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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/v4nbkvu2ds1bsy2/Legends%20Of%20Tomorrow%20S06E14%20-%20There%20Will%20Be%20Brood%20FULL%20REACTION.mp4?dl=0

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Yeah the first trailer for The Winchesters was very comedy focused but the trailers released after that felt much more serious and more like supernatural.They also did alot of reshoots for the pilot so what you see in the trailer might not be in the final product. Im just annoyed that alot of people are judging prematurely. All the twists and secrets arent going to be revealed immediately. Jensen already said He isnt throwing away 15 years of established story and they will explore it in ways we might not expect. So what might look like massive retcons might not be what it seems. Either way i Cant wait to see you react to it. Youre my all time favorite reactor! (Even if i dont agree with you sometimes haha)


Im not ready for you to finish the season. I dont want to wait a long time for you to start the final season 😭

Brandon Wiesner

Well that was a dramatic cliffhanger for sure! But I doubt they actually killed Mick and John off like that. (Reminder to not reply with spoilers).


I hope Mick is dead he had major character development over the last 6 season of the show Started out as a criminal who didn't care about anyone except himself and snart became part of a team and now he is fully a hero and a good man please tell me he survives If Constantine dies I won't care he was stupid for taking drugs and look what happened I don't want you to watch the finale because after that heartbreak start all I can say without spoiling