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Jordan St. James

We just went through a whole show about multiple versions of the same character, i.e. Loki, but the idea of A Star-Lord instead of just Star-Lord is weird to you? I find that weird.

Jordan St. James

Red Skull "died" in the First Avenger when he touched the Tesseract and apparently disintegrated. But since the Tesseract turned out to be the Space Stone and had the ability to teleport people, it's more likely that the Cube transported him to Vormir instead of killing him. Whereas Red Skull in Captain Carter was most definitely squished by the hentai monster.


The “choice” that cause all this is as follows: 1-ego hires the ravagers, the information he gives them is a picture of the kid and that he’s not from earth. 2- the ravagers flew near wakanda, and due to vibrainum being a metal from space, alerted their ships of an alien object which was meant to be Peter. Also the thanos thing, since this was set around the same time of the first iron man movie in 2008, he wasn’t fully committed to his plan and probably wasn’t fully combat trained, I also like to believe their showing how influential T’challa could be if put in other peoples shoes. The collector, in one of Thor’s post credit scenes, was also trying to collect every stone. So it would make some since that he would be the “all powerful” one in thanos’ place. If any of that makes since.

Jordan St. James

This episode creates a major plot hole. At the end of the first Guardians movie, we find out that Peter Quill called himself Star-Lord because it was a nickname that his mother made up for him. So then, how would T'Challa have ended up with the name Star-Lord?

Jordan St. James

I have to say, the way everyone was fawning over and idolised T'Challa, seemingly because of how heroic and selfless he was, was very over-the-top and cartoonish. I know that T'Challa is probably a lot more altruistic than Quill is, but to have such characters as Yondu, who was such a ruthless mercenary, and especially Thanos, who was... well, Thanos (do I really need to explain?), change so drastically, seemingly because of T'Challa's influence was too much. The way T'Challa's altruism was portrayed here also just seemed so corny, caricaturish even. Maybe they thought they could get away with this stuff because they were trying to emulate the tone of Guardians, which was very tongue-in-cheek, but they just went too far with it.

Jordan St. James

It's interesting that Korath (the guy who was fanboying all over T'Challa at the beginning and then joined his crew) mentioned how T'Challa was "empowering the powerless" through his thievery. T'Challa was essentially doing what Killmonger was trying to do, except without the genocidal megalomania.

Jordan St. James

I would like to remind everyone that Thanos took on Captain America, Iron Man and Thor, who was wielding both Mjolnir and Stormbreaker, all at the same time. And yet, he was getting his ass kicked by the Black Order, who were his underlings, and he wasn't even fighting the whole quartet.

Jordan St. James

I think your comments about the seeming overabundance of fanservice here is perfectly legit. Me, personally, I didn't mind so much because if they wanted to toss easter egg after easter egg and fanservice after fanservice at us, I feel like this show would be the one to do that in, since they can pretty much just throw caution to the wind with respect to the continuity (mostly) and just have fun with the wider Marvel Universe.

Jordan St. James

Your curiosity about why they picked T'Challa over literally anyone else in the MCU to be Star-Lord instead of Quill is understandable. I feel like they explained it well enough in the episode (someone else in the comments can and already has elaborated on that), but honestly, they could have chosen any other character and found some way to justify it. Since these stories are probably non-consequential to the established continuity (until the powers that be decide otherwise), I suppose it doesn't really matter whether it was Quill, T'Challa or even Peter, Tony, Natasha, Clint, etc. The fun is just in seeing how any of these characters would've turned out in different circumstances, especially knowing what they're supposed to be like.

Andreas Froby

Just to make clear how we know it is around 2008 because it said 1988 when T'Challa was a boy in Wakanda and when it went to grown up T'Challa it said 20 years later :)

Jordan St. James

Man, they're bringing back all these big name actors to literally show up in a recording booth and just do one line of dialogue. Kurt Russell was in this for like 2 seconds. It was the same thing back in the first episode. Remember Erskine, the scientist who created the Super Soldier Serum back in the First Avenger? They actually managed to get Stanley Tucci to come back and perform his ONE line for the episode, literally a decade after the original movie came out. Do you think they paid all these actors ungodly sums of money? Or did they just come back as favours to the producers, fans or even their loved ones who probably love the movies? Hell, for all we know, the Almighty Mouse might've strong-armed them into returning via their contracts.

Chris Peacock

I was more open minded for this one yet liked this one even less. I guess I'm out for the rest of this series.

