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Patrick - Excelsior

Wow, that was a lot of Chakas in that episode. I guess you could say it was Chockablock -a- Chakas. 😂 Good episode. Interesting themes. The humans, by making slaves of their previous masters, have become just as corrupt as the Goa'uld they overthrew. This put SG1 in the position of helping the Unas (the descendants of Goa'uld host) defeat the humans (their own race.) Now will the Unas learn from this and Not re-enslave the humans once they are free? ...


Interestingly enough, there's an episode of Star Trek Enterprise that follows a similar plot. Different aliens of course, but identical concept otherwise.


1. I'mma just start reposting notes if you miss them.. Am I the only one who noticed Sams bed was weirdly placed?? Diagonally occupying the room ...What kinda sociopath does that?? 2. Are you seriously turning my joke around on me asking: "Are you telling me you haven't changed the oil in your car 3 times?" ....Bish... I haven't changed it ONCE. ....I've refilled it a couple of times and perhaps they changed it during a checkup.. But that's it... What are you dissecting my joke for?? Are you working for the auto shop??? You trynna scam me out of some money? Huh? Cause I have a guy who gets me deals on auto checkups so you're shit outta luck mate! 3. Yeeeeeaahh... NOT a fan of calling the stargate "Anulus" ....You say it sounds like analyst ...I wasn't thinking of that word.. I was more thinking of another round object where objects pass through 4. I'm sorry.. Maybe I'm a bit of a du....... I'm a dum dum... How is fixing the sun considered artificially advancing a civilization??? If these people's sun goes red and the next day back to yellow or whatever colour their sun was before.. And they lack the knowledge of how this even happened ....How did they "advance"??? Sounds to me like the Asgard had a momentary case of ceebs 5. Agreed... The problem the people of K'Tau have with their sun is at least 68.9% the cause of that annoying dude's stupid hat 6. The engineer helping Sergeant Syler with the rocket a.k.a the dude holding the GHUGE wrench.. His name is Martin Wood.. He's another one of them blink and you'll miss them producers/writers who appears from time to time 7. A shoe that goes the length of your head to your knees?? The fuck are they feeding people in Melbourne that anyone would need shoes that big??? ....SM33?? 8. Nope.. No fucking clue why they played a bit of an epic theme as this random scientist dude showed up with his element to save the K'Tau sun ...We've never seen this dude before 9. BuuuuuuuullllfuuuuckingSHIT. dude! "I would gladly die myself to serve the will of the gods" ...Yet here you fucking are... You and your fucking stupid ass hat should be ashamed of yourselves ...Luckily the Asgard changed their minds on saving your planet or thanks to you and your followers (who most likely also all have stupid hats) your whole civilization would've been wiped out! 10. Why were the people in that church not immediately on board with Daniel when he told them they could come to another world with him?? Earlier in the episode they thought SG-1 were elves sent by Freyr a.k.a. their god... Choosing to stay makes no sense when your gods servants ask you to come with them ....Religious people... SMH 11. Yup.. Katie (my old friend) the actress who played Cassandra in previous episodes was cast as Kitty Pryde for X2 around the time of shooting this episode.. Hence why the character got recast ...Not a whole lotta good that "big role" did as in the next movie the role again got recast and it went to Elliot Page ...Good for Katie I suppose since at the time she told me she never really wanted that amount of fame anyways ...She later went to mostly do stunt work but by that time we didn't really speak any more due to reasons 12. Thanks Froots... Like I told you later in voice.. I went with the Stranger Things intro for this one since Cassandra was displaying powers much like Eleven.. I thought it was fitting to the theme of the episode ...I'm glad you liked it 13. I suppose bringing Cassandra to the SGC would be the best choice.. I doubt that there's ANY doctor on Earth with the amount of experience that Frasier has ....Sure she appears to fumble sometimes or whatever... But she's got more experience with off world diseases than anyone else in her field.. All kidding aside she's probably the best doctor on Stargate SG-1 14. Yeah those pieces in chess don't look like knights AT. ALL. ...I'm with you and O'neill.. They're horses ...Also loving the whole bringing up magnets being behind Cassy being able to move the chess piece ...If you can't explain the cause... It's probably magnets 15. Sounds like a random bug on the phone Froots... Happened to me once with Spotify.. It randomly started playing some song that I was last listening to a couple hours before ...Fairly certain I was even out and about by that time cause I remember it being kinda awkward for some reason ..Not that it was a weird song.. But the fact that my phone all of a sudden started playing a song even though I had shut off Spotify ...Phones can be weird 16. Aight I'mma just say it... New Cassy kinda has a resting bitch face ...Sorry not sorry 17. Yeah... Why the fuck was Nirti trynna stunt on everyone's asses doing that flippy flip while jumping through the window? Bish.. You were invisible during half of it... If you're trynna be cool.. At least turn off your cloaking device 18. Yeah no idea why they just let Nirti dial her own coordinates... I would've had Carter whip up some program that made Nirti think she was going to a planet of her choosing but instead would've just dialed to some really fucked up insta-death planet ...It'd be one less Goa'uld to worry about 19. Add webslinging effects to edit ...Cause ofcourse I'm able to pull that off.. I'm Tony ...Apparently I'm a miracle worker 20. You seeing some Unas in chains: "How could you do this to him he's so cuuute! ..I am going to stab these people" ....Holy crap you went from adorkable to full on psycho in like.. 2 seconds .......I love it! 21. Did this archaeologist dude with the glasses just introduce the military guy next to him as Colonel Daniel Jackson?? ....No?? ...Aight I'mma fix that shit 22. Y'know... For a society who claims to have risen up against the Goa'uld and taken their weapons.. They look like they're kinda underdeveloped in technology... Their town looks like it belongs in a western movie or something ...Surely the Goa'uld would've come back in force to enslave them again a long time ago ....At least the Tau'ri have advanced far enough to kinda be a match to the Goa'uld ....The fuck would these people even do?? 23. You to Chaka: "Don't worry baby we'll be coming back for you... You will be pooping again" ....I am deceased 24. You to bearded dude: "Shut yo fucking beard up and I'll throw it at your face" Froots that doesn't even make any goddamn sense... But whatevs.. You tell em gurl! 25. Yo... Chaka found himself some friends!? ...Our boy is for sure starting a band! ...Coming to a planet near you! Beats by Chaka 2.0.. Jam to it while you're dropping Goa'uld System Lords or just listen to it while you're poopin'!