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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/rilf36y4ctgs8ql/Stargate%20SG-1%20S05E05%20-%20Red%20Sky%20FULL%20REACTION.mp4?dl=0

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Bad science! Bad! No cookie for you! The core of a star contains trillions (or quadrillions) of tons of hydrogen, and nuclear fusion takes place over hundreds of thousands of kilometres. What the fuck are a few atoms going to do to stop that? They had Carter try to dump some other atoms into the star using a rocket. What!? That thing would evaporate before getting anywhere near the core of the star. Then she tries to precision-dump the atoms into the core over a distance of lightyears... Do I even need to say how silly that is? Even the idea of mopping up these heavy elements by forming molecules is stupid, because molecules can't even exist at the temperatures within the core of a star (which is at millions of degrees).


The kazoo hurts my ears.

Retro Tom

At the time this aired I didn't have a subscription to Showtime so I was watching SG-1 in it's syndicated run where it was in between seasons 3 & 4. Showtime had a free preview weekend so this was the 1st episode I watched as it originally aired. Thankfully it was an episode that didn't have any spoilers for me As for Dr. McLaren, this was his first appearance. The dialogue does imply that Sam has met him so it must of happened off camera in between episodes or perhaps before the show started. Considering he was never seen before it would've been nice if they had just 1 line of dialogue explaining when 7 where they knew each other from

Patrick - Excelsior

In reply to Tony's comment on Olin racking up a huge credit card bill for Carter. He also gave her an Emerald that is worth somewhere in the million dollar range. So she can sell that and pay her bills (I assume her credit limit on cards does not go above a hundred thousand) and take a nice vacation..

Patrick - Excelsior

Kazoooooo!!! : o ) 📣 You tell'em Shan, Malchus and his stupid Covid causing hat! The Asgard need to work on the recording they leave. "Hello, you have prayed to Frair. Press 1 if this is a general prayer. Press 2 if your crops are failing. Press 3 if the sun is turning red. For all other problems please wait in the holy hall and an Asgardian will be with you shortly.


Fair enough.. Debt settled then 😌👍