Andreas Froby

Dr Strange saw, wasn't 16 million versions of endgame, but the multiverse is infinity so if he had infinity amount of times he could sat there for ever and seen so many options.


I feel like this show is not believable at all, such a shame :/


Of course.... Thanos is on the good side now and you know.. everytime a strong bad guy joins the good side he gets his ass kicked.. Come on he beat Hulk and even Captain America, Ironman and Thor couldnt beat him.. he didnt even use one of the infinity stones against them Also 1988 Yondu came to earth and it said 20 years later so 2008. Makes sense why Nebula looks normal but that means the Collector got Caps shield, Thors hammer and Helas helmet and they stopped Thanos all that even before Tony became Ironman (maybe they meant 30 years so 2018?). And about Red Skull you can see how he got beamed up into the universe when he held the space stone and he told Thanos he got banished so hes probably not a ghost


Also I like the ending. It seems like everything is better with T'Challa as Starlord (he turned people like the Ravagers and Thanos good and they are trying to save many worlds) and they have a happy end. But then Ego shows up and the Watcher just says "this might spell the end of the world". Well that turned dark


I think this series is taking a far more lighthearted approach to the characters than they are in the movies, which is why Red-Skull went from a terrifying presence to a mustache-twirling villain and why Thanos is portrayed as a good guy with a bad plan instead of a bad guy with good intentions and a very bad plan, not to mention the way they played off his relationship with Nebula as a stereotypical dad-daughter tension instead of anything as serious as a history of abuse would lead to. I think that's the draw of the show though, it's not meant to be the next big step in the MCU, it's a fun, fan-service filled series of one-offs meant to be entertaining without all the seriousness that bogs down the movies (which is why the serious subplots seem to get resolved within five minutes of popping up) and poke fun at the more nonsensical aspects of the movies. I choose to think of it like a clip show or recap episode (especially the ones from A:TLA and LoK) where they look back at the story so far and poke fun at the parts that were weak and the fan responses to them. It doesn't really give us something new and meaningful, just something to keep us entertained while we wait.

Brandon Wiesner

This comment section is already pretty packed, so I'll just say that I thought the episode was good and a lot of fun.

Luis Garcia

The first two episodes were on opposite ends of the spectrum when it comes to changes. The first episode had minimal changes, but only because we stuck close to the time the first change happened. If we continued with that timeline, there could have been bigger changes, like no winter soldier. The second episode showed quite a different universe, but that also make sense given the change. The change happened in 1988, so because a lot of time has passed, there are greater changes. T'Challa convincing Thanos to change probably happened years prior to when what would have been the battle of New York. It could be possible that back then, Thanos was more likely to change his mind. I do agree that there was a lot of fan service that probably didn't make sense in terms of when and how the Collector could have gotten certain items. Also, since Thanos was convinced not to commit mass genocide, Thanos probably didn't visit Gamora's planet. She is probably just living there with her family.


I just got caught up and I'm loving What If so far. The butterfly effect of one change upsetting the entire balance of things is just super interesting to me. Star Wars did this old series called Infinities - what if Luke turned to the dark side, what if Vader was good, etc. When creativity isn't capped by corporate greed in a long standing series, the results are amazing. I cannot wait for more. I'm enjoying this more than Loki and FATWS so far.


The same thing with Captain Carter and the shield in the last episode. Captain America (Steve Rogers) got the shield, because Steve Rogers liked to use shields. It was shown in the movie at least two times. Because of that Howard made the shield for him. Why would Agent Carter get a shield? We never saw her using a shield before.


As someone who read the what if marvel comics as a kid. I’m really loving the series so far. This episode was a step up since it really went big with the changes.


The original Star Lord got the name Star Lord because that was what his mother called him. So why...if T'Challa becomes the character...why would he be called Star Lord? Doesn't make sense. Also...when T'Challa was abducted as a kid he did not have his families necklace...it was still on his father's neck...so how did he end up with it later on? I have to say...it's really poor writing with these first 2 episodes so far! I mean ... he turned Thanos to the good side and had him rethink his entire reason for being...because he had a good argument? And they never tell us what that argument was? Very very very poor writing!


This was set in 2008, while the first Thor movie took place in 2011, before Odin put the enchantment on Mjölnir.

Christopher simeon

Just because they were his underlings does not mean they are not strong. Didn't wanda and vision have trouble fighting them?