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Fun Fact: Richard Speight directed the midseason finale and this episode. I didnt want to tell you last episode bc i didnt want to spoil his appearance. It was announced a couple months ago. This is the real Loki, not Gabriel. They didn't retcon anything with this. Remember that Gabriel stole Loki's face. I don't know why you didn't understand it in the episode haha. So now we know for a fact that all the changes we've experienced so far are because Dean went back in time to give John the letter, which led to him finding out about hunting early. This is where all the differences are coming from. Only Supernatural can pull something like this off, and I love it. I wonder if this means we will get a Castiel cameo or even a Jack cameo since he's God now. I'm seriously wondering if this spin-off is gonna build towards a full revival of the original show? Both Jensen and Jared have said they want to come back and Jensen even said it wasnt a permanent leave from supernatural. So they could really bring it back soon. Even with how inconsistent the show can get in the end, i cant say i wouldnt love more of it.


Time travel stuff is always iffy for me. There are so many potential issues it brings up regarding the original story and how things are affected. When did Dean go back in time and why did he? The Akreeda were never mentioned in the original story and there was no evidence that Mary and Samuel ever dealt with them before. How did Dean even know to warn them. Dean is dead, so did he time travel and we just never knew about it? That doesn't make sense. ugh! I love that I wasn't spoiled about Richard Speigt Jr and Dean showing up in this episode! Well, someone brought up a potential answer. The Akreeda didn't show up in the past. They are from the future but they traveled to the past, so they're "new". See, this is one reason why time travel stuff isn't messy for me. About Loki - I don't know when Gabe took over the Loki persona, so maybe this is actually the real Loki? But about them finding different lore about how to kill Loki - I don't know. That is odd. Unless Loki messed with that too and fed that info to them. And he's not really trapped. But is a good question to ask Jensen. I wonder who wrote the song Carlos sang? Could Jensen have done it or is it a cover? Jensen is a good songwriter. I LOVED the concert Radio Company had recently.


The Akrida is outside time and space Its from another world mentioned in the past. That could be why dean traveled back in time to change things bc there was a new threat that was putting everybody in danger from any time in history. This makes me wonder if this change put this show into a pocket dimension since its split from the original timeline. Also its definetly the real Loki and NOT gabriel. They confirmed that when it was announced months ago. Even if it was Gabriel, he still would have done this and pretended that they won just like he did for sam and dean so either way it didnt retcon anything.


You can't say it's definitely not Gabriel because it was stated months ago, stated where? Some article online? A tweet? Consider that 98% of the fanbase doesn't check that article, never heard of it. Are they just supposed to assume that whatever it said is supposed to be fact? Unless it was stated IN the episode(s) itself, there's a possibility that it WAS Gabriel and he was just dickin around like he always does (or did until before he met Sam & Dean and got a liiiiiittle wiser)


Thanks. I don't know the article that was referenced. I had never heard that info.


I dunno either, like I said it wasn't stated in the episode so imho it's not canon.


Thats fair, im just going by the official article they released regarding the character but they could definitely change their mind in the future since it wasnt 100% confirmed in the episode (but wasnt it stated in the episode? They specifically said it was Loki, what else could they say to make it clearer?) but i think it was the real Loki. I actually just looked online and a recent article that was posted yesterday have said the cast said this Loki is Gabriel free, at least for now. So that means they could have a storyline of gabriel taking over his body.


Can you share the article with me? I'd love to read it for the inside info. Do you know where I can find it?


In the episode - no reason any of the people in the episode would have reason to think it's anyone other than Loki, so no way for Gabriel to come up.




I found this comment on YouTube and i couldn't agree more. "I don't think these little additions to lore are as damaging as most fans seem to think they are. I mean, important information gets lost over time and new ways of taking out monsters are found (things we saw happen in shows like Charmed, Buffy and SPN). The Winchesters gang are working with knowledge and weapons that are appropriate for a small group of hunters in 1972 (for Chuck's sake, they didn't even believe Angels existed at this point. EDIT: Or the YED!). And if a monster is displaying slightly altered powers, there's obviously a reason for it (or even if there isn't, it's not that big of a deal). And let us not forget the amount of continuity problems SPN had 😜 Anyways, I hope they continue to utilize Jojo's musical theatre background 🥰"


1. You're kinda fansplaining away the plothole Froots... Saying time might not exist when you're a ghost.. That's never been confirmed (nor denied) on Supernatural before... Therefore I don't accept your explanation as fact ...It's a nice theory.. And I'd fully believe a ghost would not be tied down to obeying the rules of time... But I feel it's just fansplaining to fix the obvious plothole 2. Aight yeah seems like we got our very first arch angel showing up on The Winchesters ...Yeah I don't buy the peoples comments of it not being him.. Nor the actor behind it saying it in some interview.. It should be clearly stated in the episode or else you're just trying to cover your ass cause you didn't bother to check the pre-established canon (spoiler alert: we DID check) 3. I suppose Gabriel's M.O was different back in 1978 so perhaps he made deals back then who knows.. However given he should be laying low since he is trying to impersonate someone who is in witness protection hiding from his family ...Not sure why he is doing all this ..Seems kinda counter productive 5. Yeah I feel like John's Mum should've stated what "The Winchester Special" was before she had Carlos read that book... Cause I'd be joining the bad guys if she'd have roped me into reading a book and then tried rewarding me by serving me that nasty looking shit and play it off as "food" 6. Loki/Gabriel likes to trick people... Make up random shit to fool people just for funsies... So whether it's a stake or a knife to "kill him" ....It's all just part of his shannanigans ...He just randomly chooses whatever he wants to be the weapon that can "kill him" just to mess with people ...This I don't think was a retcon either cause it's just part of what he does and it's ofcourse not gonna work ...He probably just makes it look like it worked cause he gets enjoyment out of it I suppose ...I mean... How many times did he let Sam and Dean think they defeated him? 7. You know me and episode names... I didn't pick up on the Tall Tales reference AT. ALL. ...I'mma take your word for it that it WAS. Gabriels first appearance.. Cause your memory is much better at that kinda stuff than mine 8. Look... I dunno... Either it WAS. Gabriel and he's just messing with people for his own amusement... OR. this really is just like I said it was an alternate Earth where the rules set forth by 15 seasons worth of Supernatural don't apply ...I don't feel like Jensen Ackles would be so disrespective of pre-established canon so I choose to believe this WAS. Gabriel 9. In fact... I found this on the matter.. Sorry for the long read.... Gabriel explains that during ancient times he saved Loki, who was bound in a cave somewhere in the Fjords with a snake dripping venom in his eye. As repayment, Loki placed him into witness protection, thereby giving him his entire identity and teaching him to become the Trickster. In the meantime, Loki has been off the grid, but Gabriel knew he was hiding in Monte Carlo and thought that Loki would help him again after he faked his death. ....This means that Loki has been laying low this ENTIRE time and WOULDN'T want to draw suspicion to himself ...Meaning the guy we saw in this episode making deals with everyone and their oma getting on peoples radars WAS. Gabriel pretending to be Loki (unless ofcourse The Winchesters is set on an alternate Earth like I've been saying this entire time) 10. Son of a..... Samuel goes on a hunting trip??? I guess we won't be seeing Tom again ...At least for a while 11. Just FYI... Gabriel wasn't the only person making a reappearance in this episode... If you check the Carlos song again... There's a certain all powerful deity in the background playing the keyboard ...One that's known to be obsessed with the Winchesters ...Ofcourse it's probably just the actor making a sneaky cameo but still (It was a cameo.. Rob Benedict posted a picture on his Instagram)