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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ainezg2x1nwoc3v/Supergirl%20S06E19%20-%20The%20Last%20Gauntlet%20FULL%20REACTION.mp4?dl=0

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The Mad Titan

Hi guys, did Grimm and Supergirl swap places this week? I always look forward to Grimm, but I know y'all have had alot going on lately. Thank y'all.


She was too busy today with prep for some early birthday plans so Grimm and She-Hulk will be done later this week

Zach Hershman

Every human on earth would die within weeks if Supergirl went through with her stupid plan. Even if they magically found some way to keep the earth warm (they couldn't), all the plants would die without sunlight. I'm not sure what would cause us to die quicker, the lack of oxygen or the lack of plants filtering the carbon dioxide.