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Retro Tom

I'm not sure the reason why Katie Stuart wasn't back as Cassandra, but the actress who played her in this episode, Colleen Rennison, had previously played the little girl Allie that helped Teal'c in season 2's episode Bane with the big bugs To answer your question. back in season 1 the SGC had set up a research station on Cassandra's planet to observe a black hole. In that original episode we were never told how long that research station was up before Nirrti wiped them all out. This episode shows that the SGC had the station set up for at least a few months & at some point the SGC recovered the video footage & whatever data the team on the planet acquired, probably when they met Cassandra & brought her to Earth


She got a minor role in X2 as Kitty Pryde before it was again recast the next movie with Elliot Page taking over.

Patrick - Excelsior

For a moment there when the Dude kissed Cassie and she fainted, he must have thought..."Damn, I'm a good kisser". Tony, I loved it. That is the "Strangest" opening we have seen yet. 😉


Cool fact about the actress playing Cassie in this episode. Yes, they recast Cassandra for this episode, but it's not the first time this actress plays in an episode of Stargate. Back in season 2, episode 10 ... the episode called Bane... where SG-1 went to an abandoned world and got chased by these HUGE bugs and teal'c got stung and started to turn into bugs himself. If you remember the episode, you'll remember the girl that found him and helped him... eventually at the end of the episode there were water guns. Remember the young girl wearing a baseball cap and eating chocolate bars? That's the same actress. No, I didn't put that together myself :) ... it's when I just now looked up info on this episode to see if I could confirm or not if the actress had been recast I saw she played in a previous episode!


Ok, not sure if this is the 2nd or 3rd time so far that Teal'c does this... but I mentioned before in a previous episode where Teal'c swipes a security card but you can clearly see he has the security card backwards...well he does it again in this episode while they are sweeping the base to find Nirti (how do you spell that?)... at one point Teal'c "clears" an area and swipes his security card to lock the gate behind him, but if you watch carefully you can see the black stripe is out! I'm fairly sure he does this a few more times over the years...and I'm still not sure if it's always just an accident or if it's supposed to be some kind of subtle joke!