about the mystery of why things are becoming different and thats what we are supposed to be speculating on. They could have made it make more sense in the show somehow. Its definitely not perfect by any means but also not nearly as bad as people make it out to be. Im just hoping everything makes better sense by the end of the season so on rewatch we can see it in a different way. What i was talking about regarding the original show doing strictly MOTW or story was that it was basically all that with a few mentions throughout the episode (mostly beginning and end) while this new show seems to actually do both stories side by side. The MOTW episodes also seem to connect to the main story in ways the original didnt. Its a sweet middle where we can get both and not just one of them. I really love Carlos now. Hes such a fun character and i love his interactions with the characters. The cast said that the actor who plays Mary has to walk on boxes or something when they walk around sometimes to make her not seem so small. Its hilarious. I like Latas dark secret scene but i do wish they did small flashbacks to those moments while she was telling the story. Maybe it was budget or time constraints but i think it would have made the scene stronger. Just my opinion. (this is just my headcanon and not what really happened) Im choosing to believe that whatever happened inside that world stays in that world like for example, Lata didnt bring the blanket she had on in the world because she didnt have it in the real world. She wasnt crying in the real world so when she went back she wasnt crying or had her makeup messed up. I honestly didnt even notice that on first watch but now that you mentioned it, it really does bother me.

Patrick - Excelsior

South Park stole your idea with "Scott Tenorman Must Die".


1. Yeah that makes no damn sense... The cops were literally rolling up to the Winchester Garage in the final seconds of last episode ....How did John escape?? Did he have a floo flame fast travel point or something?? Like..... The FUCK.!?!? 2. There's ABSOLUTELY. NO. way that John could've gotten into a car and drove to the clubhouse or whatever the fuck they're calling this place ....Like I said... Cops were RIGHT. fucking there mate! ....They'd have chased his ass down! 3. Also... I feel like if the Akrida are in control of people in the Police department and other places of importance then they'd most likely know about the fortress of men of letterstude ...I dunno what the official name is ok?? ...Pretty sure it was clubhouse but that shit's lame 4. Nah Froots I've never had a boa ....Too flashy ...That's more of a girly thing ...I checked.. I am in fact a guy 5. Oooooh!!!... I know how to defeat this shadow! Quickly Froots... We're gonna need a needle.. Some thread.... And a thimble (Not to be confused with a kiss) 6. Yeah given we haven't seen Ada in a long while I'm beginning to think she's not even part of the main cast any more ......It's almost like they're pulling a Cas ....Remember Cas being on Supernatural? We barely saw him sometimes ..."Pulling a Cas" 7. And there's the confirmation I was looking for... John just said that Dean was most likely "Not of this Earth" ....Have I not been saying this the entire time?? The Winchesters doesn't take place on the same Earth as Supernatural ...THIS. is the ONLY. good excuse for the inconsistencies on this prequel show 8. Hypothetical: Dean was in heaven... He got bored... He asked for some entertainment and Jack created The Winchesters Earth for Dean to allow him to have some fun ....Cause.. I mean... Why would Dean be there?? We've never heard about the Akrida before ...This is either OUR. Dean and he got bored... OR. it's an Alternate Dean and he's from one of the alternate Earths BEFORE. Chuck destroyed them all during Crisis 9. Ok not to take away from Lata's emotional breakdown buuuuuuuttt... Her housekeeper froze to death??? I feel like ...Sure... It looks to be pretty cold in that room ...But I feel it'd have to be colder than that for hypothermia to set in 10. Yeeeeaaahh... It was bound to happen... I suppose we MIGHT see Dean at the end of next episode... Or maybe even at the end of the finale ...Hopefully it'll be worth it