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lol at the title being from the best superman film ever!

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The voice of J'onn's " brother" also voiced Green Lantern John Stewart in the Justice League/Justice League Unlimited animated series


Not a lot of comments so I'll ask a question: How would you (Shan and also other patreons reading this) compare this Lex to potrayals of Lex in other media? (Yes, I mean mostly Michael Rosenbaum, thought I'm not sure if comparing them is fair since one had 3 episodes and the other, what, 200+?)

Chris Peacock

This Lex is in my opinion the most accurate Lex to the comics (in live action). Which I love in this instance. For some characters I value comic accuracy and for some I say who cares. I am a hypocrite. Rosenbaum played a fantastic character. I won't try and say he was bad. I enjoyed his performance a lot. But his Lex wasn't very... Lex in my eyes. Which is the writing not the acting. Love DCAU Lex. Clancy Brown was perfect casting for animated Lex. I still read comic Lex with his voice just like I do for most DCAU characters honestly. DCAU for best DC show verse period. I won't be talking about any other animated versions of Lex. They are all behind this one. Gene Hackman is a brilliant actor. I thought he was brilliant as that era Lex. It's fairly comic accurate to that era of comics, but thankfully the comics improved the character because even though Hackman was great... modern Lex is a better character. Kevin Spacey was playing Hackman's Lex modernized. He was fine in the role, but it was a strange choice from a script stand point. Either have him play Hackman's Lex or Browns Lex. Don't have him be a strange hybrid. Jesse Eisenberg was bad. Horribly bad. But the thing is, I know he can pull off a brilliant Lex because he already has. It just wasn't in the DCEU and the character wasn't named Lex. So I'll blame the script. I loved John Shea's Lex for Lois & Clark. He wouldn't have worked in a different show but in that universe I enjoyed it. And that's every version of Lex I consider worth mentioning. To grade Cryer: 8 for acting. 9 for 2010's comic accuracy. Brown: 10 for voice acting. 10 for 1990's comic accuracy. Rosenbaum: 8 for acting. 5 for 2000's comic accuracy. Hackman: 9 for acting. 8 for 1970's comic accuracy. Spacey: 7 for acting. ? for a combo of 1970's and 2000's comic accuracy. Shea: 7 for acting. 8 for 1990's comic accuracy. Eisenberg: 6 for acting (but he has the talent for better). 3 for 2010's comic accuracy.

Zach Hershman

I am a big fan of both portrayals. They don't play the same Lex, but they play their versions so very very well.

David Brown

Why should it feel strange having a Crisis related moment on Supergirl just because it's a different Earth? Why would that matter? It's called Crisis on INFINITE Earths, after all.


The scene of Lex destroying the Kaznians with “My Way” by Frank Sinatra playing and him singing a long is SO GOOD. Might be my favorite moment this season


Season 4 is easily my favorite season of Supergirl. I love the Lex twist, and I really love that his plan all along was still completely about Clark...Kara was just a piece of the puzzle. It was an interesting way to tell a Superman story without Superman in it. Oh, also, what a boss move by Lex outing Kara with his dying breath. Even on his way out he sticks the knife in and gives it a twist. Lex rules. I agree with not being a fan of overly political storylines, but I felt this season did it quite well and it just worked for me. Maybe it’s because the political issues addressed were of a fictional nature and ones we’ll never deal with ourselves, but I think the whole alien amnesty/xenophobia storyline was great, and Sam Witwer killed it as Agent Liberty. I also love the Brainy personality switch subplot at the end of the season. While it’s a little too emotionless to compare directly, that version of Brainy feels much closer to the comics than the goofy, comic relief Brainy that we’d had up to that point. It was fun to watch Jesse Rath play the character with a more comics accurate depiction. All in all a great season of Supergirl. Looking forward to season 5.

Zach Hershman

The alien amnesty/xenophobia was a direct tie in to the illegal immigration policies under the last president. They did a really good job of making it feel like a real in universe issue, and I loved how they did it,but it was definitely building on real world politics.


I will not compare it to others but like Shan I only really knew Jon Cryer as Alan Harper from Two and a half men before so was a bit surprised at first but I really enjoyed his performance as Lex Luthor in Supergirl

Avalon Perry

I can’t imagine what’s going through Lena’s head, I mean to find out that the most important person in your life lied to you for 3 years must be really heartbreaking. I also think the blow might’ve been softened if Kara had actually been the one to tell her rather than her sociopathic brother, especially since he tried to make it worse by calling her a fool and making her feel terrible about herself for being friends with Kara and not realizing the truth sooner.

David Brown

Brainy wasn't being evil. He still shared the same goal as the good guys, he was just being very cold and logical with his strategy and methods to accomplish it.

Avalon Perry

I thought Katie’s acting performance when Lex told Lena the truth was actually really impressive. They way she was able to combine Lena’s realization with sadness and betrayal was amazing, and every time I watch that scene I kinda forget it’s not real. She has the tears welling up as well as that look of pure shock, combined with the almost regret for shooting Lex. It’s all just so perfect in my opinion, kudos to Katie.

Avalon Perry

Really looking forward to your season five reactions! I loved season five but it also made me very sad and angry. Let’s just say it’s a lot of emotions, but It’s also well done and I’m hoping you’ll enjoy it.