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Patrick - Excelsior

Loo at it this way Shan, only 1 Russian died this episode, the rest were at the gate with instructions to return to SGC if contact loss. So they are doing better. Don't feel bad about mispronunciations, I get them wrong 80% of the time LOL.


We have had multiple clues during the season that Jonas may be more advanced than the others. In the season 6 premiere, Jonas tells Sam that he has been studying all of Daniel's work and that Dr Fraiser said he learns much faster than the average person. At the time it just seemed like some lame excuse to have Jonas gain as much knowledge as possible in a short amount of time so he could be the Daniel replacement. Then in the nightwalkers episode, where the residents were taken over by baby symbiotes, Jonas was picking up on minor details about the residents behaviour that indicated that the residents were half-asleep like noticing that one lady was reading the same article in a newspaper for over 30 minutes, another guy was pouring more than 8 cubes of sugar into his coffee and the cook getting 3 orders wrong. This episode confirmed that Jonas is indeed more advanced than regular humans as stated by Nirrti when she examined Jonas' DNA.


Another System Lord down. Although I'm pretty sure she hasn't been a System Lord for quite some time now. Especially if all you have is a few Jaffa defending you. Still, a win is a win.


1. ...added nowish cause I'm not afraid to admit I was wrong... Ok I was pointed out to the fact I got it backwards.. They weren't on the Asgard / Replicator infested homeworld as long as I said... 4 days on the planet = 1 hour in space ..Meaning 37 hours of sleep on Prometheus (while landed on the planet) = 23-ish minutes ...The whole mission was done under an hour ..Less than the length of a full episode! 2. Yeah it's not just been time dialation episodes ...Remember the time that O'neill got stuck on a planet for a hundred days ...Or the groundhog day episode where no exact time span was given but the Tok'ra had been trying to contact them for 3 months... We don't know WHEN they began to try to contact them ..So yeah .....WE.. The audience kind of assume it's been 6 years ...But there's a whole lot of shannanigans going on that might make it 10 years for the characters 3. Nope. You didn't post a Maybourne episode on YouTube last week.. However.. Maybourne WAS seen in last weeks previous leon for the episode where O'neill got framed for "killing" Kinsey ...He was only shown cause he had ties with the whole N.I.D. story though ..As we saw he wasn't IN the actual episode itself 4. So we finally get another mention of The Furlings ...Sadly though by the looks of it they've abandoned this planet a long time ago ...When will we meet these guys? Will their appearance live up to O'neills expectation? Find out next time.. On Dragonball Z 5. Yeah given Maybourne is wanted for treason he SHOULD have been stripped of his rank a long time ago ...I suppose it's a bit of an oversight by the writers.. An odd one though since a representative of the U.S. Air Force was known to guide the people behind the show on proper protocol.. They'd have informed the writers that they wouldn't address a person who committed treason by their former rank 6. Soooo.. Apparently Amanda Tapping wasn't all that happy with how Maybourne was able to take a Duck Gun from Sam and complained about it to the writers saying it made Sam look stupid... The writers assured her they'd make it look like it wasn't ...But it ended up looking like that anyways ....I have more to say about this in an upcoming note 7. Yup... Once again the Tok'ra come through with providing a bullshit reason as to not having a ship available to help and then when they do show up they're not being bright enough to check for life-signs on the surrounding planets / moons 8. I'm guessing it doesn't rain nor get cold on this moon that O'neill and Maybourne ended up on? ....Cause they've been there for 3 weeks now and neither one of them has put ANY. effort into making a proper place to sleep ...You'd think O'neill would've macgyver'd a roof or something.. I feel like he'd know how to do that kinda shit 9. True... The Asgard would be able to find O'neill and Maybourne really easily ...Their disappearance would be solved in the first 5 minutes of the episode 10. So... Back to Amanda Tapping ...She really PUSHED. for this emotional scene between Sam and Teal'c to happen.. As I stated a couple of weeks ago the episode where Daniel ascends was supposed to have a scene where we see Sam crying and get a hug from an emotional looking Teal'c ...But they cut that scene ....Amanda was very adamant on the fact that THIS. scene NEEDED. to be in the episode as a way of not only making up for her losing her Duck Gun to Maybourne but also her being harsh on the scientists giving up the search for O'neill ...They kept running out of time to shoot the scene but Amanda kept pushing.. And so we ended up with an emotional scene where Sam cries and Teal'c hugs her 11. Aight... I had to rewind there to make sure my PC wasn't fucking up... But apparently the sound came from your end... That's the sound my PC often makes when it can't find the USB cord that charges my old headphones ....Sounds like you might have a USB connection issue again Froots 12. Yeah where does Maybourne keep getting these explosives?? He's not allowed a gun but explosives.. Suuuure.. Why not? 13. Sam's conclusion to O'neill being on the planet's moon was a bit hastely done yeah ...TV Show's Gotta TV Show 14. Maybourne DID. get paranoid really fucking fast ....Maaaaybe it had something to do with the food he ate.. But then why didn't O'neill get paranoid? 15. So yeah the episode (6x15) wasn't all that ...But I liked the mention of The Furlings.. Keeping the mystery going 16. Ok we're 7 minutes into the episode (6x16) and there's been a BUNCH. of times that the name Nirrti has been dropped ...Only NOW do they decide to check for a bomb?!!? Bish... That'd be the FIRST. thing I'd check! 17. You about Jonas cause he flirted with the nurse: "...he's going to have to flirt with Nitiri ...Nitiri is such an interesting name.. I like it" ...Aight cool.. But her name is Nirrti though (Yeah I'm calling you out even though you said you felt uncomfortable after they kept saying Nirrti after ...Fight me) 18. Nice one Froots.. You managed to pick an episode where Peter Deluise WASN'T on screen to figure out who he's playing ....I'mma spoil you on something ...Next time he shows up in one of his episodes.. You won't recognise him either.. Even IF you looked up what he looks like 19. There WAS. however a person you didn't recognise in 6x16.. And it'd be amazing if you HAD recognised him ...The main guy helping SG-1 ...Really misformed looking dude named Wodan ....You've seen him before ...He was Daniel's bestie ...Probably taking a break from his tour across the galaxy promoting his Beats (Yup.. Y'know damn well I put something in the edit calling you out on this one too) 20. This episode is kinda boring.. In fact both of them were... I'm currently watching a scene where Nirrti is trynna seduce Jonas and all I can focus on is Nirrti's fucked up eyeliner ...That CAN'T be a real fashion choice 21. Aaaaand another Goa'uld to check off the hit list ...Ding dong the wicked witch is dead 22. Lame way to write off not being able to use the device to make superhumans I guess ...Have the citizens of that world be allowed to destroy the device ...Oh well.. Episode over.. NEXT!