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Chris Peacock

The piece of the dagger in young Grace's head was counter acting the cure and still making her a meta. Destroying the dagger destroyed the piece in Grace's head letting the cure work on young Grace. It was still the cure that erased Alicia Grace.


It had nothing to do with having consent from her uncle or any parental figure. It was mentioned earlier in the season that the cure should never be forced upon a Meta. The Meta in question has to be the one, free of any form of pressure, to take the decision and say: I want the cure. That's why they asked Grace if she wanted the cure. The reason it didn't work at first was explained by Chris. And once the dagger was destroyed a new timeline was created, one where this version of Grace never existed. And therefore that version of her was removed from existence.

Jordan St. James

I don't understand how destroying the dagger would destroy the piece in Grace's head. The only way that would make sense would be if the two were so connected that getting rid of one gets rid of the other, which would be oddly convenient. But then, this episode was full of plot holes.

Chris Peacock

I have a reply to this but can't give it yet. Put a pin in this for now. We'll come back to it. lol

Jordan St. James

Congratulations, Mr. Ramon, you've just deprived Team Flash of a major powerhouse. No more instantaneous portal jumping to stop supervillains (like what you just did with Thawne). No more vibing things to get crucial information that could save lives. All so that you didn't have to be burdened with responsibility and you can go out with your girlfriend in peace. Oh wait, don't you get attacked by bad guys on a regular basis because they know that you work with the Flash? Gee, it would nice if you had superpowers in those moments to protect yourself and whoever could be around you. Let's give Cisco a big round of applause for great decision-making, everybody!

Luis Garcia

I have already stated before, but I never liked the Cisco not wanting his powers storyline. If Cisco didn't want to be Vibe anymore, he could just not use his powers and keep them in case of an emergency. I could keep going on, but I think we've talked about this enough. I did enjoy the Thawne stuff we got this season, but I think out of the first five seasons, this one was my least favorite.


Team Flash going to the future to fight Reverse Flash, one of their strongest enemies and a speedster. Iris: let me grab my gun! Yeah she had to be there to say goodbye to Nora but still funny how she is always coming with them. Also I dont think Reverse Flash story makes sense. He wanted Nora to create a new Cicada so they can beat him and the dagger disappears because they never caught original Cicada. But if they never caught original Cicada then why do they have his dagger And about Grace: I dont know if they can force her to take it just because she is a child even though she doesnt want it but future Grace probably doesnt want the cure so they cant give the cure to child Grace without her permission I guess(?) Also about the question why she wasnt already erased when Grace took the cure, it didnt work and they mentioned it. I think future Grace did something with her power idk


If you wanna know what the Newspaper said BEFORE the change: Flash, Green Arrow, Atom and Hawkgirl were involved in this Crisis and Flash and Reverse Flash had a fight and they BOTH vanished If you wanna know what it says AFTER the change: Flash, Green Arrow, Supergirl, Batwoman, White Canary and other legendary heroes are involved. And the same thing about Flash and Reverse Flash fight


American Pie was lame, American Alicia(Alicia Pie?) was underdeveloped......in a 22 episode season, there is just no excuse to have an underdeveloped villian((( They kinda just relied on Thawne to save this sh1t, and I mean he kinda did, 'cause he's the best. But it could've been better, much better. Tom is a regular they could've shot more scened with him as RF. They should've defeated American Pie in the the 100th episode, and either focused on Thawne for the second half of the season, or if you insist on keeping his presence to the minimum, should've focused on Alicia. Instead they kinda didn't focus on anyone and it was a mess. And why the dagger disappeared from Thawne's chest in 2049 if they destroyed it in 2019? Shouldn't he never been dampened with it for those 15 years. I know why, for dramatic effect and for the cool "time to repent" with Eobard channeling his inner Emperor Palpatine))) But still. That is silly. If you do time-travel, do it smart, make it make sense. Or don't do it. It kinda makes me fell like the writers are stupid, or lazy, or both. And I don't want to think like that about people I don't know) I don't know anybody who wanted and/or liked what they did with Cisco this season. If that was Carlos'es(however the f' you spell it) exit from the show. He could still leave as Vibe!!! His speach about not liking what Thawne said is stupid. Stupid cure storyline, I hated it then, I still hate it and everything that came with it!


My headcanon is that Thawne exists outside of time and timeline changes affect him differently. But yeah, the truth is writers just chose a compelling storyline over a storyline that makes sense. I'm not going to argue if that's a good choice or not cause I'm not a professional writer but I would like to see it adressed in some way. Time travel seems to work differently across shows and seasons of Arrowverse for some reason.

Brandon Wiesner

The season as a whole was not very good and that is largely due to the new characters and storylines introduced. American Pie, Cicada 2.0, Nora, the cure, Cisco taking it in the end and the fact that it had to do with Reverse Flash, a villain they have used multiple times already, all felt like the writers just throwing stuff in a hat and picking from it each ep. There was nothing that really changed the group as a whole. They are pretty much in the same place they were at the beginning of the season. I think it's probably the worst Flash season up to this point.

David Brown

When it was revealed that future Iris had put a power dampening chip in Nora to suppress her powers, you expressed sympathy for Nora and disagreed with future Iris for having done it. And I was with you on that. But with Grace you say she doesn't have that choice because her uncle, her guardian, gave consent. Well, future Iris gave herself consent to do it to child Nora. Make up your mind. You seem to be going in opposite directions on the same issue. The power dampening chip could at least be removed and the powers restored. The cure is permanent. And Grace is the one who will have to live with the consequences the rest of her life. HER life!


Btw how old is Reverse Flash? Lets imagine he was 30 when he took Wells body. 15 years until season 1 finale and 15 years in Jail and I hope he had some other hobbies than ruining Barrys life.. So hes 60+ years old?

Chris Peacock

I don't agree with Cisco's choice but I can respect that it is his choice.

Chris Peacock

Nora was born a meta and being a meta was not medically dangerous so that's a parent altering their child's very being to fit what they want. It may not be permanent, but Nora was an adult and Iris was happy to keep it in her. Iris was never gonna tell Nora. Grace was made a meta and in a coma, so that's a parent/guardian making a valid medical choice. One of those things is legal. One isn't. I'll let you guess which one.

David Brown

Neither and both. Nora is a meta because of the particle accelerator explosion. If that hadn't happened to turn Barry into a meta, he wouldn't have passed it on to Nora. She could have still been conceived and not inherit powers. As a parent of a minor, it was future Iris' legal decision to put the chip in Nora. Implanting it would be a medical procedure. I doubt Iris actually did it herself, she probably asked Caitlin to do it. When Nora reached adulthood, morally and ethically, Iris should have told Nora. It would then be Nora's decision to remove it or not. But was Iris legally obligated to tell her? Morally, yes. But where exactly is the law on this? I just never liked that she did it to her at all. Grace's uncle/guardian would have to sign something to legally give consent, he didn't (we didn't see him do it). The law can't just take Team Flash's word for it that he gave verbal consent. Also, even though future Grace kidnapped her younger self from the hospital, she was still legally under the hospital's care. If they had written legal proof of guardian consent, the cure would have to be administered by a doctor affiliated with the hospital. Caitlin works at S.T.A.R. Labs, not the hospital. The hospital would have to approve of Caitlin doing it.