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Joseph Jimenez

Now I kinda remember that they mention Kelly was in the army once or twice back in season 4 so I think she has some combat experience I hate stories about where a prison warren seems like a good person but behind the curtain he actually dirty I hate it so much Nia what is wrong with you the owls were trying to protect you from this shady woman You know what screw Andrea kara I think that Iris will happily hire you or better cat should come back and buy catco again that better Kara is the best reporter you have put respect on her At least William kind of help I mean I know it's stupid but he should see that it's just Kara without glasses or he should say Supergirl you sound like a person I know Kara Danvers

Avalon Perry

Kelly actually does have combat experience because she was in the military. (Army Ithink?) There was that one episode during season four where Alex and Kelly bonded over the loss of their fiancés, and Kelly told Alex that she had fallen in love with her supervisor who later died in in the field. I don’t know exactly how much time is spent in the military, but every recruit has to have a certain level of fighting and weapons skills to be in U.S. military. Plus, as Alex mentioned Kelly is going to get training from her before fighting as guardian which I’m sure will just hone in her skills and give her more specific fighting/combat experience.

Luis Garcia

I think this story would have been slightly more interesting if the warden had not been corrupt and was unaware of what had been going on. That way it would show that although the corruption can go all the way to the top it doesn't mean it always does. Also, it would give more hope that the system can improve by showing that there are some people in the system are working to make things better. And yes, for profit prisons is a terrible thing. There are some thing people really shouldn't be making money off of and prisons are one of them.