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Brandon Wiesner

You know it's funny, I wondered why there was only one ep in the schedule this week. Then when I went to search for ep 5 after watching this reaction, I found out they are on break this week. But of course, this is the CW, lol.


Yes, i hate the inconsistent schedule the cw likes to do. If you want the ratings to do well and have a bigger chance of getting renewed then you need to stay as consistent as possible.


1. Nah Froots... The little girl from the previous episode... Even Liam Neeson wouldn't try to find her.. And his daughter got Taken a bunch of times ....Which.. I mean... Should probably indicate we really shouldn't count on Liam Neeson to do anything ...YES. He's good at getting his daughter back... But man.. Invest in some better security or something... Once.. Ok.. Twice.. I'm having my doubts.. But three times?? Maybe Liam is the problem? ...cough... I'm getting off track here 2. Yeah... Unless this is an alternate Earth where John and Mary don't end up together.. Then whoever the writers decide to try and put together first.. Whether it be John and Lata or Mary and Movie Dude ....They won't last ...And fans can TRY to ship them as much as they want... We know for a fact that John and Mary end up together... So again... Unless this IS an alternate Earth... Whoever ships John with someone other than Mary and vice versa.. They'd just be delusional thinking their ship had any real future 3. Man it must suck to have a small screen like yours ....Those black bars above and below the episode which are annoying you? ...Non-existent on my end ...Yeah that's right ...Get wrecked 4. No.. I don't think the big bad lady is Maggie... We've seen the big bad lady.. Her name was mentioned.. Like I said.. The Akrida is moonlighting as a radio DJ called Rockin' Roxy 5. You might notice from the lack of notes about the actual episode ....Maybe it's just that I'm a bit tired.. But ...This episode was really meh ...Maybe it'll be better when I edit it later but I found myself quite bored watching this one ...added later... Ok I had a little fun with the edit... Can you spot what I did when Carlos showed up in his sailor outfit to pick up John at his mums garage? (34.25) 6. added after... Ok so hear me out.. I GET that John would go undercover at this vet psych clinic or whatever it was.. But I feel like the writers needed John to have someone go with him and so they figured.. Y'know what? Let's say Carlos was in the Navy..... A gay sailor? Could you write anything more cliché? I feel even though the ending with John and the mum was perhaps a pretty powerful character moment.. The ending with Carlos going to therapy could've worked just as well if it were John 7. I dunno.. Something about this episode just didn't work for me.. Maybe the added fact I don't give a shit about Murican history and wars and all that kinda stuff ...I'm sure the next episode will be better though